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Gay Scout leaders


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What would you do if you found out that one of the Girl Scout Assistant leaders was gay? Would you remove your child from that troop?

It's not my kids leader, so don't start freaking out!

I keep thinking of what someone on this forum once said ( I think it was Justice)....Love the sinner, but hate the sin.
I agree with the "Love the sinner, but hate the sin" statement. As long as the scout leader did not try to teach the scouts about their (the leader's) chosen lifestyle, I would not have a problem with it. Easy for me to say because my child is not involved. I would try to get to know the person that the leader is, and see whether they would be someone who would try to influence the scouts with their views on alternate lifestyles.

It comes down to trust. If I felt that I could not trust the leader, then I would not expose my child to them.
I'd be more concerned with molestors...and most of them are heterosexual.

Gay people don't teach homosexuality. It's not a sin, it's a biological condition.

Christians used to think mental illness was demonic possession, and as a result persecuted untold thousands of these people.

How long will it be before they figure out that homosexuality is a biologically determined, and stop persecuting them as well?
I wonder if anyone has ever seen a gay deer, cat, bird, etc...? If it is natural - why have I never seen one?
Heidi_Mighty_Mo said:
I wonder if anyone has ever seen a gay deer, cat, bird, etc...? If it is natural - why have I never seen one?

All deers are gay. :lol:

Homosexual behaviour has been observed in apes and chimpanzees, man's closest relative. And this goes beyond just displays of dominance.
BTW, I don't mean to say that it's "natural."

I think it's an error of nature, really, but not deserving of any social stigma.

Christians seem to have a tough time understanding that there could be "errors" in nature, but I would ask them to explain:

1. Conjoined twins
2. Hermaphrodites
3. All physical birth defects
4. Autism/all mental defects
5. etc..etc..etc...

I don't think homosexuality is a reproductively viable variation, but it does seem to have a fairly constant incidence rate.
That is interesting what you say and I had never heard of that about apes, will have to check it out.

I understand your point but since the Bible says it is sin, then I have to agree with what it says. That does not mean that we should treat these people like they are a disease. They are no better or worse than any of us. I struggle with things as we all do, I lose my temper from time to time and say things I shouldn't, I give in to gossip before realizing it though I try hard not to, these may seem like small things but as the Bible says, if you are guilty of one, you are guilty of all. That is why we all need His salvation offered freely to all who will accept it.
I understand your point but since the Bible says it is sin, then I have to agree with what it says.

I understand, and I am glad that you treat gay people I would have expected from talking to, typing with you.

The only thing to keep in mind about the Bible, though, is that it is what caused people to treat the mentally-ill for demonic possession in the first place....and the treatment killed the patient if he/she was lucky.

Males and females basically start out the same in the womb, and their development is highly influenced by feminine and masculine hormones. Hormones levels can vary, so you would expect there to be varying states of feminine and masculine traits. Most come out wholey one sex, but some are born with conflicting traits and ambiguous sex organs.

Anywho...anybody can read up on this stuff or take a sex ed class. Sexual attraction is biological and biology sometimes goes wrong.

BTW, I'm straight and love women. :lol:
Yes, that is true what you say about demon possesion and it is sad that people have been treated so horribly as a result of epilepsy or whatever mental disorder that has had the appearance of demon possesion. In the Bible, there are clear cases where demon possesion was real and others where it was assumed but can easily be labeled today as epilepsy. Either way, in all those that are mentioned in the Bible (at least all the ones I can recall) were brought up to show that Jesus healed them.

We are also all created to be sexual beings but sex outside of marriage is a sin - but inside of marriage it is a gift that God gives us. Lets just say that homosexuality is caused by some defect - that person can still choose to be celebate. There are many things that the "natural man", "flesh" or sinful side of us desires to do, it does not make it right or acceptable. Just a little more food for thought anyway :) .
We are also all created to be sexual beings but sex outside of marriage is a sin - but inside of marriage it is a gift that God gives us. Lets just say that homosexuality is caused by some defect - that person can still choose to be celebate. There are many things that the "natural man", "flesh" or sinful side of us desires to do, it does not make it right or acceptable. Just a little more food for thought anyway .

And that's where we differ...

I don't believe in sin. But that's just me.
I hope I don't sound like I am trying to be rude - just wanting to clarify where you stand is all. If you don't believe in sin, do you also not believe in death or hell? I have a friend who believes this way and does not accept the Bible as God's inspired Word but believest that the book "A Course In Miracles" is (this book was written by a woman who was an atheist). Just curious.

Anyway - here is a link to check out as well, kind of interesting:
Heidi_Mighty_Mo said:
I hope I don't sound like I am trying to be rude - just wanting to clarify where you stand is all. If you don't believe in sin, do you also not believe in death or hell? I have a friend who believes this way and does not accept the Bible as God's inspired Word but believest that the book "A Course In Miracles" is (this book was written by a woman who was an atheist). Just curious.

Anyway - here is a link to check out as well, kind of interesting:

I believe in death, but I don't believe in Heaven or Hell.

I think life is meaningless in the absolute sense, but can have personal meaning for an individual, or meaning for a group if they come together and construct that meaning.

When I say I don't believe in sin, it doesn't mean that I don't believe in right and wrong. I just don't think those things have anything to do with sin...which is definitionally something that God said you shouldn't do because it displeases him.

I know that if there was a God that wanted to communicate with us, he wouldn't use the same method to get his message across as does Anthony Robbins...a frickin' book. He also wouldn't use imperfect people to spread his perfect word and then hold people accountable to that since it's common knowledge that people lie and manipulate to control other people. It wouldn't be moral of God to do that.

Also, geesh...the world is billions of years old. Sharks themselves have been around for like 300 million years. It's one thing to believe in a higher power, but to believe in the Bible as literal history...that's just too much.
Ok, I see now. Thanks for sharing. :biggrin I was just a little confused on what you believed because of some of your first posts. I mean, I realized you were kidding around on some of that but wasn't sure how much.

I hope you don't mind if I say this one thing, since this is a Christian forum, as a Christian I believe that I should try to reach people with the truth of God, His Word and His gift of salvation. Why? Not because I want to be right and hold it over anyone's head, but because I care and am thankful for what He has done for me and want to share it with others. I believe what the Bible says about Hell and thus, I would want to reach as many people as I can with the message of salvation to spare them this.

I see "Christians" who seem to just want to prove they are right and do not seem to care for anyone or their feelings. I believe everyone deserves respect and should be treated with love and kindness, despite their beliefs or lifestyle.

Ok, I have more to say but I will have to do that later - my TKD instructor is here now!

ttyl! :biggrin
I guess I did pretty much say what I meant to there. I will just elaberate a bit.

I was just wanting you to understand why some Christians like myself want to prove that God is real and His Word is truth. It is because God has shown His love, mercy and grace to us and helps us to see that He loves all and desires the same for others as He has given us. It is a learning process because there will always be that person that makes us angry or drives us nuts, but through prayer, God has shown me to see others through His eyes - with love. Once this happens, all the postive things about that person really start to stand out and I am reminded how imperfect I am as well, no one is any better than anyone else.

Another thing to consider is that even if us Christians are wrong - we have nothing whatsoever to lose by believing. On the other hand, if He is real and a person chooses not to believe and accept His salvation, they lose everything.

Ok - sorry to ramble! I am done now. :biggrin
HA! I wondered if someone would mention somethign like that!

In a way, yes, but in another way, no.

Some people are obviously more given to evil intentions, but all are sinners. The only difference with those who accept the gift of salvation is that they are forgiven of their sins - all can be forgiven, even Saddam, but they have to accept and believe. Of course, this would mean first realizing one's own depravity. How can one accept salvation unless they realize they need it.
In a way, yes, but in another way, no.

So God has no conception of degree?

And no conception of fairness or "letting the punishment fit the crime?"

(You see, what makes me think Christianity is a cult is because of its main premise. It breaks you down and makes you admit that you are nothing, and then builds you up. It's how all cults and brainwashing techniques work.)
No, I believe God has every idea of fairness, and then some, and that He is aware of degrees. However, all you have to do is steal one time to be a theif, murder one time to be a murderer. This isn't just the way God sees it but the way our own law and culture sees it. You sin only once - you are a sinner. Thus, still in need of His salvation.

I did not say that God sees us as nothing - if we were nothing, how could He love us? When my children disobey, they are wrong - does this mean I see them as nothing? Certainly not! Sure I get angry at them, but I still love them very much and would be willing to die for them. I discipline them to teach them right from wrong because I love them and desire what is best for them. If I allowed them to do whatever they wish and gave them no boundaries or discipline - they will learn nothing and most likely be lazy, trying to find a way to live off of government or they will end up in prison (o yeah - that is living off the tax payers money too!).

I love them to much to want to see them end up that way so I teach and discipline them, but I still can not make their choices for them. I give them all I canm but they must choose what road they want to take. God does the same for us - He laid down the laws but we must choose to accept and obey. If we don't, we choose the punishment that He would rather not give us but will because He is just. If we ask forgiveness - then He offers His mercy (not giving us what we deserve) and grace (giving us what we don't deserve).
Right, you love your children.

And if God loves his children, then he won't forsake them if they didn't find the way within the small amount of time they were on the Earth. Some people are barely on here for a moment...a "blink" in the vastness of time. If God is just, he will reveal things to people when they die, and then offer them forgiveness...and not say, "Well, sorry, it's too late. My love and compassion has a time expiration."


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