The Lord says it was a re-creation, and to re-plenish the earth.
Could you provide scripture references for that? The NT especially, teaches "ex nihilo"; that is, "out of nothing". The thought of pre-existance came from Gnosticism and was considered heresy and now it's creeping in again, via liberal theology. FYI, I'm not exactly YEC either, but I reject the notion of a pre-existant civilization prior to our Genesis account.
Right now, I really don't have time to go into the details, which would take several pages of depth on at least 3 or 4 different, but related subjects.
Well I'm certainly not a Liberal Theologian. Can you explain what YEC means, and while yer at it and IMO too, please?
(This is all off the top of my head so be patient)
Like I said previously, I believe the Genesis creation account is an account of the events viewed from earth. God always writes with the subject a.k.a. Israel, the disciples, his people in mind.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
HERE THE Earth Is Created, Just Once the Beginning of all (Evolutionary) Time
Gen 1:2 And the earth was (became) without form, and void (waste and a desolation); and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Here The Earth, became a waste and a desolation. What was previously created is no longer, a viable living organism for life in one form or another.
Some people call this the Gap Theory, I just call it common sense.
Upright animals or Man have been around a while. They weren't Adam's son's though. The advent of Neaderthal's, and Cro-Mag's in the last 100 thousand years has led the species to adapt, build tools, etc ... With Neanderthals and Cro-mag's dying out, possible due to man, and the advent of the end of the last ice age some 12-10 thousand years ago modern civilization has developed.
If you take the literal days of creation as God's days not man's. A day to God is as a 1000 years to man, it says in the Bible somewhere. Then you come to roughly this period of the last Ice Age. The Sphinx supposedly has been around some 10,000 years scientists now believe. The fact that they built it on the giza plateau is significant for it and the Great Pyramid of Giza due to its relation to the earth, the bedrock, etc ...
In Plato, Solon is reprimanded by the priests of Egypt that the Greeks, forgot there past when, they defeated the people of Atlantis from beyond the pillars of Heracles. Scholars debated whether the event was in the very ancient past or revatively (a few 1000 years) in there past. They also debate whether it was in the Atlan mountains or in the Atlantic. In any event a memory of a civilzation of great antiquity that existed in the great past was still remembered by them. These same priests tell Solon That two pyramids were built one in Egypt and one in mesopotamia, of which onlyt the one in Egypt survived because it was built of stone not brick. Because the of ancient belief that the earth (or parts of it) were periodically destroyed by water or fire.
Anyways, back on track, if the Word ex-niliho comes from verse 2 The earth had already been created, This is backed up by several scriptures, Jerremiah looking back sees a a time when no man existed. The Kaboe analyge verses in both the New and Old Testaments. The fact God tells Adam and Eve to replenish the earth. In order to re-plenish something it must already be plenished.
Theres also the archeological evidence of precision made, screws, tools, walls of buildings, etc ... resting in layers of sentiment not normally associated with it. In fact you can find ancient scandals making footprints of crushed ancient sea animals, man's footprints residing beside dinosaurs, and vases hidden within lumps of coal. Even ancient Incan, Greek, Etc ... art depicting Dinosaurs that where anotomically coreect in to great a detail to ignore.
To make a longer story short for now. I believe The 1st Great flood was the Genesis 1:1 1/2 Flood and Noah's was a Smaller More Localized Flood that happened to the Meditereanian / Middle East area. I believe the 1st Flood was the The fisrt Overthrow of Satan for his rebellion. Peter States there have been 3 Ages, the One that was, The One that is, and the One that will be.
I gotta stop right here for now. Let me see if I can find a few of me old posts.