The Barbarian said:
Barbarian observes:
That is what we observe happening.
Since you enjoy making that claim, why not expound upon it for us here.
You can learn more about it here: ... sions.html
Very funny. I saw nothing there but a few paragraphs that echo the story, not support it. Why not show us what you think I missed? The link from your site to another did mention that the galaxy was in the 'early stages' of joining with another. Face it, we have only observed, what was it, since Hubble?? Not a lot of time to make huge conclusions.
If the universe state were to change, and you can't speak to that at all, the course of the galaxy could be different. You are left with a case that depends only on a claimed state of the past or future universe you simply can't back up! Thanks for illustrating that real nice for us here. What a scream!
Now, what we do have is a pattern in the heavens that needs interpreting. The interpretation is very different if the universe was or will not be the same state of physical only.
We could look it it one of a few ways, if it were different.
1) The state of matter, and gravity, and all forces were different, so what we see cannot be explained by the present state, and also will again be different one day.
2) the state of the universe was different even affecting time as we get far from earth, the center of the universe. This means we could be watching a creation rewind! That galaxy, in this scenario, would not be coming together. It may be moving apart, if we 'rewind the movie'!
Either way, your speculations on what must be happening based solely on assuming a present state are pure religion.
[quote[Why is it exactly that you think they are crashing?
They are moving together at high speeds. Yes, we can measure such things.[/quote]
No, you can't save by measuring with an assumption you can't begin to prove, and that is contrary to the word.
[quote:baf27]I mean, remember, science has only really observed for a very short time here. How much crashing have we actually seen??[/quote[
Innumberable examples. In the time we've been able to see them precisely, perhaps millions of miles of crashing.
False. That is only what you think you see based on using your assumption to interpret. A fair look at the actual facts says nothing of the sort! It simply says that it appears to be moving a certain direction in the present. Stick to that, and forget your silly anti bible fables.
Barbarian on dad's "other universes":
I'm sure that there are many imaginary universes where it doesn't happen. But we happen to live in the real one.
Where what didn't happen is the question!
"In dad's imaginary universe." is the answer.
Like heaven? The coming new heavens? That is like saying that everything a blind lady can't see is imaginary. You just are severely limited in perception of the past and future, so you make stuff up!
Creation happened.
It happened it the real universe too, dad. Just not the way you want.
The real universe, despite your baseless claims, includes the spiritual! It also includes a past and future universe state you can know nothing of!!! Your claims are like those of Buzz Lightyear, claiming he can go to infinity and beyond!!! Nonsense! You can only operate in the temporary state that is quite real, but not all that will be or was real. Science has NOTHING it can say about it, much less you!
Barbarian observes:
They are in fact, colliding. What other interpretation do you think is possible? Notice the emphasis. No imaginary stuff, unless you have evidence to support it.
Well, that depends on the actual facts.
If you don't know the facts, what makes you think you have an alternative interpretation?
I never said I didn't know, I say you don't. Why not prove otherwise and put your knowledge on the table here and now, rather than vague and silly bluster?? Really.
For example, do we know some stars there are moving the one way, and other stars are moving the other way,
Yep. Of course, we can also use the same method to show the direction and velocity of the galaxy as a whole. Doppler effect. And now is the time for dad to stop stalling, and show us his alternative explanation, based on facts.
Show us some details of why you think the Doppler effect helps your case for a same state past. I call you out, enough vague and empty words. Clouds without rain.
and, so, we can plot the paths, and determine a crash?
Yes. And now it's time for dad to stop stalling, and to show us his alternative explanation.
Already done in this post. Here it is again in case you missed it
1) The state of matter, and gravity, and all forces were different, so what we see cannot be explained by the present state, and also will again be different one day.
2) the state of the universe was different even affecting time as we get far from earth, the center of the universe. This means we could be watching a creation rewind! That galaxy, in this scenario, would not be coming together. It may be moving apart, if we 'rewind the movie'!
Or ...??? Why exactly do you say it is 'crashing'?
Two objects colliding at high speed.
Barbarian observes:
Well, it's going to be a very long time. But several galaxies are on a collision course with us.
You claim that present courses will also be in effect in the coming new universe.
In your imaginary universes, who knows? We can only say things about the real one.
So you think all but the present is imaginary, unless it is precisely like the present! I see. Interesting dream. Let's see you extend the present to infinity and beyond as you claim. What a story.
It's very well established. We know, based on physics, how long it takes to burn elements from hydrogen to carbon (which is as far as our sun can go), after which it burns out.
We all know what would happen if this universe stayed the same state, so?? That is not going to happen, and you have nothing but a silly and very baseless claim it will. Good news, a new universe or heavens is really coming that is the eternal state. The real nature state. The created state.
Easy to tell such a funny story. But the bible says the earth is forever, and the sun.
It says the earth can't move, and has pillars holding it up. But we learned a long time ago that much of it is figurative.
No, we haven't. The earth is forever, and will never be moved any more than the righteous will be moved! It will have the surface burned with fire to make it clean and new, and our bodies likely will also die before we reach that eternal state, but that changes nothing. We shall not, we shall not be moved. Really. As for pillars..
1. pillar, column
1. pillar
2. column, upright
column (of smoke) "
Now, it could be referring to the time when the heavens will pass away, and earth burned with fire, except the foundations, or pillars, which are forever!!!! Thanks for that!
"Psalms 75:3
The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved…
Or "melted" the inhabitants, through fear and dread of the righteous Judge, appearing in the clouds of heaven, and of the wrath that is coming on they are deserving of; and
the earth, through fire, when the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, the elements melt with fervent heat, and the earth and the works therein shall be burnt up, (2 Peter 3:10-12) .
I bear up the pillars of it.:
so that it shall
not utterly perish; " ... 75&verse=3
WE could look at the spin of an atom. Is there something that says atoms in the new heavens state will have that same spin?? No. Neither is there any reason to think a change in the fundamental forces, and laws, and light, and the fabric of space time itself we know in this present state physical only universe could be the same! Forget predictions of it all rotating, orbiting, and etc etc etc the same as now, UNLESS you prove that this universe will be, contrary to the bible, in the same state.
I think "if it doesn't deny it in scripture, it must be true" is poor reasoning.
The temporary state of the heavens and earth, and man is pretty clear. Our atoms must be going to be somewhat changed, to live forever!!! "We shall be changed"