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Bible Study Genesis 1:27 "in the image of God created he him; male and female"


Hi all, and peace be with you!

This is something that is frequently quoted but something I never understood, that "God created Adam in his own image". ["So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."]

The immediate interpretation of that line is that Adam looks like God, or God looks like a man. Is this the correct understanding of this passage?
In His Image!
Deu 6:5
And you shall love Jehovah your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

In creation our Sovereign God Created Man in His own Image, which is our Original Glory.
Sovereign means Because He wanted to!
He created us In His own Image.
Thinking, The ability to reason, know, and understand.
Feeling, The function of emotion, instinct, hope, despair, love, hate, courage, and fear.
Acting The Free Will of man to act on reason and understanding, tempered by emotion, even at times controlled by emotion. Man is free to act within his own Choice to serve God or not.
The image of God in man is Choice. Only Man, in all creation, has the Glory of God in the ability Think, Feel, Act, that is to freely make a choice.
Man was created in the image of God’s Glory with the ability to and right to Choose to serve God or not.
In His Image!
Deu 6:5
And you shall love Jehovah your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

In creation our Sovereign God Created Man in His own Image, which is our Original Glory.
Sovereign means Because He wanted to!
He created us In His own Image.
Thinking, The ability to reason, know, and understand.
Feeling, The function of emotion, instinct, hope, despair, love, hate, courage, and fear.
Acting The Free Will of man to act on reason and understanding, tempered by emotion, even at times controlled by emotion. Man is free to act within his own Choice to serve God or not.
The image of God in man is Choice. Only Man, in all creation, has the Glory of God in the ability Think, Feel, Act, that is to freely make a choice.
Man was created in the image of God’s Glory with the ability to and right to Choose to serve God or not.

Umm.. I'm not really catching your drift, to be honest.

"Thinking, The ability to reason, know, and understand.
Feeling, The function of emotion, instinct, hope, despair, love, hate, courage, and fear."

If this is what your explanation of "Image" means - I'm certain that animals also experience these emotions. The only one in your list I can accept is the ability to choose to serve God or not. That is exclusively human. But I don't see the jump from "Image of God" to "Free will to choose"?

Do you say though that it has nothing to do with appearance?
Umm.. I'm not really catching your drift, to be honest.

"Thinking, The ability to reason, know, and understand.
Feeling, The function of emotion, instinct, hope, despair, love, hate, courage, and fear."

If this is what your explanation of "Image" means - I'm certain that animals also experience these emotions. The only one in your list I can accept is the ability to choose to serve God or not. That is exclusively human. But I don't see the jump from "Image of God" to "Free will to choose"?

Do you say though that it has nothing to do with appearance?

Yes, God is an Eternal SPIRIT Essence not a physical being. Hands and Fingers nose and toes is not what is being discussed here.

Animals have a body and Physical life, but they act on instinct. they are not self aware of who am I and where am I. Reason, Emotion, Free will has been related to MAN in many writings from Plato the the present. Knowing who I am and that I can and should relate to God is only a trate of man. Yes the ability to Know God and Choose to serve Him is the image of God in Man.
There is a lot more going on in that verse than you may be able to see at surface level.

If we look at how God created from the beginning, he spoke creation into existence. He then blessed his creation by empowering it to continue creating. For example, God speaks the earth into existence, then commands it to bring forth animals and vegetation. From the sea he commands it to bring forth fishes etc.

But with man, we see that God specifically forms man out of what he had already created (dust). He did not command the dust to bring forth humanity like he did the livestock etc. But we also see this divine intervention when he "breaths" the breath of "life" into this first man as well. We can view that "breath" as a divine spark from God.

I did a study some time ago, and hear are some exerts from that study. I do hope you'll enjoy them.

As Elohim continues to utter, a natural order of events becomes clear. This in itself shows the divine wisdom of God, but what Elohim does in Genesis 1:22 is outstanding. Elohim actually blesses His creation and tells them to increase and multiply.

When order has been set, Elohim then creates humanity to tend to Elohim's creation and this is looked at as a blessing, not a curse. Thus far, all that Elohim has created is "good" and as such, all that Elohim has created is holy and untainted. That which has been created has also been blessed. In Hebrew thought, to be blessed is to live in a land that is abounding in richness and to have offspring for the generations ahead. Everything that God has created is holy, and everything God has created has been blessed with abundance and with offspring. This brings us to Genesis 1:26-28.

According to Genesis 1, when Elohim creates humanity, he creates humanity in a holy land and as holy people, he blesses them and provides them with all their needs, but most of all, they are in communion with Elohim as Elohim talks to them. At this point, all of creation is in perfect order and all is holy.

In Genesis 2:8, we see that it is God who plants a garden for the express purpose of providing for humanity. In Genesis 1:27 and 2:8, we see that man was created in the image of God, yet within that image, humanity is formed from God's creation (dust of the earth). Now then, the animals were created from God's creation as well (dust of the earth), so what sets us apart from the animal kingdom? Of course, it's having God's divine breath which makes us unique from the rest of creation in that we are rational and intelligent. No other creatures exhibit those traits.

When Adam names the animals, what is he really doing? We have already established in Gen 1 that God brings about order through his wisdom, and that he creates out of love for the implied purpose of fellowship and not for the purpose of ruling over as a dictator would. When we think about Adam naming the animals, Adam is realizing through rational thought the purpose of each animal and while doing so, he realizes his purpose and relationship to God as well. In other words, Adam realizes that he does not have a helper, which God realizes beforehand. Ironically, as mentioned before, God plants a garden, and Adam becomes his helper. God, being spirit has a companion, but man, being formed from the material does not have a suitable companion and this is realized through experience. As we see, creation is not static, it's moving in a direction, it has a purpose, and God's purpose is that all of creation one day will enter into his rest.
A very thought-provoking study. (Please do not think just because I'm not quoting it I didn't read it :D)

In Genesis 1:27 and 2:8, we see that man was created in the image of God, yet within that image, humanity is formed from God's creation (dust of the earth). Now then, the animals were created from God's creation as well (dust of the earth), so what sets us apart from the animal kingdom? Of course, it's having God's divine breath which makes us unique from the rest of creation in that we are rational and intelligent. No other creatures exhibit those traits.

So with regards to this word 'image', the understanding you've painted here is that it refers to God's divine breath and, as a result of which, the unique characteristics that distinguish us from other creation. Is this correct? I can accept this, it does make sense to me. As for the specific marks of humanity (you mentioned being rational and intelligent), this is definitely the next question. I'm not sure I agree with the two you named though, and I don't think they are taken from the Bible (especially in the light of scientific studies regarding animal intelligence). I think perhaps something else that marks us from them is the will to believe and disbelieve - what do you think? (Although, this is a topic to be discussed on its own! Namely, do we believe because we choose to or because God wills us to believe?)

Fascinating stuff.

I am quite content with the direction of this discussion, because all to often people read this and get the conception that Adam was created in this image... Therefore God must look like a human (old man with a beard sitting in the clouds). I intuitively knew that this cannot be what Christians believe from this verse, so thank you for explaining it to me!
A very thought-provoking study. (Please do not think just because I'm not quoting it I didn't read it :D)

So with regards to this word 'image', the understanding you've painted here is that it refers to God's divine breath and, as a result of which, the unique characteristics that distinguish us from other creation. Is this correct? I can accept this, it does make sense to me.

Partially... That portion goes more to show his concern for us as he created us. When God created all other living creatures, he did not show this type of closeness with them.

Another piece might be summed up in the word Holy. God was holy, and when we were created, he created us holy. But then again, the whole creation was holy wasn't it? Scripture tells us to be Holy, for He is Holy, so I have to suspect that we still have that capacity... it's never been "snuffed" out.

Think of an image as a sort of shadow. Take a tree for instance, it casts a shadow, thus it is an image, although it lacks the capacity for detail in relation to it's creator which in this instance would be the tree... loosely speaking.

But we are not talking about physical attributes such as skin, hair, and other parts of ones anatomy. No, perhaps it comes in the form of traits, like caring for, looking after and the like. Perhaps this is why God said:
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

And perhaps this is what has causes people to believe they were / are God's themselves in their own little universes.

As for the specific marks of humanity (you mentioned being rational and intelligent), this is definitely the next question. I'm not sure I agree with the two you named though, and I don't think they are taken from the Bible (especially in the light of scientific studies regarding animal intelligence).

Oh I agree. All living creatures do have this same breath of life, although it did not come through the intimacy in which we received our breath of life and they certainly are not able to receive the Holy Spirit as we either. Ants are marvelous creatures, yet they do not hold the capacity to build skyscrapers or go to the moon. Why is that? Because they were not given dominion over creation... So perhaps being created in God's image has to do with being a care giver to the rest of God's creation. thoughts?

I think perhaps something else that marks us from them is the will to believe and disbelieve - what do you think? (Although, this is a topic to be discussed on its own! Namely, do we believe because we choose to or because God wills us to believe?)

Fascinating stuff..

Yes it is fascinating. In the study I shared a link on, I mentioned Adam naming the animals. You may know this, but names were derived from an attibute, much in the same way the Native American's might have called a young child "strong arrow".

I would suggest that by Adam's doing so, and rightly naming the Animals, he would have discovered his relationship with both God and his surroundings. Was believing in God something we need to learn? Or do you think as the big things in life comes up we simply understand that there is something much bigger than us out there... and we too find our place. The question then becomes, do we rightly name our surroundings and by doing so, do we rightly find our place with God? It is a very interesting question, but it is an observation on the various religions across the globe that have spanned the centuries.

I am quite content with the direction of this discussion, because all to often people read this and get the conception that Adam was created in this image... Therefore God must look like a human (old man with a beard sitting in the clouds). I intuitively knew that this cannot be what Christians believe from this verse, so thank you for explaining it to me!

ha ha, yeah, I certainly know what you mean. I do hope that I have not taken your thread off course. It's been fun.

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Man was created in the image of God’s Glory with the ability to and right to Choose to serve God or not.

This Image has been called many things and my view is just one more trying to understand it. But, when all the discussion is boiled down it seems to me that the ability to know God the ability and right to choose to serve Him OR NOT Is the Image of God in man!

I am learning I have only been at this 55 years and out of eternity that is nothing!
Man was created in the image of God’s Glory with the ability to and right to Choose to serve God or not.

This Image has been called many things and my view is just one more trying to understand it. But, when all the discussion is boiled down it seems to me that the ability to know God the ability and right to choose to serve Him OR NOT Is the Image of God in man!

I am learning I have only been at this 55 years and out of eternity that is nothing!

That is kinda how I see it also.:salute
Hi all, and peace be with you!

This is something that is frequently quoted but something I never understood, that "God created Adam in his own image". ["So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."]

The immediate interpretation of that line is that Adam looks like God, or God looks like a man. Is this the correct understanding of this passage?

Here is the way that 'i' look at this. (with a little i) Adam was created as stated, & he was perfect or said to be very good. Yet he was just created! Meaning that he was a baby creation with NO maturity. And he needed TESTING to grow & mature as we do when we come to the place of Rom. 8:1.

And who knows what PERFECT was for Adam in IQ, eysight, size, complete intellect?? We do know even after sin some of mankind lived nearly 1000 years old before the flood. (hey Bolts, if you are reading this?;) Let me take a guess?)

This perfect could see for miles! Memory?? He needed NO BOOKS of what Gods said, his memory was PERFECT! He would not need to be reminded of the forth commandment that started with 'REMEMBER', huh? (he was created in the Godheads image!:thumbsup)

We are told that he & she were only Immortal while OBEDIENT, that is what the Tree of Life was for! And yes, their immortality was conditional immortality.
[And yes satan is the LIAR! There is NO Immortal seperate soul!]

Just one more thought. Also, they could now create life by husband + wife 'knowing' each other. But NO, not as God can, but a type of 'i'mage of God in pro/creation.

Is there more?? Surely:thumbsup We might get into the Eccl. 1:9-10 + Eccl. 3:15 verses, but 'i' suspect that this is way past enough?? but this is just some of my thoughts.

Hi all, and peace be with you!

This is something that is frequently quoted but something I never understood, that "God created Adam in his own image". ["So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."]

The immediate interpretation of that line is that Adam looks like God, or God looks like a man. Is this the correct understanding of this passage?

Hi Seeker,

I bring this up on another thread. But when God created us in His image I dont think looks has anything to do with it, He is far above what my feeble imagination could concieve. I think it means he created us to live forever (immortal). But when Adam sinned we died. But that will change when we are raised from the dead and given a new body so we can dwell in the land FOREVER. As was originally intended. We live only by the grace of God though it isnt something that is inherent.

Of course I could be absolutely wrong, just an idea.

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Hi all, and peace be with you!

This is something that is frequently quoted but something I never understood, that "God created Adam in his own image". ["So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."]

The immediate interpretation of that line is that Adam looks like God, or God looks like a man. Is this the correct understanding of this passage?

"Let us" refers to the spirit of God, Gen 1:2, which is his Natural Laws by which He regulates and operates His Universe.

He is NOT a physical entity, but a Spirit.
He is the spirit of the image we manufacture inside our head, based upon what we can deduce about "Him" from the information coming in through our seven Senses.

Man has the ability to build Images, mentally, about what exists externally.
When man is correct, he images Truth, the son-of-Reality that unfolds over time into the existence of the moment.

Reality IS the Almighty for man,who is trapped a life time inside the creation:


Truth is inside our head...
The ideal of Truth is a spirit man can accept and worship mentally.
Here is the way that 'i' look at this. (with a little i) Adam was created as stated, & he was perfect or said to be very good. Yet he was just created! Meaning that he was a baby creation with NO maturity. And he needed TESTING to grow & mature as we do when we come to the place of Rom. 8:1.

And who knows what PERFECT was for Adam in IQ, eysight, size, complete intellect?? We do know even after sin some of mankind lived nearly 1000 years old before the flood. (hey Bolts, if you are reading this?;) Let me take a guess?)

This perfect could see for miles! Memory?? He needed NO BOOKS of what Gods said, his memory was PERFECT! He would not need to be reminded of the forth commandment that started with 'REMEMBER', huh? (he was created in the Godheads image!:thumbsup)

We are told that he & she were only Immortal while OBEDIENT, that is what the Tree of Life was for! And yes, their immortality was conditional immortality.
[And yes satan is the LIAR! There is NO Immortal seperate soul!]

Just one more thought. Also, they could now create life by husband + wife 'knowing' each other. But NO, not as God can, but a type of 'i'mage of God in pro/creation.

Is there more?? Surely:thumbsup We might get into the Eccl. 1:9-10 + Eccl. 3:15 verses, but 'i' suspect that this is way past enough?? but this is just some of my thoughts.


Me again:
Another thought: Only God has Immortaly. So we find another 'near trait' of their 'image' as long as Adam & Eve were Obedient. (Tree of Life was their CONDITIONAL Immortality)

And another 'trait'?? only God can create life! So They made Adam a woman so they 'together' could be a type of creator. (pro/creator)

And 'if' anyone cares to, we could go on into some more real truths? Based on Eccl. 1:9-10 + Eccl. 3:15
Hi all, and peace be with you!

This is something that is frequently quoted but something I never understood, that "God created Adam in his own image". ["So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."]

The immediate interpretation of that line is that Adam looks like God, or God looks like a man. Is this the correct understanding of this passage?

To understand this we need to look at what the 'image' of God is. Basically God is a tripartite being. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity.
Think of it as a box. Height X Length X Width = Box.

Now when God said in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.†, who do you think He was talking to?
Himself...the Godhead. His 'image' is tripartite, and so are we. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, We are Mind, Body and Soul.