Interesting article, quantum physics has a lot of fascinating philosophical implications.
Wave-particle duality is one of the first things physics students learn about, followed by the "Schrodingers Cat" story about observer-created reality and collapsing wave-functions.
Just curious, Why did you post this? I'm not sure what you want people to do with it.
By the way, there is an interesting book by a guy named John Polkinghorn, who was a professor of mathematics, or some-such at Cambridge university for 20 years or so, then he became an Anglican priest. He's written a book called "science and creation" which is a short, interesting read. I needed a dictionary to decipher a few of the words in it, but he speaks of the laws of physiscs as signs of Gods fidelity, for example, and lots of interesting things.
I'm not sure I agree with everything in the article you posted, but it was pretty interesting! :D