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Gnostics are saying orgasm is evil



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I saw this DVD this week... It says that the original sin was sex and thus must be avoided if you want to get back to Eden. According to the video, our sexual energy exists to maintain our connection with God, so if we have an orgasm, we expel this energy in order to have physical sensations. They tell that Adam and Eve tried to procreate of themselves, without the guidance of God... they argue that sex was not needed for reproduction.

It sounds insane when I briefly talk about its content, but if we watch the DVD it all becomes quite confusing because some things told start to make sense in our heads.

It's a very hard theological and philosophical subject to deal...

In John 14:10 Jesus talks about "speaking of ourselves", so it must be true too that people also seek to "procreate of themselves". Can you see how confusing this thing can become?

The experience of Eve with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in fact relates to lust (good for food, pleasant to the eyes). Original sin could perfectly be sex motivated by lust.

I performed a philosophical test on the dvd, searching for the word "lust" and the word "love" in the subtitles. "Lust" appeared ten times and "love" only once. Even denying sex, it seems that the head of the author is still full of lust and his heart empty of love. What theological mystery this situation could be hiding?

I think about Adam and Eve mature in their bodies, but imature in their spirits. And the worldly thought about sex does not comprise this full maturity, since people only want to feel pleasure... and pleasure only requires the maturity of the body.

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24

Of course, God was speaking about the spiritual union between man and woman, and not merely a physical union. They will never be, literally, one flesh. So we conclude that, in order to have a healthy sexual union, man and woman must first become "one flesh". That is, if they don't reach this spiritual climax, they will never feel the true climax of sex, as planned by God. So it's not that orgasm is bad, but it is so much better when marriage is truly spiritual, that you will start perceiving it as bad outside the true marriage. Pleasure without meaning won't make any sense to you, no longer.

Within a true marriage, the pleasure of sex has the meaning of love. Man seeks his wife's satisfaction because he loves her, and woman seeks her husband's satisfaction because she loves him. They are mature; sex motivated by lust is clearly seen by them as childish and foolish.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

We must seek first the kingdom of God, the true marriage, and the sex that the world seeks first shall be added unto us, and it will be truly good.

There is a war going on out there, and most christians are unaware of what's happening. Most of us seem to be satisfied with milk, confusing simplicity with superficiality. These esoteric people are faking the solid food, in order to tell us that they are the true christians following Christ, and we have become like the jews, understanding not his words. And they do have power to deceive those who are not being able to eat solid food, for if we do not know the true solid food of God how can we be able to discern the false?

Let's think people of God!

What do you think?
If the original sin was sex of whatever sort, what exactly would the serpent have been getting Eve to do?
She clearly 'ate' before she went to Adam with did she masturbate? have sex with the serpent?
Exactly WHAT is it she supposedly did with the serpent present and her husband absent that is sex related ?

The fruit that Eve partook of cannot be sexually oriented without having some very peculiar questions being asked and needing to be answered.

Original sin isnt about sex in the least.
SOME Gnostics are saying orgasm is evil

What you say is true, partially.

Gnosticism had two basic branches. Both branches believed in a soul trapped inside a body. Both believed that the soul was important and the body was not.

This resulted in two kinds of behavior. The "Body is Evil" people said what you have pointed out. The body must be subdued, passions mortified etc.

The "Body Is of No Consequence" people said that only the soul was important, so it did not matter what the body did. They were into orgies, gluttony, drunkenness and s*x, at least the more extreme of them were.

Interesting how you can get to two entirely different places from he same starting point.

In Christ,
Rob K
This teaching can be heard from a quack who called himself Samael Aun Weor. He taught some of the most harebrained ideas I have ever encountered.

Following in his webbed footprints now is Mark Pritchard, a charlatan who claims to be the incarnation of Belzebuub. He says he is no longer evil, of course, but wants to enlighten everyone to make up for this evil. You may see his twaddle for yourself over at Mysticweb and Gnosticweb dot com.

Quacking has always been a good source of income for the charismatic-sociopathic individual.

Consequently, the internet has served their purposes well. Isn't that right, L. Ray Smith? Isn't that correct, Pastor John?
The "Body Is of No Consequence" people said that only the soul was important, so it did not matter what the body did. They were into orgies, gluttony, drunkenness and s*x, at least the more extreme of them were.
There is actually a group of 'christians' over at that believe this same nonsense. They just use the ideas that their soul isnt responsible for the sins their bodies commit, thus the body can do whatever it wants and the soul will never pay any consequences for it.
Or they say that grace covers all the sins we commit, future as well, so no matter what we do, even apostasy, and God is pretty much forced to let us into heaven.

Utter nonsense.
Consequently, the internet has served their purposes well.
One bad thing about the internet...suddenly everyone has a pulpit from which to preach to untold millions all over the world.