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[ Testimony ] God Always Right On Time!


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I am truly a miracle from Father God because I was a ticking time bomb and how a whole chain of events started rolling like a snowball going down hill. First I Had a hip dislocation of my right prosthetic hip on a Saturday so I took an ambulance ride to the hospital and Had the hip reduced. well I had already made an appointment with a ortho Surgeon to discuss having a revision and to have the left hip replaced. Lo and behold the surgeon saw something going on in my back from the X rays they took at the hospital emergency room so he wanted a back surgeon nurse practitioner to consult with me. so I saw her and she ordered an MRI. I had the MRI then I saw her again. she informed me that I had a serious issue called a cauda equina which in my case was a piece of herniated disk broke off and is pressing against my nerves so the Nurse Practitioner made an appointment for me to see the surgeon right away so when I saw the surgeon he scheduled me for surgery That Saturday pending a cardiac clearance with my Cardiologist. Guess what he did not clear me so he scheduled me for a cath procedure to have a stent placed which would make stent number five. the doc looked around with the little camera on the end of the cath and saw that he could not place a stent because three of the stents were 90% clogged and the other was 75% clogged, apparently you just can't roto rooter those stents so he informed me that I will need bypass surgery. You pretty much know the rest of this part of the story.

about a month before this all started a Job came up at Blue Cross where my wife works. The position paid substantially more, it is a key position and would allow the person who got the job to work from home if needed because the position requires working away from the office and out of town trips to consult with members to explain how their health care coverage works. After many qualified employee interviews guess who got the position? This allowed My wife to drive me to all my appointments, to be at the hospital during the surgery and to be with me during my recovery time at the hospital and to care for me at home the first week of my home recovery without any lost time.

Coincidence? I Dont Think So! I am telling you my friends Gods Hand prints are all over this!

I have to give credit to the surgeon and the hospital staff for providing me with the utmost care

but as the surgeon worked on my heart Father God pulled some weeds that was trying to choke out my relationship with Him because I have been in pretty pitiful shape for quite a while and I was believing according to the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 53 Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

and the fulfillment of that Prophesy when the Lord Jesus was whipped and crucified.

I kept praying and praying and continually praying which I thought He was not listening, or was He even there at all? The more time I spent in bed the more doubt crept in.... But GOD.... OH just when I was ready to give up on Him he did not give up on me - Alleluia!

I will never doubt Him again and from that day on I have put complete and total trust in Him!

He restored My faith my trust and my relationship with Him and he has given me a new lease on life.

Gods healing power is perpetually at work in my body as i write this!

I have no doubt that God answers our prayers but he dont wrap it in the package we expect, we just have to trust that He is much wiser than us and He knows what he is doing if we will just trust Him and let Him work.

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I Give thanks to Abba Father that he ain't done with this old redneck just yet :sohappy

watch out we are about to have Church up in here! :woot2
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great testimony! I believe in miracles and physical healings, because I believe Jesus is the same now as He was 2,000 years ago.

Anyway, it sounds like you went through a lot. That seems unfortunate, but The Lord has used that for your betterment. A lot of people would be hopelessly bitter after going through what you went through, but your testimony is full of victory (you even have happy emoticons).

Congratulations on the job w/ Blue Cross+Blue Shield. Sounds like an excellent position w/ good compensation. God is good!

Please keep posting on your life and faith. A lot of people breeze in and out, but its a good thing when people stick around and share, grow, etc.
That is an awesome testimony PGK!

Praising God with you, He is good!
Thanks C_e
I dont plan on going anywhere. when I find a forum that I like And I do like this forum a lot. I enjoy the Fellowship and the polite discussions and debates. you rarely see that on talk forums, even in the Christian forums have bickering and name calling which i think is childish and disrespectful to other forum members which I find to be unacceptable in a Christian forum. I just don.t want to waste my time with bitter people who try to make themselves feel good by putting other people down.
I see the members of this forum lifting one another up being polite and respectful to others even when they may be in disagreement I like that the moderators bring reproach to those who do have a tendency to be a horses rear end so you guys have me hooked in pretty good


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