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2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Often times, as I browse through these forums, I come across many "Christians" who constantly speak against the scriptures. For anyone here who does this, it is not only wrong, but also a hinderance to the Gospel, and is a clear sign of an immature believer.

The most common argument I hear is, "Well it was Paul, not God talking," or something along those lines. They seem to have this idea that even the disciples foolishly thought; that Paul was the least of the apostles. This is clear slander against the Lord. For who the Lord has called to go, let no man say stay. And what the Lord has spoken through man, let no one, not even an angel, rebuke.

Do you think that the apostles were any less than the prophets? No, in fact, they were greater. For the prophets spoke what was given them. But he apostles carried the name and authority of Christ to the world. And do you think that Davids Psalms came from a man who was perfect in the Lord's sight? Certainly not! But scripture is not man-breathed but God-breathed, and no Christian can argue against that without contending with the Lord himself. As Isaiah was told:

As the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it flourish, so that is yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Do not put down the scriptures given to us by the Lord through his apostles. If any one should argue in a position that clearly defies the Word, let him be ignored. Only let the Lord deal with that person. For anyone who speaks blaspheme against the Word of God calls God a liar, and Christ an insufficient teacher. This is a person who can be counted on not to give even the simplest of sound advice form the Lord. He is narrow minded and listens to the masses, not the Holy Spirit. For all have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.

Continue to teach and encourage with the scriptures, correcting those who will openly receive the discipline that comes from the Father, and reject all who will not, for they have no place in the fellowship of the Body. The Lord bless you and keep you.

When that verse was written, there wasn't even a bible, but a collection of texts, and it was a committee of men who decided what texts would be included, and which ones were "heretical". Even so, I don't believe EVERY word in the bible came straight from God. It would make no sense in a number of cases.
All Christians believe the Bible is God-Breathed, this is foundational. Nothing else in the Bible is called God-Breathed.


Protestant and Catholic Christians agree on the fact that Scripture is God's Word.

We may, however, disagree as to whether this verse is the proof of that. It really isn't. The Scripture being referred to could not possibly be the New Testament, as it was still hundreds of years from being compiled and declared as the Biblical canon.

However, the Catholic Church does hold that the canon of Scripture, including Paul's epistles, are indeed the inerrant Word of God, as does every Christian group that I'm aware of.

Who are we talking about who doesn't believe this?

ZeroTX said:
Protestant and Catholic Christians agree on the fact that Scripture is God's Word.

We may, however, disagree as to whether this verse is the proof of that. It really isn't. The Scripture being referred to could not possibly be the New Testament, as it was still hundreds of years from being compiled and declared as the Biblical canon.

However, the Catholic Church does hold that the canon of Scripture, including Paul's epistles, are indeed the inerrant Word of God, as does every Christian group that I'm aware of.

Who are we talking about who doesn't believe this?


It's speaking of God's word that Timothy had learned since childhood, in the context of the chp. it's the OT. This doesn't exclude the NT, it just enforces the proper view of the OT and nothing else is called God-Breathed but Scripture.
If the praises of the Psalmist are just God's own words, then the Psalmists himself holds no meaning/purpose. For example, were they David's words, or just God speaking through David? If the latter, , then we have a being who simply praises himself. On the other hand, if it comes FROM David, then it holds more meaning. This goes for many areas of the bible where praises are being expressed about God.

Also, in the New Testiment, just about every book opens up with some sort of greeting FROM THE WRITER, as well as the ending of these books, the WRITER many times speaks of an actual person who is coming to see whatever group of people in a house church. To see these verses as anything other than Paul making closing comments of his own accord, is silly.
GundamZero said:
2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Often times, as I browse through these forums, I come across many "Christians" who constantly speak against the scriptures. For anyone here who does this, it is not only wrong, but also a hinderance to the Gospel, and is a clear sign of an immature believer.

Scripture is inspired by God and given validity by God.

For Psalms, Songs of Songs, Lamentations, etc...The Lord used those men to speak to the people. Our God shares with us our hearts and minds and communicates to us in ways we can understand.

The New Testament Dictatorial Scriptures do not enforce themselves, but are rather enforced by the Torah. They confirm the Old Testament.
Just to reassert, Catholics have now and have always believed the Scriptures to be the inerrant Word of God (despite what some might try to imply). It is indeed very important to note when God speaks, we should listen. When God empowers a writer to speak his truth, we should listen. And when God empowers the Apostles to do his work on earth, we should listen.

"Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." John 20:21-23 (NIV)

Here Jesus, God in the flesh, empowers his Apostles to forgive or to not forgive sins, to represent Him on earth, as they and their successors continue to do according to the very words of Christ.

GundamZero said:
2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
God-breathed as the Lord God Jesus Christ teaches today, it simply means "those which God permitted to be written" and not as "God himself are those words" as many are saying. God is alive and real and only from God himself that we can get the real meaning of the complex words "God-breathed", the bible cannot give us the exact meaning of it.

[quote:00200]Often times, as I browse through these forums, I come across many "Christians" who constantly speak against the scriptures. For anyone here who does this, it is not only wrong, but also a hinderance to the Gospel, and is a clear sign of an immature believer.
Bear in mind that the Almighty Lord God is not the scriptures nor the bible, but God is the Almighty One, alive and real, and in Him there is nothing impossible. If they speak against God, then that is the right time for you to be worried against them should you wish to. But if they speak against the scripture in lieu of the alive and real God, if they speak to you in such a way that they just want you to get nigh with God himself instead of the scriptures, then there is nothing wrong because the Lord God himself is the rewarder of salvation and eternal life, not the scripture/s.

The most common argument I hear is, "Well it was Paul, not God talking," or something along those lines. They seem to have this idea that even the disciples foolishly thought; that Paul was the least of the apostles. This is clear slander against the Lord. For who the Lord has called to go, let no man say stay. And what the Lord has spoken through man, let no one, not even an angel, rebuke.

Do you think that the apostles were any less than the prophets? No, in fact, they were greater.
The Lord teaches that the apostles, the prophets, myself, you yourself, and the whole of mankind starting from Adam and Eve down to the last man standing come judgment day are all equal and at par with each other or ourselves. No one amongst us is above, great, and at higher level with one another, even to Moses or to Paul. The Lord Jesus said today,

"Not that anyone will be saved if you are within My Church which they call today Church of Christ, but the truth with this, this only belongs men. Keep in your mind that My Church is not boastful, preaching that they are the only ones who will be saved, but rather My Church is spreading salvation, not spreading that they are the only ones who will be saved. The duty of My Church is to spread My Holy Word, to guide people who go astray of the way and worship none other, but I, your Almighty Lord God."

"Keep in your mind that with Me, nothing is impossible, hence, whatever you will ask which to you is impossible, but same will be for your goodness sake, I will not be selfish to you. I will not be selfish to what you are asking for. And keep in your mind that in My Church, no one among mankind will stand up to explain the holy scriptures or to guide people that they will be explaining and they will be acting being a pastor because in My Church, I Am the only Pastor who will stand up in front of you. Keep in your mind that the two or three conversing about Myself without any debate, I Am in the midst of them."

"Keep in your mind that in My Ministry or in My Church, all of you are equal with each other, none is above and none is below, none is rich and none is poor, none is short and none is tall, none is ill and none is healthy, all of you are at par with each other. If anyhow you are with impairment, you are still at same level with those who are without impairment because all of you are already healed spiritually. Because what you are feeling are only in flesh."

For the prophets spoke what was given them. But he apostles carried the name and authority of Christ to the world. And do you think that Davids Psalms came from a man who was perfect in the Lord's sight? Certainly not! But scripture is not man-breathed but God-breathed, and no Christian can argue against that without contending with the Lord himself. As Isaiah was told:

As the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it flourish, so that is yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
See what the Lord is saying to the whole of mankind today in our very own time, the Lord said:

"I Am the Pastor. I Am the Good Pastor. Keep in your mind that there are no others who will teach you except Me. If ever that you will be explaining with each other, same will only be in accordance with your will, same will be in accordance with your own thinking. Hence, keep in your mind that whosoever will act being a pastor, who will act being a leader of My Church, he is doing iniquity and snatching away My post being the Good Pastor, who will act being a leader of My Church, he is doing iniquity and snatching away my post being the Good Pastor because you are only human beings, those of you who act as pastors, those of you who teach and standing up in front of many people, those of you who are doers of iniquities, those of you who cast out devils in My name. Keep in your mind that in My Second coming, many will call to Me saying, Lord, Lord, didn’t we do powerful works and in your name we cast out devils, we did healing. But keep in your mind, I will say to them, never at any time do I know you, I do not know you at any time, those of you who are habitual workers of iniquity, those of you who are casting out devils. Keep in your mind that if you cast out devils, you are snatching away the title role which properly belongs to Me only. If there is any being possessed by demon that you may encounter, you should only pray to Me and in that manner I Am ready to hear your prayer and I will hear your every plea that you will whisper to Me, that you will shout, that you will pray to. I will help you and I will never forsake you at any time much more to those people who are with Me and who follow Me."

Do not put down the scriptures given to us by the Lord through his apostles. If any one should argue in a position that clearly defies the Word, let him be ignored. Only let the Lord deal with that person. For anyone who speaks blaspheme against the Word of God calls God a liar, and Christ an insufficient teacher. This is a person who can be counted on not to give even the simplest of sound advice form the Lord. He is narrow minded and listens to the masses, not the Holy Spirit. For all have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.
We should always put the Lord God Jesus Christ himself above all things, even to the scriptures, and let it be shown in our life that it is only the Lord himself who is our Good Pastor and Teacher of all things and not only our fellow men and the scriptures.

Continue to teach and encourage with the scriptures, correcting those who will openly receive the discipline that comes from the Father, and reject all who will not, for they have no place in the fellowship of the Body. The Lord bless you and keep you.
Wouldn't it be much better if we seek our own salvation who is no other but the Lord God Jesus Christ himself and ask of Him to be our Good Pastor and Teacher about God and about all things thereby putting ourselves under the direct tutelage of the Lord himself for us not to be led astray by our own fellow men?

..Orion has a point here

Orion said:
When that verse was written, there wasn't even a bible, but a collection of texts, and it was a committee of men who decided what texts would be included, and which ones were "heretical". Even so, I don't believe EVERY word in the bible came straight from God. It would make no sense in a number of cases.

Solomon's chorus in Ecclesiastes broke it down -(word up!) - with...

altogether now...


"Vanity of vanities" - (word up, y'all!) - "everything is vanity under the sun!"

That part was the essence of God' Word in that book, because God told Solomon to be honest about all the blind alleys, faux pas etc in his 'chasing after the wind'

Until his final realisation that honoring God is what brings true fulfilment!

Likewise, Job's comforters are famously upbraided by God Himself, in the magnificent 4 chapters finale, for being way off base in what they told Job

Read Job 38-42


Similarly, Orion, to paraphrase an old Brit wartime mimicry mockery...

If, "Vee haff vays of MAKING you talk!" - don't ya know that God speaks direct to the heart of all who love & trust Jesus?

Do YOU love & trust Jesus?

"Pray continually" = that ongoing silent conversation, knowing God reads our thoughts anyway, we chose to transmit tham direct to Him & listen for His replies

& tell Him we don't understand certain things

& ask Him to explain it to us more clearly

To give us examples

To open our eyes to the examples Before Our Eyes...

All The Wonders Of The Universe...

No, Orion: God decided exactly what, where & how to reveal Himself & His will

By the time I get backto link my lyrics, some readers may have already admitted to God that they have been ignoring/neglecting the Best Friend in the Universe: its Almighty Creator

His arms of love reach out to any Prodigal Son/Daughter out there :biggrin

"Don't delay - come home to Daddy (Abba) today, OK?" 8-)

God bless!

To save hitting 'quote' on 2/3 posts...

The Bible says, "God puts His Word above His name"

See the Genesis 12 & Gen 15 covenant with Abraham

Why 'cut in two'?

God Himself was actually saying, 'If I ever break My Word, may I be cut in two'


"If I were pleasing man, I would not be pleasing God'

God's Word is that, 'the Lord never acts without telling His servants, the prophets'

Think of Daniel, in exile, realising from Jeremiah that the prophesied 70 years of Babylon captivity were nearly up

He prayed quoting God's promise & asking Him to fulfil it

God wants us to take Him at His Word & pray the 'many precious promises' - that are all 'yes & amen in Christ'

& He wants us to declare His Word faithfully

His will is to use apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors & teachers to preach His Word & promised, in Mark 16, to 'work with them, confirming the word with signs & wonders following'

1 Corinthians 12 & Ephesians 4 gifts are just that: gifts - not temporary loans, to be repossessed before the Great Commission is completed

They are 'to all who believe thru their word'

They are 'to as many as are afar off'

They are 'till the Perfect come'

Jesus ain't returned yet: He is the only Perfect One, as He is God in human form, as per John 1. Colossians 1 & Hebrews 1

He chooses to work thru 'the foolishnes of preaching'

Jesus said, 'You shall do even greater things'

He values our completing His Great Commission so much that it's the last request/command He gave B4 returning to Heaven on a cloud - Acts 1

"How can they hear without a preacher?'

Must go...

"So send I you"

God bless!



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