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God Judges both the Sinner and Their Supporters


The sin of homosexuality is a sin where God’s judgment applies to both the actual sinner and the supporter of the sin irrespective of any direct involvement.

In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah God judged the homosexual and warned Lot and his wife (the only righteous people left in the city) to flee and not look back. But as it is told in the bible Lot’s wife looked back and was instantly judged and turned into a pillar of salt.

The implication of that story is that those who sympathize and accept homosexuality, while not actively practicing homosexuality, will ultimately suffer the same judgment from God as the homosexual. Additionally it must be highlighted that Lot’s wife was judged apart from the homosexual, she was judged at a distance. So those who think that it is safe to accept homosexuality simply because they are not part of the homosexual community engaging along with them in their sinful act will still incur God’s judgment right along with the homosexual.

Lot’s wife (who was righteous), not only was judged along with the homosexual, but she was judged apart from them in a different manner. The actual sinner (homosexual) was destroyed outright and their supporter (Lot's wife) turned into a pillar of salt. Look around and as more homosexuals gain a foothold in religion, government, business, media, etc, and as more people begin to accept homosexuality and join an open advocacy for them the more those institutions and individuals begin to crumble under God’s judgment.

Therefore the sin of homosexuality is a sin where God’s judgment applies to both the actual sinner and the supporter of the sin irrespective of any direct involvement. God will judge the believer and non-believer together, sinner or righteous person together, if they both support the sin of homosexuality.

God Bless
But the church is the one that declares the loudest that they are sinners, not the homosexuals and the whoremongers. Where will God begin making judgment?

First in the house of God, by the words of their own mouth!

Luke 19:22, "And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee...".
Therefore the sin of homosexuality is a sin where God’s judgment applies to both the actual sinner and the supporter of the sin irrespective of any direct involvement. God will judge the believer and non-believer together, sinner or righteous person together, if they both support the sin of homosexuality.

Well what do you mean by "support"?

Do you mean specifically "supporting" the right to marriage? In that instance, I definitely agree with the Bible that the marrriage covenant is sacred and a representation of the relationship between Christ and his church, and cannot be marred by redefining the terms.

Or by "support" do you mean being friends with homosexuals, which in that case I would disagree with you.
Are you saying that the judgment that will come upon the supporters, as well as the sinners, will be at some point fire and brimstone raining down from heaven? or will only the supporters be turned into a pillar of salt?
Hi, Elijah here. Support??
I see it as being in a type of bondage or 'yoke' as Rev. 18:4 'Partaker' Documents. + of course we can be a partaker of a bank robery by even knowing of it taking place before it or after it happens. So being held accountable finds much much more involved that just the filthy sin of S.& G. James 2:8-12
And we catogorize sin as we desire it seems. Eccl. 12:13-14 will be a total accurate record even in mental sin or deed. Such as even lust or hates motive.

And for me personnaly speaking, I see Mal. 4 on robbing God in tithes + offerings a done deal by me, if there is either given to any Church (or whatever) that has these known documented violations to the Word of God. And that goes along with Rev. 18:4's yoked in Church membership even! :crying

Even down to the Titus 3:9-11 reason of our motive being Vain + the time limit of only twice in certain occasions.
We will all face judgment, but I think we need to get past the OT when it comes to what, or how God will judge us. I don't like the growing acceptance of Homosexuality either, but the only unforgivable sin is rejecting God.

I think what the OP means by support are those who do not see homosexuality as a sin in the first place and that such behavior is natural and we should all just let it be. Let's face it, this issue is being uplifted in our society today. Is homosexuality natural? If it is then pedophilia should also be right? What about bestiality? ....the list goes on. It leaves many doors open once we try to normalize what God says is sin. I think as Christians we should stand our ground, but not forget our compassion.
Danus said:
We will all face judgment, but I think we need to get past the OT when it comes to what, or how God will judge us. I don't like the growing acceptance of Homosexuality either, but the only unforgivable sin is rejecting God.

I think what the OP means by support are those who do not see homosexuality as a sin in the first place and that such behavior is natural and we should all just let it be. Let's face it, this issue is being uplifted in our society today. Is homosexuality natural? If it is then pedophilia should also be right? What about bestiality? ....the list goes on. It leaves many doors open once we try to normalize what God says is sin. I think as Christians we should stand our ground, but not forget our compassion.

In 1 John 3:3-4 we see that there would be no sin without the [Godhead's Eternal Law]. (Heb. 13:20)
And then the Holy Spirit Documents that our Master was manifested to take aay our sins, not save us [in] them! (Phil. 4:13 + 2 Cor. 12:9)
[4] Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
[5] And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.

And again, sin is sin! And the Word of Christ tells us who are the worst offenders in Judgement! Luke 12:47-48. And that is not who we hear about today! Rev. 3:16-17 will do the job of filling hell with people that most think are A-OK, just because they never would even dare to rock the Church Boat, huh?

See Joshua 7:12's last part of the verse & lets see how many believe that Inspiration is different in the O.T.?
A verse comes to mind in both parts of THE BOOK? Mal. 3:6 says.. 'For I am the Lord, [I change not]..' and Heb. 13:8 says.. 'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and [FOREVER].'

I see the bit about the sinless mans should cast the first stone coming into play here. I know some gay people, I disagree with them entirely, and I disagree with their choice, and I would love for them to repent of their sins and to see their sins for what it truly is, but I bear no error in being their friend (if that is what you mean by support). In fact we are told to make friends of everyone, and not just Christians alone.
For those who think homosexuality isn't a sin ....

Isaiah 3:9
The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.

To go alone with the advocates of homosexuality as normal harmless behavior in everyday life will just provoke God's judgment.
ugmug said:
For those who think homosexuality isn't a sin ....

Isaiah 3:9
The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.

To go alone with the advocates of homosexuality as normal harmless behavior in everyday life will just provoke God's judgment.
Surely you are somewhat correct. But who is it that goes along with this setup? Most teach O.S.A.S. + even the Law of God is FINISHED, huh? And mostly perhaps because they are the worst secret offenders themselves??

This is the point.. God does not see things as we are 'schooled' from birth to value. He teaches that the COLD bold sinner is easier to reach [and be saved] than the Eternally Lost [LUKEWARM] professed Christian, but we say what???

Christ [AGAIN!] says in Luke 12...
[46] The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
(it states that these ones were believers and are even worse than these mentioned homosexual ones, in Judgement! See Matt. 10:15 also + ibid. 5-6)

[47] And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. :crying

[48] But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
But who believes Him??? :crying
Could we lay this issue out a little more openly. I think we all can agree that homosexuality is a sin. The bible is pretty clear on this.

The real theological question is, if you are a homosexual are you going to hell for it? What if you are a homosexual and you do not practice it but you think about it? What if you have a family member that is homosexual and you love them and support them as much as you can as a Christian....whatever that means, are you going to hell with them?

What really gets me, is how we as Christians can come off so cold and judgmental to people who are hurting and sick with their sins. Is that all we really have to offer a sinful word? To point to them and condemn them for sin? Is anyone here claiming to be without sin?

I personally believe and accept Christ as my savior. I'm convinced that he accepts me despite me, and while I'm not a homosexual I know a few who have also accepted Christ as well and I consider myself to their Brother. Christ accepts people as they are right where they stand. That's where it starts for the new Christian.

What direction is this thread moving in? Are we talking about people who are rejecting God and have decided their way of life is not sin, or people who are accepting God yet still dealing with sin?
God is most able to cleanse the homosexual of his nature. we become new creatures, currently there are two active members one was bi, and other was a gay male, both are married to a woman. i am the former bi one. if the other wishes to come forth and testify let that person do so. i know that person and have been asked not reveal that person.
I seem to be constantly spinning my wheels? Let me try one more time. There is James 2:8-12 that finds even one commandment when broken, finds them all broken. Got that?

OK: Here am I seen in Rom. 8:1 with NO CONDEMNATION when surrendered 'totally' to Christ! (John 3:3 & Acts 9:4-6)

Now, I still see Rom. 8:14 of being Led of the Holy Spirit. His Inspiration tell's me that I am not to steal, kill as seen in the Godheads ten commandment Covenant. And.. There IS NO BORN AGAIN PERSON THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT LEADING HIM, [IF] I will be led. If I go against His leading, in time He will not even be able to reach me! Gen. 6:3. Eph. 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19. David in Psalms 19:13 tell's us what causes one to.. in time meet up with the [GREAT TRANSGRESSION]. Presumption is knowing Truth & yet blantenly opposing it in whatever sin the ten Commandment law condemn's. It is not the one time sin, as bad as that is, which is the sin against the Holy Ghost, but the continued on & on in rejecting His conviction of sin. + again, Gen. 6:3. (James 1:15 Final MATURE ENDING :crying )

And whatever the sin is?? It matters not, for Christ has provided His Grace & Power to give victory to any of us! Phil. 4:13 + 2 Cor. 12:9. Anything else is just a cop/out for God requires us to MATURE using His FREE DOCUMENTED PROVISIONS! Nah. 1:9!

elijah i agree, but there's something you need to know. i was differently instantsly when i repented, i ended the relationship with the male lover immediately and that was that.

others its stop and start again and looking men and so on. they eventually get thier deliverance but its the lord that does it not them. for its impossible with this type of sin(especially for the lesbians and gays that have never liked a member of the opposite sex to want to desire those relationships)

with the homosexual only they desire the same sex as naturally as the straights do for the opposite sex.
with me the i had the desire for both. but the lord took the same sex lusts from me. he did it not me.

let us not condemn those who are staying celebate and are wanting to change and be a hetero, they are out there and on this site, never coming forth to speak up.

i have known of a total of four former members of the lbgt. two has left, i am one,one other is still here. and one of those that has left, i talk to on fb.
Elijah674 said:
I seem to be constantly spinning my wheels? Let me try one more time. There is James 2:8-12 that finds even one commandment when broken, finds them all broken. Got that?

OK: Here am I seen in Rom. 8:1 with NO CONDEMNATION when surrendered 'totally' to Christ! (John 3:3 & Acts 9:4-6)

Now, I still see Rom. 8:14 of being Led of the Holy Spirit. His Inspiration tell's me that I am not to steal, kill as seen in the Godheads ten commandment Covenant. And.. There IS NO BORN AGAIN PERSON THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT LEADING HIM, [IF] I will be led. If I go against His leading, in time He will not even be able to reach me! Gen. 6:3. Eph. 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19. David in Psalms 19:13 tell's us what causes one to.. in time meet up with the [GREAT TRANSGRESSION]. Presumption is knowing Truth & yet blantenly opposing it in whatever sin the ten Commandment law condemn's. It is not the one time sin, as bad as that is, which is the sin against the Holy Ghost, but the continued on & on in rejecting His conviction of sin. + again, Gen. 6:3. (James 1:15 Final MATURE ENDING :crying )

And whatever the sin is?? It matters not, for Christ has provided His Grace & Power to give victory to any of us! Phil. 4:13 + 2 Cor. 12:9. Anything else is just a cop/out for God requires us to MATURE using His FREE DOCUMENTED PROVISIONS! Nah. 1:9!


Ok, but how are we loving our neighbors if all we are doing is condemning them and pointing out their sin? In respect this homosexuality, and again, I'm not saying we let openly gay ministers lead the church here, but it seems no wonder to me that the world hates us so much when all we seem to do is rain down our own righteous fire and brimstone on them.

How does your reference to James 2: 8-12 deal with homosexuality or supporting it? Are you saying that a believer faces the same judgment as a nonbeliever if the believer supports or shows favoritism to the nonbeliever? in this case the Homosexual community? Is that what your seeing in James 2 8-12?

On the one hand I'm agreeing with your feelings about the sin of homosexuality, but I'm not seeing the judgment beyond not accepting Christ. Are you saying that people who accept Christ and sin are judged as those who have not accepted Christ and sin?
Sin doesn't keep a man from the Lord's Kingdom, no matter the sin. The thing that keeps a man from the Kingdom is denying that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that He died to bear our sins so that we may be forgiven and sit by God's throne in Heaven.

The Lord makes no exceptions, not even an exception for gays. If you were gay and you repent and accept the Lord Jesus and seek forgiveness in true faith, than like everyone else who seeks forgiveness and acceptance int he Lord Jesus, you are saved as well.

This idea that homosexuality is any more of a sin than any other sin is ridiculous. No matter the sin, all sins are grave in the eyes of the Lord.
Pard said:
Sin doesn't keep a man from the Lord's Kingdom, no matter the sin. The thing that keeps a man from the Kingdom is denying that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that He died to bear our sins so that we may be forgiven and sit by God's throne in Heaven.

The Lord makes no exceptions, not even an exception for gays. If you were gay and you repent and accept the Lord Jesus and seek forgiveness in true faith, than like everyone else who seeks forgiveness and acceptance int he Lord Jesus, you are saved as well.

This idea that homosexuality is any more of a sin than any other sin is ridiculous. No matter the sin, all sins are grave in the eyes of the Lord.
:yes :clap
somebody gets it. i am one of those.