Jesus says in Matthew 11:26-26, "I praise you good Father, Lord of heaven and earth because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children. For this was your good pleasure."
And nowhere is that more obvious than in the theory of evolution because only children can know why apes can't breed human descendants." ;-) But it's completely lost on those who consider themselves educated because in their zeal to deny God and play God themselves, they overlook the simplest of reasons why apes can't breed human descendants. ;-)
Those who consider themselves wise and educated, are capable of writing masterpieces like "Lord of the rings." The theory of evolution equals Tolken's novel, both in longevity and imaginative thinking. But the difference betwee the 2 is that Tolken can acknowledge that his story is fiction whereas evolutionists haven't reached that point yet.
And that's how God makes the "wise and elarned" look foolish because arrogance clouds judgment. Arrogant people can't admit they're wrong no matter how much evidence is staring them in the face. So God reduces evolutionary scientists to fools because they tell one lie after another in a desperate to deny God's account of creation.
But the greatest tragedy in all of this is when the majority of scientists come out and declare evolution a hoax (which won't be long since many of them are coming to their senses right now), then what will Christian" evolutionists believe? :o They'll have nowhere to turn because they've already abandoned God's word for the teachings of men. They have turned away from the truth and instead, turned aside to myths as Paul tells us they will in the last days (2 Timothy 4:3).
So even if you don't understand the birds and the bees people who call themselves Christians should at least believe Jesus when he says; "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight" And "For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight." If you don't believe God there, you will turn aside to the myths of men and God will prove you foolish and humble you indeed. :roll:
And nowhere is that more obvious than in the theory of evolution because only children can know why apes can't breed human descendants." ;-) But it's completely lost on those who consider themselves educated because in their zeal to deny God and play God themselves, they overlook the simplest of reasons why apes can't breed human descendants. ;-)
Those who consider themselves wise and educated, are capable of writing masterpieces like "Lord of the rings." The theory of evolution equals Tolken's novel, both in longevity and imaginative thinking. But the difference betwee the 2 is that Tolken can acknowledge that his story is fiction whereas evolutionists haven't reached that point yet.

And that's how God makes the "wise and elarned" look foolish because arrogance clouds judgment. Arrogant people can't admit they're wrong no matter how much evidence is staring them in the face. So God reduces evolutionary scientists to fools because they tell one lie after another in a desperate to deny God's account of creation.
But the greatest tragedy in all of this is when the majority of scientists come out and declare evolution a hoax (which won't be long since many of them are coming to their senses right now), then what will Christian" evolutionists believe? :o They'll have nowhere to turn because they've already abandoned God's word for the teachings of men. They have turned away from the truth and instead, turned aside to myths as Paul tells us they will in the last days (2 Timothy 4:3).
So even if you don't understand the birds and the bees people who call themselves Christians should at least believe Jesus when he says; "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight" And "For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight." If you don't believe God there, you will turn aside to the myths of men and God will prove you foolish and humble you indeed. :roll: