- Apr 22, 2011
- 30,952
- 16,442
Gods' grand design was for man to take care of the earth and have dominion over all living things. God knew this was to big a job for one man so he created man a helpmate and called her woman. The two were to multiply and replenish the earth with more helpers to till the land and help take care of Gods creation, Genesis 1, 2.
Gods will for woman was to be a helpmate to the man in every way, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. She was also created to bare the generations to come. A woman was not greater or less than the man, but was his equal.
Within perfection soon came imperfection when woman was deceived and disobeyed what God told her and man not to eat of. Man did not take his spiritual authority over the woman and now sin had entered into the hearts of all man and woman and they hid themselves from the voice of God. As the population grew and sin ran ramped laws had to be added for the transgressions. God saw that the people needed guidance to come back to him for so many fell away from the voice of God. The more immortality gave place to the adding of more laws until man twisted the laws of God and created new ones to justify their deeds. There are now over 613 Levitical or Mosaic laws that were given to the Israelite to follow, Exodus 20:1-17.
There is no place in the Bible that constitutes having to have a marriage license. Man incorporated this into the law. In the Hebrew tradition a mohar or dowry was paid to the father of the bride by the groom in exchange for the daughter, Exodus 22:17. Genesis 2:23-25 explains the bond of marriage. The two are united as one in the eyes of God. Ephesians 5:22-29 wives are to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the spiritual head of the wife. Man is the provider and protector of his family. Husbands, you are to love your wives like Christ loves his church. This is an unconditional love that looks on the inside of a person and not the adorning of the outside. It is a love with a pure heart.
This submission also carries over to the bed that neither should deprive one another unless it is a mutual consent, 1 Corinthians 7:5 the principles for the married believer are explained in 1 Corinthians 7:10-16. As long as there is love and faithfulness the two should never depart from each other nor stray away for lust of the flesh.
Does God permit divorce; no he does not for what God has joined together as one flesh let no man separate it, Matthew 19:6. God joined man and woman together before sin entered into the hearts of man and woman, Genesis 2:18. When woman was deceived by the serpent in Genesis 3:1-13 and gave the man to eat of the fruit, man forgot what God told them not to do and they both tried to hide from God, but God knew what they had done and now was sin entered into the hearts of man and woman. This is why we are all now born with a sin nature because of the fall of man. Sin soon was found where no truth of God could be found. Mans hearts were now filled with the lust of the eyes and lust of the heart. Man sought after his own pleasures and soon made gods of their own to worship and bow down to. These gods were a way for man to justify their own pleasures.
There was a man named Moses that God did find favor in and through using Moses as a faithful servant established what we call the Mosaic laws or Levitical laws which there are over 613 laws. These laws were established for man to make them once again righteous in the eyes of God and turn from the evil that filled their hearts.
Even with the laws God gave to Moses for the people, mans sin hardened hearts now turned to fornication, lust of self and covertness of others property including another mans wife. New laws were added continuously for the transgressions of man and this is how we got the law for divorce which was handed down by Moses in Deuteronomy 24:1-4.
1 Corinthians 7:10, Jesus commands the woman or the man not to leave her husband and if she or he does they should remain unmarried, but in Malachi 2:10-16 the treachery that man or a woman commits against each other which leads one or the other to have an affair outside of the marriage or abuses one or the other whether it be physical or emotional gives place to what was said by Moses in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 that if a woman or a man is no longer pleasing to the other then the husband or wife should give his wife or husband a written bill of divorcement and send them out of the house and this gives the woman or the man the right to marry again, but they can never go back to the former spouse if that marriage does not work out or her husband or wife dies for now he or she is defiled to be with their first husband or wife and this is an abomination to God.
For a good marriage to work one should study 2 Corinthians 6:14 be ye not unequally yoked together with non-believers for what fellowship hath righteous with unrighteous, and what communion has light with darkness. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you need to choose a mate that also believes in the faith of Christ. In some marriages people do not enter into a relationship with Christ being the center of it, but maybe one of them come to know the Lord and the other one refuses to have that personal relationship with Christ then we go back to what 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 says. If the unbelieving partner leaves the believing partner then this frees the believing partner from the bondage of the vows of marriage and they are free to marry again.
Before ever getting married take time to really know each other and establish a friendship that consist of trust and belief in each other. Allow Christ to be the center of your friendship and this will allow you to begin a marriage that is totally Christ centered. Always resolve your problems with the Holy Ghost guidance through the word and you will always have a good marriage. Always be opened and honest with each other for this builds trust in the relationship, but if that trust is broken there is no relationship. Love each other unconditionally as Christ loves us and forgives us our faults. As long as we live in this flesh we will sin at times, but when you acknowledge those sins and ask for forgiveness God will always forgive us. Always be ready to forgive each other seventy times seven, Matthew 22:21,22, and not only forgive, but forget the sin as God remembers our sins no more when we repent of them. The outside appearance will always change and beauty may fade, but it is the heart of the person we are to love and the heart will never change as long as the love of Christ dwells within it.
The law that was incorporated by man that one needs a marriage license was for the purpose of legal matters within the marriage. Marriage licenses in the US dates back to the 17th century in Colonial America with Massachusetts requiring them as early as 1639. Before that marriages were private affairs between families that did not require government approval. States began requiring a license because marriages have legal implications that can affect property, inheritance and taxes.
Gods' grand design was for man to take care of the earth and have dominion over all living things. God knew this was to big a job for one man so he created man a helpmate and called her woman. The two were to multiply and replenish the earth with more helpers to till the land and help take care of Gods creation, Genesis 1, 2.
Gods will for woman was to be a helpmate to the man in every way, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. She was also created to bare the generations to come. A woman was not greater or less than the man, but was his equal.
Within perfection soon came imperfection when woman was deceived and disobeyed what God told her and man not to eat of. Man did not take his spiritual authority over the woman and now sin had entered into the hearts of all man and woman and they hid themselves from the voice of God. As the population grew and sin ran ramped laws had to be added for the transgressions. God saw that the people needed guidance to come back to him for so many fell away from the voice of God. The more immortality gave place to the adding of more laws until man twisted the laws of God and created new ones to justify their deeds. There are now over 613 Levitical or Mosaic laws that were given to the Israelite to follow, Exodus 20:1-17.
There is no place in the Bible that constitutes having to have a marriage license. Man incorporated this into the law. In the Hebrew tradition a mohar or dowry was paid to the father of the bride by the groom in exchange for the daughter, Exodus 22:17. Genesis 2:23-25 explains the bond of marriage. The two are united as one in the eyes of God. Ephesians 5:22-29 wives are to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the spiritual head of the wife. Man is the provider and protector of his family. Husbands, you are to love your wives like Christ loves his church. This is an unconditional love that looks on the inside of a person and not the adorning of the outside. It is a love with a pure heart.
This submission also carries over to the bed that neither should deprive one another unless it is a mutual consent, 1 Corinthians 7:5 the principles for the married believer are explained in 1 Corinthians 7:10-16. As long as there is love and faithfulness the two should never depart from each other nor stray away for lust of the flesh.
Does God permit divorce; no he does not for what God has joined together as one flesh let no man separate it, Matthew 19:6. God joined man and woman together before sin entered into the hearts of man and woman, Genesis 2:18. When woman was deceived by the serpent in Genesis 3:1-13 and gave the man to eat of the fruit, man forgot what God told them not to do and they both tried to hide from God, but God knew what they had done and now was sin entered into the hearts of man and woman. This is why we are all now born with a sin nature because of the fall of man. Sin soon was found where no truth of God could be found. Mans hearts were now filled with the lust of the eyes and lust of the heart. Man sought after his own pleasures and soon made gods of their own to worship and bow down to. These gods were a way for man to justify their own pleasures.
There was a man named Moses that God did find favor in and through using Moses as a faithful servant established what we call the Mosaic laws or Levitical laws which there are over 613 laws. These laws were established for man to make them once again righteous in the eyes of God and turn from the evil that filled their hearts.
Even with the laws God gave to Moses for the people, mans sin hardened hearts now turned to fornication, lust of self and covertness of others property including another mans wife. New laws were added continuously for the transgressions of man and this is how we got the law for divorce which was handed down by Moses in Deuteronomy 24:1-4.
1 Corinthians 7:10, Jesus commands the woman or the man not to leave her husband and if she or he does they should remain unmarried, but in Malachi 2:10-16 the treachery that man or a woman commits against each other which leads one or the other to have an affair outside of the marriage or abuses one or the other whether it be physical or emotional gives place to what was said by Moses in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 that if a woman or a man is no longer pleasing to the other then the husband or wife should give his wife or husband a written bill of divorcement and send them out of the house and this gives the woman or the man the right to marry again, but they can never go back to the former spouse if that marriage does not work out or her husband or wife dies for now he or she is defiled to be with their first husband or wife and this is an abomination to God.
For a good marriage to work one should study 2 Corinthians 6:14 be ye not unequally yoked together with non-believers for what fellowship hath righteous with unrighteous, and what communion has light with darkness. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you need to choose a mate that also believes in the faith of Christ. In some marriages people do not enter into a relationship with Christ being the center of it, but maybe one of them come to know the Lord and the other one refuses to have that personal relationship with Christ then we go back to what 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 says. If the unbelieving partner leaves the believing partner then this frees the believing partner from the bondage of the vows of marriage and they are free to marry again.
Before ever getting married take time to really know each other and establish a friendship that consist of trust and belief in each other. Allow Christ to be the center of your friendship and this will allow you to begin a marriage that is totally Christ centered. Always resolve your problems with the Holy Ghost guidance through the word and you will always have a good marriage. Always be opened and honest with each other for this builds trust in the relationship, but if that trust is broken there is no relationship. Love each other unconditionally as Christ loves us and forgives us our faults. As long as we live in this flesh we will sin at times, but when you acknowledge those sins and ask for forgiveness God will always forgive us. Always be ready to forgive each other seventy times seven, Matthew 22:21,22, and not only forgive, but forget the sin as God remembers our sins no more when we repent of them. The outside appearance will always change and beauty may fade, but it is the heart of the person we are to love and the heart will never change as long as the love of Christ dwells within it.
The law that was incorporated by man that one needs a marriage license was for the purpose of legal matters within the marriage. Marriage licenses in the US dates back to the 17th century in Colonial America with Massachusetts requiring them as early as 1639. Before that marriages were private affairs between families that did not require government approval. States began requiring a license because marriages have legal implications that can affect property, inheritance and taxes.