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Gods elect not saved?


Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
(2Ti 2:10 KJV).Does this mean that gods elect are not saved ?Shouldnt the fact that they are Gods elect cause them to be saved?
Israel was elect (chosen of God) did that save all of them? Instead of seeking election we must find ourselves in Christ.
Powerful verse thee, Gerard. The Greek word "obtain" is difficult to translate. It means "obtain,"but carries the idea of "enjoy," and "reach the mark." While God chooses to save everyone who accepts Christ, many Christians never receive the full benefits of salvation, which include joy, answered prayers, blessings in service, etc.

Paul endured things so that these saints could obtain all the benefits of salvation.
Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

Paul is talking about his own work. He perseveres in order that the Gospel may be heard by the elect with the ultimate effect that they will be saved. The phrase "may also" comes from the Greek KAI . In English the emphasis on "may" introduces a permissive component that is not in the Greek. A better translation might be "in order to".

Quite often the Bible uses phrases that indicate "possibility" when talking about salvation. Persevere to the end, endure, when it is revealed, etc. I think that what is uncertain here is not salvation, but our knowledge of the state of salvation of others.

The Bible even speaks to the uncertainty of our own salvation and that we should examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.

Jesus uses some similar language when talking about how He had not lost any that the Father had given Him.

There are two doctrinal camps. One says the other group is guilty of "easy believe-ism" the other says that "criteria salvation" leads to uncertainty and an emphasis on a works based salvation. Both groups have legitimate concerns.

We should not become cavalier in our faith that a prayer, act, membership, or tradition guarantees us a place in heaven. On the other hand, we do not need to be so fearful that we constantly seek to make ourselves acceptable for salvation.

We see in the words of Jesus and Paul a proper awe and fear of the Lord. We need to look to the future with hope in the Lord and His faithfulness. There are those the Lord has "marked out". They will be revealed at the Last day. Until then let us not look to doctrinal declarations for our assurance, but to Him who died for us.
gerard16 said:
Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
(2Ti 2:10 KJV).Does this mean that gods elect are not saved ?Shouldnt the fact that they are Gods elect cause them to be saved?

Glad you asked, because you have pointed out something I am accused of being heretical by some Christians, and that there are two chosen peoples, and obviously you took notice. One is the chosen of race, and the other are the chosen of grace. Israel and the church are two separate entities, but mutually interacting with each other in God's plan and purpose. The promises to Israel are marvelous earthly in blessings, i.e. becoming many people, becoming many nations, becoming militarily powerful, controlling most of the world all this before the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, which BTW the Kingdom can happen any time soon now. But earthly blessings do not presuppose personal salvation. Their purpose is the earthly type and forerunner of God's Kingdom on this earth and as Paul stated, are the oracle people of God (by which Messiah came).

The church on the other hand are the few chosen in this age now to rule and reign with Christ in the coming Kingdom on earth. And in the end, the bible (several OT passages) claim God will write the Laws in their hearts of the Israelites specifically called for this purpose which indicates God is not through with Israel. The salvation of many more is coming later in other words. This is unlike those Christians who claim the "Jew" rejected Christ so now the promises go to a random, unprophesied group of people called Gentiles (Church) because they now "believe". That's replacement theology, instead of having eyes open to understand that both were needed then, now and in the future. This is opposed to a whimsical God who reneges on his covenant to Israel that they would be a light on the world and instead granting that responsibility to Gentiles. This is why I believe the way I do. Nothing else makes sense, as I am one to need logical reasons to everything, and any other belief just makes a Babylon of confusion (and thus the reason why one sees so many contradictory opinions).
gerard16 said:
Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
(2Ti 2:10 KJV).Does this mean that gods elect are not saved ?Shouldnt the fact that they are Gods elect cause them to be saved?
we have our salvation now BY FAITH. That means we do not yet see it, but by faith we have been given it. If we endure until the end ( which the elect will) then we will lay hold on our salvation. We will put it on. When we say now we are saved we are speaking by faith in Gods promise that those who believe on him and endure till the end are saved. When we reach the end we will be given our reward, the inheritance we recieve in Christ Jesus, the adoption of our new bodies, the crowns of life etc... etc...