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Bible Study God's Mercy


Fight the good fight of faith
2024 Supporter
Lamentations 3:22 It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
Lamentations 3:23 they are new every morning: great is they faithfulness.

Mercy loves and grace pardons. God looks past our sinful nature and goes straight to the heart of a persons character to know there is hope for everyone of us if we would only come boldly to his throne of grace and surrender this fleshly nature and allow God to cloth us in his righteousness as our own righteousness is as a filthy rag to God, Isaiah 64:6; Titus 3:5, 6.

It’s not God that condemns us as in the flesh as we are already condemned by our fleshly sin nature we are all born with, but does not activate until we come into the knowledge of sin for the word says there is none that are righteous, Romans 3:10-20.

The washing of regeneration by that of Gods Holy Spirit, John 3:5 cleanses us of our sin nature that has caused all to sin as sin entered the world by one and continues through the generations. Jesus whom forgives our confessed sin sanctifying as God sets us apart through His mercy to be called heirs to the throne of grace through his son Jesus Christ who laid his own life down so we could have life eternal with the Father.

Sin separates us from God because God is a spirit and can only recognize his own children by what spirit is living in their hearts. We have to renew, rebirth - born again, Gods Spirit within us in order to be called a child of God and see the kingdom of heaven. We now put off the old man (flesh) and put on the new man (Spirit), Colossians 3:1-17. We are renewed by the word (Spirit of God) and through the Holy Spirit teaching us of all things, John 14:26.

Matthew 5:1-16 blessed is the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. When our hearts are right with the Lord then he has compassion on all his children and whatever you ask for in his name he will meet your needs, but one important factor in this is that you also have to have mercy for those who trespass against you to forgive what others do against you, Mark 11:22-26.

You can study the Mercy seat of God in the OT and how the sacrifices were made for the atonement of sin to see how figurative this was to the coming Messiah (Christ Jesus) who is now our mercy seat through his birth, death and resurrection as Jesus was made the final sacrificial lamb for the atonement of all men and gathered all our sins and put them upon himself and died to set us free from sin and God raised him again on the third day so we could take part in his death and resurrection, which means when we accept Jesus we die to our old fleshly ways and now are resurrected to live with him for eternity.

God’s love is not limited, but we choose to limit Gods love by separating ourselves from his mercy and grace. Jude vs. 17-23 Keep yourselves in the love of God always looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternity.​
Gods Mercy is actually saving, those whom He chooses to have mercy upon, He regenerates them by the Spirit. Titus 3:5

5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
However God is Sovereign in whom He chooses to have Mercy upon Rom 9:15-16,18

15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

By this passage it is evident, that mercy doth precede regeneration, and is the cause of spiritual regeneration and renewal
Lamentations 3:22 It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
Lamentations 3:23 they are new every morning: great is they faithfulness.

Mercy loves and grace pardons. God looks past our sinful nature and goes straight to the heart of a persons character to know there is hope for everyone of us if we would only come boldly to his throne of grace and surrender this fleshly nature and allow God to cloth us in his righteousness as our own righteousness is as a filthy rag to God, Isaiah 64:6; Titus 3:5, 6.

It’s not God that condemns us as in the flesh as we are already condemned by our fleshly sin nature we are all born with, but does not activate until we come into the knowledge of sin for the word says there is none that are righteous, Romans 3:10-20.

The washing of regeneration by that of Gods Holy Spirit, John 3:5 cleanses us of our sin nature that has caused all to sin as sin entered the world by one and continues through the generations. Jesus whom forgives our confessed sin sanctifying as God sets us apart through His mercy to be called heirs to the throne of grace through his son Jesus Christ who laid his own life down so we could have life eternal with the Father.

Sin separates us from God because God is a spirit and can only recognize his own children by what spirit is living in their hearts. We have to renew, rebirth - born again, Gods Spirit within us in order to be called a child of God and see the kingdom of heaven. We now put off the old man (flesh) and put on the new man (Spirit), Colossians 3:1-17. We are renewed by the word (Spirit of God) and through the Holy Spirit teaching us of all things, John 14:26.

Matthew 5:1-16 blessed is the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. When our hearts are right with the Lord then he has compassion on all his children and whatever you ask for in his name he will meet your needs, but one important factor in this is that you also have to have mercy for those who trespass against you to forgive what others do against you, Mark 11:22-26.

You can study the Mercy seat of God in the OT and how the sacrifices were made for the atonement of sin to see how figurative this was to the coming Messiah (Christ Jesus) who is now our mercy seat through his birth, death and resurrection as Jesus was made the final sacrificial lamb for the atonement of all men and gathered all our sins and put them upon himself and died to set us free from sin and God raised him again on the third day so we could take part in his death and resurrection, which means when we accept Jesus we die to our old fleshly ways and now are resurrected to live with him for eternity.

God’s love is not limited, but we choose to limit Gods love by separating ourselves from his mercy and grace. Jude vs. 17-23 Keep yourselves in the love of God always looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternity.​
God is very merciful maam, great point. Through His provision of the sacrifice only a minute amount of people will not have the chance of the gift of life eternal. Only those who sin against the holy spirit have no ransom.