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Got a real funny story 4 ya..



This just got to my inbox: & I'm sittin' right by a dude who's lived in St Louis, MO & likes its famous daughter on TV - Joyce Meyer - another funny, but very wise & godly, lady

But I digress..

Bryan is happy 4 y'all to network this...

with full credit link, OK?


best sit down..

B4 ya fall over laffin'..

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Beware The Friendly Pharisee
Bryan Hupperts

Mar 17, 2006

Beware The Friendly Pharisee

Bryan will be speaking on "Coming Out Of Your Wilderness" at Andrew Strom's "The Gathering" in Kansas City this weekend.-

Hi, SheepTrax!

Beware the friendly Pharisee who "just wants to show you" his rock collection. By the time you realize those red spots are not, in fact, rust, you're already within stoning range.

In Matthew 10:36, Jesus warned, "A man's enemies will be the members of his own household." This includes the household of faith.

When Jesus came to his own, his own received him not. It was the Biblically literate, entrenched ecclesial hierarchy who led the accusations against Jesus. Can his disciples expect anything less?

The Pharisees accused him of illegitimacy.

Illegitimacy is a curious word with the obvious meaning of being born to unmarried parents. Its other meaning is, "unlawfulness by virtue of not being authorized by or in accordance with law." In other words, Jesus, we've got an exclusive club going here and you just don't fit the membership requirements! Since we didn't disciple you, you must not be a genuine disciple.

A true apostolic heart is, in the words of Wolfgang Simpson, "a father's heart crying for his sons to surpass him." The Pharisee is a sort of anti-apostle with a similar heart cry; that their sons surpass them by becoming twice the children of hell they themselves are!

The Pharisees accused him of being a glutton and drunkard.

God longs for the day when his Bride is gathered together at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Jesus did his first miracle at a wedding feast, a party! The Lord of glory isn't afraid of celebrating with his people, but the Pharisees took offense. Even as King David danced before the Lord with such abandon that his clothes finally fell off, so should we celebrate God no matter who gets offended.

Love is not easily offended. Pharisees, who do not operate in redemptive love, are not only easily offended, but spend their time looking for offense so they can be righteously offended "for the Lord."

The Pharisees accused him of being a friend of sinners.

Jesus retorted by saying he was not only their friend, but their physician! It is not the well (in their own eyes) who need the good doctor, but those who recognize that they are ill. As a doctor is welcome at the house of the infirm, so the Savior is welcome into the hearts of needy sinners.

The Pharisees accused him of being demonized.

Satan is called the accuser of the brethren, the slanderer. Here stood the accusing Pharisees, Satan's chorus line, chanting in cadence his slanderous accusations. Satan's heart was blinded by self-exalting pride. Can the heart of the Pharisee be much different?

The Pharisees accused him of being struck down by God's wrath.

When a dedicated follower of Jesus is undergoing persecution, trial or tribulation, the gleeful Pharisees will gather together to smirk, shake their collective heads, and say, "Tisk, tisk. The judgment of God is surely just!"

However, when they are going through a bad time, they will bemoan "the devil's attacks and being "persecuted for righteousness' sake!"

Notes on Pharisees.

Pharisees keep their own hands clean. To avoid personal defilement, they claim to have heard "an anonymous report," or hire false witnesses, lying accusers, to repeat their whispered words while they stand off watching from a safe distance. They smile as authorities rob you even as the Roman soldiers stole and made wagers over Jesus clothes - while he was being crucified.

The Pharisee wants to make sure you are left with absolute nothing: no legacy, no fruit, no family, no friends, no material possessions. It supports his assertion that you are Anathema, cursed of God.

The Pharisee will piously declare, "Divine Justice!" while watching as you are falsely judged, condemned, and taken away for execution but they will scream, "Foul!" when later you and your God-given vision are somehow ressurected from the dead.

And don't worry - they lied about Jesus' ressurection and they will lie about yours!

On the surface, there was merit to some of their accusations against Jesus. He did exercise wild spiritual authority. He did eat and drink with sinners. He was their friend.

The Pharisee can't see purity in any motives other than their own so they ascribe to you the worst of all possible motives.

If the Truth could not change their hearts, it will not change their minds, either.

If you are a follower of Jesus, take heed: the Friendly Pharisee is not your friend.

Bryan Hupperts
Copyright 2006
SheepTrax Media

Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is permitted provided that complete source and website information for SheepTrax Media is included.


Bless U, Bryan!

Many Brits prayed hard for The Heart of the USA - the Midwest - @ that recent & unprecedented storm damage

& St Louis is widely regarded as the Heart of the Midwest

Glad to see U R still surviving & thriving, bro'

God bless!
