I interpret this as suggesting that the "beating of swords into plowshares" lies in the future. I believe that time has already come. I think we disagree on the timing of Jesus rule - I believe He is already installed as ruling King over this earth. But perhaps to get into that debate would derail this thread.
Thanks again my friend.
No, ... I believe that for us believers, discussing
Christ rule here on earth IS a very big part of this debate regarding 'gun control' whether here in the US, the Americas or anywhere in the world. If Christ is our King of kings here and now, and we walk in and out of that spiritual-kingdom then the subject of owning a gun is really irrelevant for us 'believers', because we as believers would never, ... yes never use it to harm any other human being.
Laws apply only to those living under the law, and those concerned in upholding the law (those still living for the world) bear the sword, but as the Bible explains (especially Romans) that we are NOT under the law, and owning a gun would be no different than owning an Ipad or an exercise bike. I'm sure if I threw an Ipad hard enough and just the right way, I could kill someone with it, ... right? That goes with an exercise bike too. But that is not why I have one, nor would it be any different if I owned a gun.
But why would I, a believer (Christian) own a gun and want to beat it into plowshares? Why would I buy a gun in the first place?
If I lived out on a farm with foxes attacking my chickens, or wolves stealing my sheep, it would be very useful to own a gun, right? And this brings us to what you said, and to what I too agree, that
Jesus is already installed as ruling King over this earth but ONLY for those who have been 'born again', who walk NOT according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. In the spirit, we are in HIS Kingdom that has arrived at Pentecost, but for now in the flesh we live here on this earth. The laws governing us is NOT of this worlds, but of Christ's, which is to love those that despitefully use us and persecute us. So if I owned a gun, it would be for a useful purpose as I have mentioned above, not to protect myself from my fellow man. For me to live, is for Christ, and to die is but gain.
I can't say I fully understand what is coming, or why we would need to beat our swords into plowshares if God will destroy this here physical earth and will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, and have the old ones vanish, ... where even the 'elements' be burnt up with a fervent heat? This is where I believe the Thousand Year Reign comes in, where Jesus will rule on this physical earth for a thousand years, and under HIS rule, there won't be any more use for guns or tanks.
Then after that thousand years is over, Satan will be released for a short while and he will round up all those who lived under Christ rule for that thousand years, but hated it, and just couldn't wait to war against this goody-goody lifestyle under Christ, and will gather together with Satan for a final war against Christ and those that serve Him.
I mean it makes sense doesn't it? Then as the Bible says, Jesus will win over Satan with His Word (the sword of Truth) and will cast Satan and all those multitude that followed him into hell, which is also called the second-death, because a life without the presence of God (for all good things come from God) is NOT life, but a state of eternal damnation and darkness, which cannot be considered 'life' by any means, but death and those living there called the 'living dead'.
So until Christ comes to rule for that thousand years, I myself wouldn't be
'beating my swords into plowshares' just yet.
What do you and others think on this?
In Jesus name