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I was an old school Catholic from 1944 to 1968 which was pre Vatican II. Only priests consumed the fruit of the vine in those days: viz: the congregation had zero contact with it-- no dipping, dunking, tincturing, moistening, soaking, wicking, or tasting; no, the congregation was given only the bread element. So then all those years I practiced the Lord's supper my participation was half-baked; which is far more serious than the average rank and file pew warmer realizes
†. John 6:54 . .Whoso eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has eternal life.
In other words; it's necessary to consume both the Lord's body and his blood in order to obtain eternal life; which means I was a dead Catholic.
†. John 6:53 . . Jesus said to them: I tell you the truth; unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
Thomas Aquinas came up with the bright idea that it's only necessary to consume one of the elements (he called them species) in order to be given credit for consuming the Lord's flesh and blood. But is that really the procedure that the Lord stipulated for his apostles? No. He clearly, and without ambiguity, commanded them to eat a bit of bread and to follow it up with a beverage from the vine; and I would just like to know why in God's good name Rome found it so difficult to comply with His son's wishes prior to Vatican II.
†. Luke 6:46 . .Why do you call me Lord and Master and not do the things which I say?
†. John 14:15 . . If you love me, you will comply with what I command.
†. John 15:14 . .You are my friends if you do as I wish.
The importance of the correct procedure is paramount because; according to God's testimony as an expert witness in all matters pertaining to His own son: I and the other pre Vatican II Catholics who were denied eternal life due to our lack of access to the fruit of the vine; were consequently denied Christ too.
†. 1John 5:11-12 . . And this is what God has testified: He has given us eternal life, and this life is in His son. So whoever has God's son has the life; whoever does not have the life, does not have His son.
Christless-ness is an extremely hazardous spiritual condition.
†. Rom 8:9 . . If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.
What it boils down to is: I and my fellow pre Vatican II Catholics were not the Lord's sheep; and had no right to claim any of Psalm 23 for ourselves.
Buen Camino
Oh dear, so they sent you to hell because you didn't drink the blood of Jesus. That's really sad.
I guess we have that in common. My cousin is Vatican 1 as well and according to her, I'm not a Brother in Christ either.
Oh well, at least I'll have some good company in hell.![]()
If you were to review Mtt 26:26-27 and 1Cor 11:23-25 you'd readily see that the Lord's body is per the bread, and his blood is per the fruit of the vine; which is why his followers need to consume both elements in order to obtain the life.The Church teaches that BOTH the Body and Blood are present in BOTH species.
If you were to review Mtt 26:26-27 and 1Cor 11:23-25 you'd readily see that the Lord's body is per the bread, and his blood is per the fruit of the vine; which is why his followers need to consume both elements in order to obtain the life.
†. John 6:53 . . Jesus said to them: I tell you the truth; unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
†. Matt 26:26 . . And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said: Take, eat; this is my body
†. Matt 26:27-28 . .Then he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying: Drink from it, all of you; this is my blood.
That's distinctly a two-step procedure and if Rome truly loved the Lord; it would comply with his wishes.
†. Luke 6:46 . .Why do you call me Lord and Master and not do the things which I say?
†. John 14:15 . . If you love me, you will comply with what I command.
†. John 15:14 . .You are my friends if you do as I wish.
Buen Camino
I can't speak to your cousin's view, but according to the Catholic Church's official teaching, you are a brother in Christ, and always have been.
Wine or grape juice? Well; due to the fact that the last supper was a Passover seder; which is consumed in springtime right around March and April when fresh grapes are generally unavailable in Palestine; and considering that 2,000 years ago nobody had refrigeration, I think we have to concede that the fruit of the vine in the last supper's cup was fermented; especially because one need not go to any particular trouble to make wine since grapes typically have enough indigenous yeast on their skins to start the process naturally.
†. Mtt 26:29 . . I tell you: I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom.
New wine (a.k.a. young wine) is quite sufficient to get people hammered (Acts 2:5-15) though old wine (a.k.a. aged wine) is generally considered the better quality of the two (Luke 5:39). Precisely why the Lord prefers a young wine to an aged wine; I have no clue.
Is it therefore mandatory that communion be served with fermented grape juice? Well; in Jesus' day they really had no choice about it at Passover time; but in our day we do. So I'd say that fermented grape juice is optional just so long as the communion cup contains fruit of the vine.
Note : a pretty good argument might be made that the cup actually contained some vinegar. (John 13:26-30, cf. John 19:29-30) indicating that the liquid in the last supper's cup was maybe not all that tasty. Personally I think wine tastes awful anyway— even the smell tends to make me a little nauseous —but vinegar works pretty good for salads and sauces.
Buen Camino
If perchance transubstantiation is true...
The importance of the correct procedure is paramount because; according to God's testimony as an expert witness in all matters pertaining to His own son: I and the other pre Vatican II Catholics who were denied eternal life due to our lack of access to the fruit of the vine; were consequently denied Christ too.
I'm personally familiar with your defensive attitude as I was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church an infant in 1944 and subsequently sent to catechism where, in time, I completed First Holy Communion and Confirmation. I was loyal to the Roman hierarchy and to it's beliefs and practices until 1968 when I came to the realization that it was essential to my eternal welfare to renounce Catholicism and convert to Protestantism.This brings up and interesting point concerning your take, because you personally neither consume the Body nor the Blood, but find it acceptable, and probably even virtuous, to pass judgment upon the Catholic Church teaching on HOW WE consume Them.
If the Lord's flesh and blood are consumed correctly; they don't "lead" to eternal life; on the contrary, they grant eternal life-- instantly. Note the grammatical tense of the Lord's "have" verb in his statement below. It's present tense rather than future; indicating that people who correctly consume his flesh and blood have eternal life right now-- no delay, and no waiting period.So, consuming the Eucharist leads to eternal life
They're equally worse because neither toes the mark.Which is worse, only consuming the Body or consuming neither?
If the Lord's flesh and blood are consumed correctly; they don't "lead" to eternal life; on the contrary, they grant eternal life-- instantly.
They're equally worse because neither toes the mark.
I once heard of two Forrest Gumps standing on Santa Monica pier discussing the distance to Santa Catalina Island; which is something like 26 miles off the California coast. One guy says to the other: Let's see if we can jump to the island. So he takes off running and gives it his best shot but splashes into the surf only ten feet from the end of the pier. The next guy does a little better at twelve feet. Which one made it to Catalina? Well; one guy was closer but their efforts were futile because neither reached the island.
In other words; the correct transubstantiation procedure consists of two items: bread and fruit of the vine. Omitting one of those two items leaves worshippers short of the goal like the two Gumps who tried to jump out to Catalina. Nice try; but no cigar.
It may not be a proper analogy for you; but it's proper enough for me.This is not a proper analogy
According to the expressed wishes of Christianity's Lord and Master-- on public display at Mtt 26:26-27 and 1Cor 11:23-25 --his body is per the bread and his blood is per the cup.As Aquinas said, both the Body and Blood are present in the Eucharist.
Dad of 10 said:As I have already said, the proper way to view this is not to take a legalistic approach to the words "eat" and "drink". As Aquinas said, both the Body and Blood are present in the Eucharist. Just because the pre-Vatican II Church didn't literally interpret "drink" to mean "consume from a cup in liquid form" doesn't mean the Blood is not ACTUALLY BEING CONSUMED, and that's the point. Again, you don't partake nor believe that there is even such a thing as the actual Body and Blood of Jesus, so I don't understand what difference the form makes to you. It is like a Catholic telling a Jew that they aren't following the proper Seeder traditions because "OUR interpretation of Scripture says you should be doing X,Y and Z, not A,B and C." That would be quite comical (if not offensive) to the Jew, and so is this.
It may not be a proper analogy for you; but it's proper enough for me.
According to the expressed wishes of Christianity's Lord and Master-- on public display at Mtt 26:26-27 and 1Cor 11:23-25 --his body is per the bread and his blood is per the cup.
According to Christ's expressed wishes then; communion is incomplete when only one of the elements is consumed; viz: participants in a half-baked communion are disqualified from the blessing of eternal life; and not only that, but people who listen to ecclesiastic celebrities like Thomas Aquinas instead of listening to Christ, are under a special curse.
†. Gal 1:7-9 . .There are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you; let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Like they say: a word to the wise is sufficient. Be wise therefore instead of lacking prudence.
†. Prv 29:25 . . Reverence for men will prove to be a snare; but whoever trusts in The Lord is kept safe.
You may continue to rely upon Thomas Aquinas if you want; that's your choice. But I highly recommend that you rely upon Christ instead, and trust that he knows better than Aquinas what he's talking about when it comes to his own wishes.
Buen Camino
I'm just curious why they would withhold the fruit of the vine when it is so obvious that Jesus first broke bread, and then he drank fruit of the vine. Why does the catholic church combine these two items into one item?