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[_ Old Earth _] Hallmarks of Intelligence and Ingenuity




To my mind, one of the biggest hallmarks of intelligence is ingenuity. An idiot cannot display ingenuity, and a genius displays it abundantly.

Here is one such display, without which, mammalian life (and possibly others) would shortly become extinct.

The Digestive System

Oddly enough, it comes from the digestive system, an unlikely place, you might say. You’re probably right, but here it is.

The Pancreas

Have a look at the diagram:

The pancreas produces enzymes which pass into the small intestine and complete the processes of digestion which began in the mouth with ptyalin (salivary amylase), continues in the stomach with the production of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and rennin another two remarkable enzymes which can function in highly acid conditions.

The pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller chunks called polypeptides and smaller ones still, called peptides.


The final stage of the digestion of proteins occurs in the small intestine, where the peptides are split up into amino-acids which are small enough to pass through the wall of the gut into the blood stream. Anything bigger won't go through.

Peptides ----trypsin--->amino-acids

And here’s the ingenuity.

One of the enzymes which the pancreas produces is not an enzyme, but an enzyme precursor which by itself cannot digest the protein. It’s called trypsinogen. The ‘-ogen’ piece of the name means that it will ‘gen’-erate trypsin later on.

The trypsinogen passes into a tube called the ‘pancreatic duct’ into the small intestine (see the diagram above), where it meets up with another substance called ‘enterokinase’ which remarkably enough, ACTIVATES the trypsinogen, and turns it into trypsin, which can digest the peptides and change them into amino-acids.

So to simplify it, here’s a diagram:

Pancreas----->trypsinogen----> into duct----> into small intestine

In the small intestine:

Trypsinogen + enterokinase -----> trypsin (which digests the peptides and polypeptides.)

A very serious problem has been solved most ingeniously in this arrangement.

You can see the pancreatic duct in the diagram above. It's made of protein.

Therefore, if the pancreas had produced trypsin itself, it would have digested the tube on the way to the intestine. Serious injury, and inability to digest and absorb protein would have resulted.

Extinction would have followed very shortly.

However, the Creator foresaw the problem, and solved it most ingeniously.

He made sure that the trypsin could NOT become active UNTIL it reached the small intestine. He made sure that when it DID get there, there WAS an activator (an enzyme too!) present to kick start its action.

And finally for the purposes of this article, He made sure that the walls of the small intestine could resist the action of trypsin.

We won’t even bother to belabour the incredible complexity of the enzymes’ biochemistry.

Suffice it to say that here is ingenuity par excelsis.

Can mindless processes produce ingenuity?

I doubt it somehow.

Evolution chaps?
Since trypsin exists in single-celled bacteria, it works fine without all that other paraphernalia.

In more advanced organisms, the precursor and the activator are separated to make it work efficiently, not to protect the pancreas. After all, the enzyme is contained elsewhere, and that isn't damaged by the enzyme.

Evolutionary divergence and conservation of trypsin
Oxford Journals
Life Sciences & Medicine
Volume 7, Issue 1
The Hallmark of Intelligence is Truth.

We measure Intelligence by counting the number of correct or truthful responses to questions on Test or reactions to confrontations, i.e., responses to stimuli.

This idea that our Intelligence is based upon our ability to image Truth is our mind explains Gen 1:26 and at the same time, de facto of its reflection in our mind, it defines God as Reality, itself.

Let us ((i.e., his NaturalLaws) make man, (as a reflection of Reality, in his mind, able, throughTruth, to imminently reflect the "I am" of this existence: [John14:6]), IN OUR IMAGE, (after the spirit of our orderly panentheisticorganization):
and let them, (men as the Dominant species on earth to this day), havedominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over thecattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth., (i.e.; become the dominant life form on earth)

Remember, Jesus said, "I am the Truth, and the way"....
Since trypsin exists in single-celled bacteria, it works fine without all that other paraphernalia.

In more advanced organisms, the precursor and the activator are separated to make it work efficiently, not to protect the pancreas. After all, the enzyme is contained elsewhere, and that isn't damaged by the enzyme.

Evolutionary divergence and conservation of trypsin
Oxford Journals
Life Sciences & Medicine
Volume 7, Issue 1

I'm not quite sure how this affects my point.

If trypsin itself passed down the tube, it would digest or at least damage it.

The separation is a mark of ingenuity, not evolutionary chance production.
Since trypsin exists in single-celled bacteria, it works fine without all that other paraphernalia.
What 'Intelligence' is responsible for that "single-celled bacteria"? Remember, classical Darwinism (atheism) rules out a Creator-Designer out of hand.
CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN stands among the giants of Western thought because he convinced a majority of his peers that all of life shares a single, if complex, history. He taught us that we can understand life’s history in purely naturalistic terms, without recourse to the supernatural or divine. ~ Niles Eldredge
How does your theistic Darwinism (an oxymoron) explain the existence of life? Is Eldredge's statement above a statement of science or a statement of religion? You do understand the difference - right?
I'm not quite sure how this affects my point.

If you were correct, it would certainly damage a single cell. And yet we find it in single-celled organisms.

If trypsin itself passed down the tube, it would digest or at least damage it.

Why, when it gets to the end of the tube, and is converted to trypsin, does it not damage the organs?

The separation is a mark of ingenuity, not evolutionary chance production.

If you had been paying attention in science class, you'd know Darwin's great discovery was that it wasn't by chance.
What 'Intelligence' is responsible for that "single-celled bacteria"? Remember, classical Darwinism (atheism) rules out a Creator-Designer out of hand.

I know you want us to believe that, but as you know, Darwin attributed the origin of life to God. So that's not a very credible claim on your part, is it?

CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN stands among the giants of Western thought because he convinced a majority of his peers that all of life shares a single, if complex, history. He taught us that we can understand life’s history in purely naturalistic terms, without recourse to the supernatural or divine. ~ Niles Eldredge

And Issac Newton taught us that we can understand planetary motion in purely naturalistic terms, without recourse to the supernatural or divine.

Don't see your point. All of science is like that. But you surely noticed that science does not rule out the supernatural. It just can't investigate it.

How does your theistic Darwinism (an oxymoron) explain the existence of life?

Perhaps you forgot. Remember when you found that evolutionary theory makes no claims about how life got here?

Is Eldredge's statement above a statement of science or a statement of religion?

Eldredge is describing how science works. This is why people of all faiths or of no faith at all, can do science.

You do understand the difference - right?

Evolution, which depends on evidence, is a science. Creationism, because it depends on faith, is a religion. Simple.
...Darwin attributed the origin of life to God.
Darwin went to his grave as an agnostic atheist - and his version of evolutionism is a secular ideology - a substitute for Christianity. The two worldviews are not compatible. Of course you know that already.
‘… Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.’ ~ Michael Ruse, Darwinist - former professor of philosophy and zoology (University of Guelph)

And Issac Newton taught us that we can understand planetary motion in purely naturalistic terms, without recourse to the supernatural or divine.
And Newton acknowledged a Creator-God as the Creator-God of the universe - Darwinists reject God out of hand. Why?
I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily... Issac Newton

The cosmos is all there is or ever was or ever will be. ~ Carl Sagan
(Barbarian notes that Darwin attributed the creation of life to God)

Darwin went to his grave as an agnostic atheist

If you were honest, you'd admit that's not what he expressed as his belief.

and his version of evolutionism is a secular ideology - a substitute for Christianity.

Nope. Like Newton's physics, it makes no mention of God, nor do these theories deny God or propose to be a substitute for Him. You've been fooled again.

Barbarian observes:
And Issac Newton taught us that we can understand planetary motion in purely naturalistic terms, without recourse to the supernatural or divine.

And Newton acknowledged a Creator-God as the Creator-God of the universe

Newton denied that Christ was God. You sure you want to endorse that?

Darwinists reject God out of hand.

I know you really, really want that to be true, but this last sentence from The Origin of Species makes that idea completely impossible:
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved. -Charles Darwin

Because, as you see, it's always been that way. Some of the greatest men in evolutionary theory, starting with Darwin, were theists. You've been taken by people who took advantage of your trust in them.
What 'Intelligence' is responsible for that "single-celled bacteria"? Remember, classical Darwinism (atheism) rules out a Creator-Designer out of hand.

How does your theistic Darwinism (an oxymoron) explain the existence of life??

Genesis says first life was an ACT-OF-GOD:

Gen. 1:11 And (Father Nature, the creator of all existence), “God,†said,...

" Let the earth bring forth "grass"i.e.; ("deshe," in the Hebrew meaning "the first sprouts of the Earth, and, then)," the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and (in a Spontaneous Generation), it was so.
‘… Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.’ ~ Michael Ruse, Darwinist - former professor of philosophy and zoology (University of Guelph)

Genesis 1 never says HOW life came into being, except to confirm abiogenesis and to state that the Plant Kingdom developed first, followed by the Animal Kingdom.

In Genesis 5, we are told that Adam is not one individual, but a species, different from the apes, apparently, because the species did not come from its own "kind" but was the product of a chemistry of the dust of the planet earth, i.e. atoms in the womb.


2Maleand female created he THEM; and blessed THEM, and calledTHEIR name "Adam," (a species) in the day when THEYwere created.

We are encouraged by other parts of the story, (Gen 5:32 below, for instance), which are analogous to our recognition of earliest three racial stocks founding the seven differentiations evidenced in the present diversity of seven genetic indicators of racial complexs today.

Gen. 5:32 And Noah, (anarchaic type of Homo sapiens' forebearer), was five hundred (thousand) yearsold: and Noah begat (three racial stocks of Modern Homo sapiens); Shem, (Mongolian),Ham, (Negroid), and Japheth, (Caucasian).


To my mind, one of the biggest hallmarks of intelligence is ingenuity. An idiot cannot display ingenuity, and a genius displays it abundantly.

Can mindless processes produce ingenuity?

I doubt it somehow.

That is an oxymoron since the process we call Intelligence is a measurement of how closely an organism conforms to what are the hard and fixed Facts of Life.
Even humans are measure in IQ by their correct answers on tests which demonstrated their recognition of Facts.

We see intelligence at its earliest stages of development in inanimate things.
Flowers can not take a written test to neasure their intelligence, but, in that the flowers have been conforming rigidly to their environment for milions of years, there is that evidence of their inherent intelligence to have innovated in areas which have allowed them to Adapt to the Environomt, i.e.; the Real World.