this is what bro. branham said. i don't think he was prophecying here. i think he was talking about that the government already had prepared a place there for the coming new world order for all the christian people that had so-called odd ideas or beliefs.
34 Less than fifteen years ago a family here in Port Fulton (I think some of the family's setting here tonight.)--here in Port Fulton, they sent a little girl home from school for wearing shorts to school. And to--this week they're trying to sue and put out of the school (and they did it), a little girl that refused to wear shorts in school. What's the matter with our nation? I thought this was a land of free; I thought we had a right--religious freedom. This father stood up and said, "It's against our religious belief for our children to wear shorts, our little girl of sixteen, seventeen years old, to wear shorts; it's against our religious belief." And they dismissed and expelled the child from the school. I understand that everybody that won't agree and come into the--to the--the international agreement of this fellowship that they're trying to form to put--and unite all churches together, the federation of churches, that all that won't come in and unite with it, they're making them a little province; they're going to send them to Alaska. You might as well get ready for cold weather, 'cause it looks like it's coming. So what a disgrace.