In 2005 I came down with testicular cancer. I was laid off work, released from the Army guard, and I found out mi x-wife was cheating on me. Trying having pride in that situation! I pretty much lost everything(house,cars,etc)
I was left with two kids ages 2 and 5 to care for by myself. Luckily, people from my church, my guard unit, and my brother and his wife stepped in to help me. My brother's wife(my guardian angel) drove me to chemotherapy five times a week every third week and looked after my kids when I was too sick to for many months. I had to ask for :help several times. I'd get too weak to get myself around the house sometimes. I'd be endlessly puking,nauseated,dizzy, etc....
Before that, I thought I was such a studmuffin, full of pride. I was teaching self defense in my guard unit, teaching karate in the community,etc..I was just awesome...
I thought I had it all together and looked down on those who didn't. I was very judgemental.
Talk about a God-shot!!! I was alot nicer and more understanding after all that. Overall, it made me a better person and gave me something to share when I hear about cancer.
God works in mysterious ways, but sometimes he's just plain blunt!! :yes