Ah, the other "Dr". This Neil likes to play on people's ignorance of Chemistry. He makes a big deal about mercury in vaccines. However Neil fails to point out a very basic concept most of us learn the first weak of Chemistry. An element that is part of a chemical bond does not have the same properties as the element by itself. The mercury in the vaccine does not have the same traits aspure mercury that is highly reactive to our biochemistry because its similar to Oxygen and likes to bond with Hydrogen and Carbon. This messes with our body because it takes the oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen atoms away from much need metabolic processes. The Mercury in the vaccines Neil is attacking has already bonded with other elements and won't be a problem.
As I mentioned, the Antivax propaganda focuses on the general populace's ignorance of Chemistry and Biology.
I would encourage anyone who doesn't question the safety of vaccines to do more research. I've spent hours on this subject and continue to do so. I think our babies and children deserve better than what the cdc, FDA and big pharma are doing. It's disgusting really.
Were any of these hours of study spent studying Pharmacology, Virology, or Chemistry?
Please read the page I linked to and fact check it for yourself. It takes time but this is a serious issue.
I would recommend that people save a lot of time and just read this basic wiki article on chemical bonding.
One thing that turns me off is hearing about herd immunity from adults who don't care enough to go get tested themselves to make sure they still have immunity from their last shots, as the cdc even says they can last as little as a couple years in some people. If herd immunity is really an issue for anyone they would stay on top of their own shots to "protect the children". How many of you made sure to get your flu shot, your dtap, your mmr, before you went to visit a new baby or be around kids in general.
I have all my vaccines and I also have family that have worked in the nursing and medical fields long enough to see what happens when people ignore their vaccines. Especially since I have a mother that works in a retirement facility as a DON who has seen several cases of preventable diseases that were caused by people not getting their vaccinations. I also have friends who are nurses in hospitals. Guess how many children they have seen die of Measles due to not being vaccinated.
Our bodies are amazing things. I know someone who cured their cancer with a raw diet. I've seen people heal cavities that have grown to the size of about 1/3 of the tooth with oil pulling, supplements and a high mineral diet. People have cured all kinda of things with high doses of vitamin c.
Since these are annecdotes I'm pretty sure there are a lot of factors you are not either aware of or sharing. The Human body is capable of healing itself from a lot of damage. However, its usually not just one thing that heals the body. Usually its a combination of a healthy lifestyle, catching diseases early, a positive attitude, and medicine. Very rarely is it just one of these things alone. Also be careful about telling people to take supplements without consulting a trained doctor. Everything has a toxicity level. Including Vitamins. If you digest way to much of a specific vitamin, the body will either dispose of the excess, or react negatively to it.
To much Vitamin C can actually cause symptoms of scurvy, diarrhea, fever, and immune system problems.
Don't just do research on vaccines, though. Research the pharmaceutical industry in general. The corruption is rampant.
Be wary of corruption, but be aware that if you don't have a basic understanding of pharmacology, chemistry, biology, and Virology, a lot of the information will look like word salad or be way over your head.