That verse, Matthew 5:48, means exactly what it says it means—we need to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect.
If you can overcome lust, you can overcome cussing and gossiping.
again why is it never ever mentioned in the bible..
an analogy
a unibody car wrecked but not totalled. its get fixed at the body shop. pull straight with the frame machine and repainted and so on. the owner drives it a few months the car starts pulling and eating tires, and aligment after aligment fixes nothing.
that car owner takes it back to the body shop. the shop says that's the way it is. and explains that once the unibody is damaged like that one, it can start slowly warping and having a large thrust angle that cant be pulled back out or corrected for.
the owner then decides to sell the car for scrap.
this is what the devil has done with our lives. we attempted to fix it, and it never gets truly together. only the lord can give us a new life.
if we truly believe that we can on this earth be perfect then why does the bible say that the very thoughts need to be subjected to the lord. or no man can tame his tounge?
only christ was that perfect, when we think we are all that and perfected,look at the bible and listen to the holy spirit. sin will be exposed, and repentence needed.
we cant be that perfect, if we could be our works alone then why the cross. its solo fide that save us
solo (only) fide(faith)
the later has actions to it as we acknowledge that and live our lives accordingly
i didnt stop porn on my own. i gave up on that. the lord while i was at the altar praying overtook me and thats when it happened. i wasnt even praying about it!