Douglas Summers
- Jun 1, 2015
- 2,515
- 754
Very well. You have both managed to quoted to same verse in which you reference the temptation in the wildness, in which the devil said to Jesus if you will fall down and worship me. The devil tried to get Jesus to worship him, but Jesus would not.
edited violation of TOS
7) Do not post opinions of another member's claim of Christian faith. (ToS 2.4)
Publicly judging someone as not being a Christian and/or not following Christ unless they themselves claim not be a Christian is disallowed. That's between them and the Lord. This includes judgments against collective beliefs or groups in general. reba
I understand the Scriptures to point out the first and original sin was PRIDE. Satan was the first, (Ezek. 28: 11-19; Isa: 14: 12-17), and then Adam and Eve (Gen, 3:6). Look at the crafty way Satan uses Eve. First he tempts her, "ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden," which puts here mind into singling out the one forbidden tree. Then she adds something that God did not say, "neither shall we touch it,". Then Satan makes God out a liar, even as he does today, ("ye shall not surely die") and this time makes God out to be a tyrant. and prideful.. That God knows you will know what He know and you too will be god's. This was not to be above God but equal with God.(Gen. 3: 1-6) (1 John 2: 15-17). He is like a ravenous Lion. He is ciaos not order. Now, in the visible church, Satan has caused the TARES to usurp Christ authority and cause a division of what is suppose to be an equal brotherhood into a clergy and a laity.(Rev. 2: 1-17) Making themselves to be worshiped by the people.
In Christ
Douglas Summers