I'm new, and I'm just snooping and reading trying to get a feel. I'm open to just about any discussion that is allowed. I am nondenominational. I am a hammer when it comes to people taking scripture out of context. Besides racism there is nothing more deplorable to me than someone who will take scripture out of context to fit their system of faith. If it does not line up with other scripture, if it contradicts, and if it is not leading back to the person of Jesus The Christ, then you have the wrong interpretation. Go back and do it again. My loyalty is to the Lord Jesus, to sound doctrine, the preaching and teaching of His word in context. I have 3 rules that I abide by when it comes to my study and teaching of the Bible. 1. When you start scripture with a pretext you will take scripture out of context. 2. When the plain sense makes sense, seek no other sense because if you don't, you will end up with nonsense. 3. Prove scripture with scripture. That's Bernie Thomas in a nutshell.