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Hello from an atheist


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Hello all :)

I decided to register for this forum because I'm in the preliminary stages of creating a podcast. Since I'm an atheist you can probably tell that it's going to be a skeptical podcast, and I don't want to go into too much detail yet on what the podcast is about because I'm still not sure I know myself.

The podcast episodes will be broken down into different categories, and in one of the categories I want to talk about the different world religions. At this point the plan isn't to approach them critically. I think it's important for non-religious people to have an idea what religious people believe, so I want to look at each religion and try to give a background on it, how it came about, and what form it takes today.

I'm not sure if Christianity is going to be one episode or if I'll have to break it down by Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, etc. So I thought it would be a good idea to come and ask a Christian community about what they believe, to try to get a cross-section of what Christians today have to say about their Christianity.

Since I'm not familiar with this forum yet, I thought I would post this thread here, and maybe you could tell me where the best place to post my questions would be (or if I'm welcome to ask them, it's fine if I'm not). I noticed that in the Christian Talk and Advice section it says "Questions by unbelievers can be asked in the subforum "Christianity Q & A" of Apologetics & Theology," but I don't see a Q&A section under Apologetics & Theology...can somebody point me in the right direction?

Thanks & happy Friday!

PS: I guess I should say something about myself since this is an intro forum...I'm female, in my 20s, Canadian, ex-Christian, I love science and podcasts :)
Wellcome to the site.

I noticed that in the Christian Talk and Advice section it says "Questions by unbelievers can be asked in the subforum "Christianity Q & A" of Apologetics & Theology," but I don't see a Q&A section under Apologetics & Theology...can somebody point me in the right direction?
We are in the process of repairing some indexing issues with the site's structure. Look under the News and Current Events for that sub forum.

How did you come to declaring yourself a non Christian?
Vic C. said:
Wellcome to the site.

I noticed that in the Christian Talk and Advice section it says "Questions by unbelievers can be asked in the subforum "Christianity Q & A" of Apologetics & Theology," but I don't see a Q&A section under Apologetics & Theology...can somebody point me in the right direction?
We are in the process of repairing some indexing issues with the site's structure. Look under the News and Current Events for that sub forum.

How did you come to declaring yourself a non Christian?

I see, thanks for the info!

Well, there's nothing specific about how I came to be an atheist. I was a Christian all my life, it was a big part of my identity, but I had never explored the arguments against my beliefs. Once I started allowing myself to look at the evidence for and against my beliefs, my beliefs just disappeared. Simple as that! It was a few months between when I called myself a Christian and when I realized I was an atheist. I just don't see any evidence in favour of any god, so in the absence of that I can't believe.
Mike said:
Welcome :wave

We've already shared on another topic, and I look forward to more.


Thanks for the welcome :)

I probably won't get to participate too much on this forum because I plan to be busy with the podcast (I just couldn't help getting into the definition thread because I recently read something about that written by Dan Barker that made those things clearer for me), but I look forward to whatever interactions do happen! I have found it interesting reading many of the threads here, it's good to submerse yourself in a different world view from time to time.


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