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Help me little, please :)


I believe in Christ all from my hearth and I'm now 100% sure that I want to quit all my sinning but somehow I keep falling into a sin again & again.

I'm a weak person and when there's alcohol I drink them all even I try not to. I don't feel comfortable of my situation here, I'd like to feel comfortable and be happy. I keep falling into a sin and I can not find balance of my life.

I do not know how to explain this all but I just feel very empty inside of me. I believe in Christ all from my hearth but I keep falling to a sin and I think that means that I don't believe in Christ from all of my hearth, only few of it but I want to start believing all from my hearth and stop my sinning and forget everything crap.

Can you help me, how can I start my journey from fresh table and NOT to be weak anymore. I don't want to fall into a sin anymore, I want to start a new life and enjoy it more than life before. What do you think about starting from a fresh table? Is it a good or a bad thing? Okay, hit me up with ideas and stuff. Thanks =)
They say we can have a fresh start whenever we like.

When it comes to sin, no one of us will ever be perfectly sinless as long as we live on this earth. It's part of our human nature.
Now, God can help someone quit a habit instantly. There are stories where people hooked on smoking or drinking or I think even drugs were cured practically overnight when they got saved. But usually, that's not the way it goes. There are things that it's going to take time to get out of the habit of, and even then it's always possible to eventually fall back into it.
I think God allows this struggle because it helps to build our character and our strength.

I have similar problems with bad habits that I want to get out of, but can't seem to. I think we all do.
A: I think we can always usefully turn to the Scriptures for guidance. John's Gospel - especially the first three chapters - is very searching and helpful.
I wish I could move to another country and start a new beginning there, however I still have to finish my school here even I don't want to. I have never gone to a church regularly but I want to go. Sometimes I just go to church to have a seat and quieten down thinking of my life.
I wish I could move to another country and start a new beginning there, however I still have to finish my school here even I don't want to. I have never gone to a church regularly but I want to go. Sometimes I just go to church to have a seat and quieten down thinking of my life.

A: Well, the grace of God is such a wonderful thing. Read all about it in Ephesians 2, for example.
In my forty years of accepting Christ as my personal Lord and Savior and being indwelled by the Holy Spirit I could never count how many times I have sinned and probably will sin at times when I get into the flesh. You do not need a new beginning, but a refreshing of the Holy Spirit and Gods grace. It's hard to try to give up certain things the flesh finds pleasure in that causes us to stumble in our walk. I came close to being an alcoholic back in the eighty's as I lost direction in my life and chose the wrong path to walk down.

I won't get into details, but during that time I had a rude awaking that caused me to reevaluate my life, much like what you are doing now. I knew what I had to do as well as you also know what you have to do. I took it before the Lord and laid it at His feet in all humbleness and humility and just poured out my heart to Him. I knew I could never take a drink again or I would end up right where I was. I had to get involved with Christ and what He wanted for me to do for God and to keep my focus on Him. I do stumble and fall at times in other areas, especially my mouth speaking things it should not, as all of us do because this flesh is weak, but Gods Spirit is stronger and lifts us up when we do fall at times. God's grace is never so far away from us that we can not reach out to it. Give it to God, leave it with God and surround yourself with those things of God so that your joy may be filled to overflowing.
We will all sin every day of our lives but it is a different matter to continue in a sin. But you seem as if you hate your sin and don't want to sin, so that is a great thing! I think the three most important things to do are 1. pray that the Lord will help you, 2. have a good pastor/elder help you with accountability and to help you grow along with other Christians, and 3. try to stay away from temptation. If you don't have a church yet try to find one that is sound in teaching and leadership, maybe look at this website and find one in your area. And if you have problems drinking too much alcohol trying to avoid it would probably be best for now until you have more self-control.
Jesus came to save sinners

It is the sick that have need of a physician. The physician does not say, go and heal yourself of your sickness, and then I will let you come to me.

As a sick person you would trust and leave the physician to do what needs to be done.
In post #7 Rachael gives you a link to find a church. Look at the churches in your area and find one that has a youth ministry. There you should be able to find good youth leaders, that are skilled in ministering to young adults such as yourself. You can make new like minded friends there.

If you are a teen you have someone providing you with the means to feed your addiction. Stay away from them if at all possible. Don't hang out with others who drink.

All the posts above mine are excellant and I can't elaborate on their content only to say I agree with each one.

God loves you, Air