“Help Us To Trust Your Path And Ways, Lord”
Psalm 25:4-5 NLT
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.
We receive directions at many various times in our lives, don’t we? We get directions from our parents, grandparents, teachers, bosses, supervisors and others as well. Almost every single day, we receive directions in some way to help us understand and learn what to do next.
When we start a new job, we get trained in what to do for our position. If we start a new hobby, we might read a book or watch a YouTube video to help us learn. If we take up a new sport, learn to drive, or buy a new product, we will find out what we need to do in order to succeed. We spend so much of our lives being trained for things we don’t know how to do.
I like having instructions in knowing what to do with any new thing. Some of us adapt quickly and figure things out without having to refer to instructions over and over again. Some of us need the instructions more often as we learn slower. Everyone definitely learns different.
As much emphasis as we put on following instructions and directions, how often we do the complete opposite in our relationship with God and following Him. We so often get determined to do things the way we want to do them because we think we know what is best. All the while God longs for us to trust Him, even when His instructions and directions don’t make any sense at all. I think that’s the big kicker for us. While so many instructions and directions in life come to make sense after we study and train for a while, often God’s ways do not make sense to us.
We need God to show us the right path. We need God to give us strength to trust in Him, even when things so often don’t make sense. We have all had quite the year of things not making much sense. We’ve all been through new experiences and it’s often hard to trust God in these uncertain times we continue to face. There have been a lot of things in life in the past months that have tested my faith and trusting in God because I want things to happen in my timing. I have often gone my own way and done my own thing thinking it was right and then hit a wall.
We all need to ask God to give us strength to trust Him to show us the right path even when His ways seem crazy to us. We need His instructions and directions to lead us even when the path seems to make no sense. We definitely need to put our hope in Him all day long. Are we trusting? Are we giving up our ways to seek His?
Psalm 25:4-5 NLT
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.
We receive directions at many various times in our lives, don’t we? We get directions from our parents, grandparents, teachers, bosses, supervisors and others as well. Almost every single day, we receive directions in some way to help us understand and learn what to do next.
When we start a new job, we get trained in what to do for our position. If we start a new hobby, we might read a book or watch a YouTube video to help us learn. If we take up a new sport, learn to drive, or buy a new product, we will find out what we need to do in order to succeed. We spend so much of our lives being trained for things we don’t know how to do.
I like having instructions in knowing what to do with any new thing. Some of us adapt quickly and figure things out without having to refer to instructions over and over again. Some of us need the instructions more often as we learn slower. Everyone definitely learns different.
As much emphasis as we put on following instructions and directions, how often we do the complete opposite in our relationship with God and following Him. We so often get determined to do things the way we want to do them because we think we know what is best. All the while God longs for us to trust Him, even when His instructions and directions don’t make any sense at all. I think that’s the big kicker for us. While so many instructions and directions in life come to make sense after we study and train for a while, often God’s ways do not make sense to us.
We need God to show us the right path. We need God to give us strength to trust in Him, even when things so often don’t make sense. We have all had quite the year of things not making much sense. We’ve all been through new experiences and it’s often hard to trust God in these uncertain times we continue to face. There have been a lot of things in life in the past months that have tested my faith and trusting in God because I want things to happen in my timing. I have often gone my own way and done my own thing thinking it was right and then hit a wall.
We all need to ask God to give us strength to trust Him to show us the right path even when His ways seem crazy to us. We need His instructions and directions to lead us even when the path seems to make no sense. We definitely need to put our hope in Him all day long. Are we trusting? Are we giving up our ways to seek His?