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Hey Guys! I Can Talk With God! No Really!


Don't worry about Coffee. He also believes that if one believes in the Bible their parents were drug addicts and that the person has a serious depression complex.

Don't worry about Coffee. He also believes that if one believes in the Bible their parents were drug addicts and that the person has a serious depression complex.

Don't you ever get tired of losing debates with me?
I talk to myself sure, but I don't hear voices. If one hears voices that person should see a Dr.
It is not a voice, it is your inner dialogue holding a conversation with itself. I think by default you speak to the ego, which has it's own voice. Now the personality is quite different and the source of your inner dialogue is spiritual. You can't define the spiritual realm with words or examples, it is completely non-physical and as such has completely new laws of physics. The way spirituality interacts with us is through the inner dialogue - "your mind's voice". This voice has a personality though and one day when you come to face Satan you might find yourself questioning the character behind the words which come into your dialogue. By training one's self to purify the mind we can end up with just the voice of your ego, God and Jesus. All other sources of personality are instantly recognised as being another spirit (maybe holy or unholy) the point is that Christians recognise the inferiority and rebuke it to maintain a close relationship with God.

Something you might find interesting about angels and demons is that they are creatures, so their consciousness can only be in one place at a time, same as the human but the human consciousness is tied to the human body. So angels can appear to our mind, but they can only be in one person at a time. Same as Satan, he can only be in one place at a time and he did come to me a few times but we're seeing quite clearly how I stand now there is no need to deal with him.

After hearing all this, do you say you don't hold a back-and-forth conversation in your inner dialogue, or even notice your mind reasoning when you are problem-solving - all the knowledge originates from the spiritual realm and becomes manifest to earth through humans carrying out their conclusions from discussions in the inner dialogue. Does this make sense?

Don't worry about Coffee. He also believes that if one believes in the Bible their parents were drug addicts and that the person has a serious depression complex.
Actually, to be honest that is the opposite of me, my dad is anti-pot and I'm a smoker. I have never conversed with coffee, it will be interesting to get to the bottom of the matter, that we either know God personally or we don't, and you can begin your relationship with Him any day you are ready.
It is not a voice, it is your inner dialogue holding a conversation with itself. I think by default you speak to the ego, which has it's own voice. Now the personality is quite different and the source of your inner dialogue is spiritual. You can't define the spiritual realm with words or examples, it is completely non-physical and as such has completely new laws of physics. The way spirituality interacts with us is through the inner dialogue - "your mind's voice". This voice has a personality though and one day when you come to face Satan you might find yourself questioning the character behind the words which come into your dialogue. By training one's self to purify the mind we can end up with just the voice of your ego, God and Jesus. All other sources of personality are instantly recognised as being another spirit (maybe holy or unholy) the point is that Christians recognise the inferiority and rebuke it to maintain a close relationship with God.

Something you might find interesting about angels and demons is that they are creatures, so their consciousness can only be in one place at a time, same as the human but the human consciousness is tied to the human body. So angels can appear to our mind, but they can only be in one person at a time. Same as Satan, he can only be in one place at a time and he did come to me a few times but we're seeing quite clearly how I stand now there is no need to deal with him.

After hearing all this, do you say you don't hold a back-and-forth conversation in your inner dialogue, or even notice your mind reasoning when you are problem-solving - all the knowledge originates from the spiritual realm and becomes manifest to earth through humans carrying out their conclusions from discussions in the inner dialogue. Does this make sense?

I understand, and will think about it.
I understand, and will think about it.

Great, I typed that as fast as I could! And by the way, this spiritual relationship with God is complete freedom of thought. I find myself resting from His presence sometimes and others I am worshiping with the fore of the mind, even listening to Pantera's best lyrics is pure worship, this is how personal the spiritual experience is. And that word is the key to it all: personality, because all spirits are people with personalities, even you and me :)
I don't believe it is wise to live for God experientially. The Bible warns that if anyone-- even an angel from heaven-- preach unto us any other gospel than what has been preached, let him be accursed. That seems to imply that lies can come to us from the most high places, but we need not worry about being taken in by them. God has already preached to us the words of life, and we need only stand on them.

If I were to have a conversation-- real or fake-- I would weigh it against what God has already revealed to me through his Son, and through his word. I don't know what powers angels have, and I don't know what God will permit them to tell me, therefore I am grateful for His assurance that I stand upon a rock.

On that note: I once heard a story about a man who killed his next door neighbor. He said his dog told him to do it ... shouldn't his first response have been, "no no no, bad doggie". I don't know. I'm just sayin'.

John Michael Hileman
Author, Editor, Columnist

Agreed. If that voice is telling you something other than the gospel truth you should tune out that voice and maybe seek medical help. That is one of the things we must be able to do to properly commune with God, and this is one reason we have the Holy Spirit. This way we can always relate what we are being told to the Gospel.
God the father
Dear Lord
Yes son
These people are testing me
I know
What should I do
Quote them that passage from the Bible
Which one?
Hebrews Chapter 22 and verse three
It's not there, I feel stupid, what do I do
Be brave
Ok, what next
Give them more of what they want
Ok, thanks for chatting
Anytime friend!

antz. Isn't it possible that your talking to yourself albeit using your God given common sense to reply to yourself? So it seems like you are talking to God but really your just playing both characters.
antz. Isn't it possible that your talking to yourself albeit using your God given common sense to reply to yourself? So it seems like you are talking to God but really your just playing both characters.
Well I don't believe so, all the experience in my life support my faith that God is that person I speak to when I approach Him, and what you witnessed is the spirit of God expressed through my relationship with Him. These people God the father and Jesus Christ have distinctive personalities as I explained to coffee, since my spiritual rebirth into the spirit of Christ, I have honed my mind to be perceptive to these voices. So my answer is no, but you may choose to think of it that way, it is your very own decision to make.

Now that you've asked this question I feel to question your sincerity - was your own conversation really with Jesus? I wouldn't have the balls to ask for lotto numbers lol, you saw how I responded to the Revelations verse - I'm terrified of misrepresenting God!
antz. Isn't it possible that your talking to yourself albeit using your God given common sense to reply to yourself? So it seems like you are talking to God but really your just playing both characters.

John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me..

Questioning whether it's only you or if it is in fact the Lord is normal. It's how you get to the point that you know without a doubt that "God spoke this." It takes time to gain an intimate relationship with the Lord. The flesh is constantly fighting against us to prevent this from happening within us. And as you can see from other posts in this thread "hearing the voice of God makes you crazy." That's what the natural mind has been programmed to believe. We have to step outside of our limited minds, because God is Spirit and is found in the Supernatural.

Isaiah 55:9
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts..
John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me..

Questioning whether it's only you or if it is in fact the Lord is normal. It's how you get to the point that you know without a doubt that "God spoke this." It takes time to gain an intimate relationship with the Lord. The flesh is constantly fighting against us to prevent this from happening within us. And as you can see from other posts in this thread "hearing the voice of God makes you crazy." That's what the natural mind has been programmed to believe. We have to step outside of our limited minds, because God is Spirit and is found in the Supernatural.

Isaiah 55:9
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts..

Hey, it seems that we don't always battle our own flesh!

I’m not who you think you don’t need | Failing in the Background
I’m not who you think you don’t need
Filed in Uncategorized on Sep.19, 2010
You’ll fall sooner or later
What is it with you and rocks
The information wanted to be free!
This is what you get when you mess with us
Talk to God

Look at the threat that is implied! This is the prophecy that is referred to! Oh someone would love to rob my fear of the Lord!

This demonstrates an enormous truth, that God does obviously love us, and His opponents do indeed hate us, so what causes this?

The World’s Hatred

18 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. 19 The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. 20 Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. 21 They will do all this to you because of me, for they have rejected the One who sent me. 22 They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Anyone who hates me also hates my Father. 24 If I hadn’t done such miraculous signs among them that no one else could do, they would not be guilty. But as it is, they have seen everything I did, yet they still hate me and my Father. 25 This fulfills what is written in their Scriptures[a]: ‘They hated me without cause.’

I agree with one thing this guy says, indeed we each fall sooner or later.
Daily Devotions, being in the attitude of prayer, closet prayer, Lords prayer, (Thy will be done!) intercessary prayer, and the prayer thought only, or are spoken words always required? (No need of spoken prayer at all times) and more? many more types of prayer likely! And Common talk while speaking to God through our Mediator Jesus Christ? (not me) And does God talk back?

Also some thought first of kneeling before our Recreator? All voices one hears are not a good testing on that as 'i' see it. The Inspiration of the Lord's Word gives us these answers.

We see that God spoke directly to His own before the Ten Commandments were SPOKEN & Written out on Stone. See Exod. 20:19-22 & then we see that God 'respected' their request to NOT do so no more in Deut. 5:27-31. And does God/Christ change?? Heb. 13:8-9 say No.

And we see an exception with some ones. Moses for one. And the reason why is seen in verse 29. Even today we have these ones still around. James 2:8-12.

Also we find the ways that God wants His will given to us from His Own Words. They are ALL Recorded in His Word. Prophets, Prophetess, 'Spiritual' Dreams + Visions which still are All to be TESTED by Isa. 8:20.

So yes, 'i' do belive that we talk reverently to God Through Christ, but His talking directly back to us is not my understanding. (the rule is of FAITH) It is the HOLY 'SPIRIT' that UPHOLDS CHRIST at present as I see it. And we have the 66 Books all of Christ's Word of Inspiration for our Life Duty. Eccl. 12:13-14.

Now: As not to be misunderstood, Surely any Truely Born Again person has had these POSITIVE TRUTHS of Heb. 6:1-5. 'And were Made Partakers of the Holy Ghost' & 'Have Tasted of the heavenly Gift' +! And I do [know] & believe that we will have.. 'our sins BLOTTED OUT WHEN THE TIME OF REFRESHING SHALL COME FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD'. Acts 3:19 And surely satan will produce his counterfiet!

But Joel 2 & Acts 2's Latter Rain is as I see it, is already in progress as [is satan's false revilal] with NO REFORMATION. Yet, never would I venture to try to say what God CANNOT DO! I only use His WRITTEN WORD to test myself along with what is documented against truth by others. Does what they say, go with or away from the Words of Christ? And we do know that satan will have real miracles seen in 2 Thess. 2:7-12 before Christ comes again. And most(?) Broadway & Abomination of the Earth ones will FLOCK TO THESE DECEPTIONS.

So friend, (Doc) others can hear 'us' talk, but satan cannot read prayer that is not verbal. And we also see an excellent Truth in Rom. 8:26-27 '.. for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us ..'

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