
Oh yes and although I typically eat tuna fish sandwiches and fish sticks, I prefer to be eating grouper,.. however I think that is something that can only be caught, cooked, and served in Florida and I haven't been there in years. :neutral
I lost a good fish about an hour ago, about the same size as yesterday. They hard to land as im surrounded by faul and poles, got busted at the dock, was high tide and it was running the other way so I couldn't take it round the beach. I tried keep it out to try tire it but they not stupid fish. I was out smarted today. There's always tommorow.

I lose alot of big fish because of the gear I use, i know that, but I like using lighter gear as it's more of a challenge. Why would I want to use heavy gear, that's not a challenge.
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Using the full equation the answer is 4. Everyone is arguing me it's 104.

Correct me wrong.

My calculator says it is 104.

I'm still sure its a trick. In sure brackets are supposed to be in there somewhere.

50+50+25x0 equals 0, add two and another two equals 4 as the whole equation.


Any math geeks here?
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You are right if the brackets were before the 25 and after the 0 the answer would be 104. If the brackets were at the very front and after the zero it would be 4.

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Using the full equation the answer is 4. Everyone is arguing me it's 104.

Correct me wrong.


Alright, I'm not a math wiz by any means but I think that I just discovered the solution. You always multiply first in equations like these so zero multiplied by twenty-five is zero. Then you just do the rest of the equation. fifty plus fifty equals a hundred, and two plus two equals four so add them together and you get a hundred and four. :idea
And just for the record PEMDAS stands for parentheses, exponent, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. (Which I actually remembered believe it or not.) Since this problem only had multiplication and addition it was rather simple but you still get the idea. :)
Hey come on guys, shoot me another problem! I'm ready. :biggrin
Alright, I'm not a math wiz by any means but I think that I just discovered the solution. You always multiply first in equations like these so zero multiplied by twenty-five is zero. Then you just do the rest of the equation. fifty plus fifty equals a hundred, and two plus two equals four so add them together and you get a hundred and four. :idea

What makes multiplication so great it gets privellage and special treatment over addition. Thats math inequality.

The answer is 4 , I do the whole equation as it is. I don't use symbol racism.
What makes multiplication so great it gets privellage and special treatment over addition. Thats math inequality.

The answer is 4 , I do the whole equation as it is. No symbol racism.

I was just explaining what the right answer is according to PEMDAS.
It's been think what i can do for the Muslim community. There is one thing of a few i believe, and that is everyone has the right to religion and the right to worship peacefully.

I so strongly condemn the attack that happened. I like open honest discussion and critisise, not violence. I'm thinking maybe the next big fish I catch I can smoke it up and give it to the local muslim community as a gift. Just to let them know they are welcome in society.

What makes society great is everyone has the right to there beliefs and opinions and to peaceful worship and peaceful protest, that's what I believe in.
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It's been think what i can do for the Muslim community. There is one thing of a few i believe, and that is everyone has the right to religion and the right to worship peacefully.

I so strongly condemn the attack that happened. I like open honest discussion and critisise, not violence. I'm thinking maybe the next big fish I catch I can smoke it up and give it to the local muslim community as a gift. Just to let them know they are welcome in society.

What makes society great is everyone has the right to there beliefs and opinions and to peaceful worship and peaceful protest, that's what I believe in.
I think that's a wonderful idea