Hi All,
It's funny but I had not realised I registered 2 years ago and have only just started to post. I completely lost the forum! I know it must be God's timing.
Anyway I look forward to getting to know you hmm wasn't that a line in a song?
I live in the UK and have been on line for just over 2 years. I am very active in my local church and love the Lord. I became a christian about 14 years ago and have been growing and serving Him ever since.
I am looking to making a full time income form the internet which will free up some of my time to work through the church on a system called CAP. Christians Against Poverty. Its a debt councelling service which helps people get out of debt and is an outreach to the local community.
Every blessing
It's funny but I had not realised I registered 2 years ago and have only just started to post. I completely lost the forum! I know it must be God's timing.
Anyway I look forward to getting to know you hmm wasn't that a line in a song?
I live in the UK and have been on line for just over 2 years. I am very active in my local church and love the Lord. I became a christian about 14 years ago and have been growing and serving Him ever since.
I am looking to making a full time income form the internet which will free up some of my time to work through the church on a system called CAP. Christians Against Poverty. Its a debt councelling service which helps people get out of debt and is an outreach to the local community.
Every blessing