Hello all,
I just happened upon your site by searching for Christian forums, as the site I normally frequent is down- who knows for how long. I kind of feel like I just stepped into a new store- nothing in particular I need to "purchase" (or say)- just looking! Or rather- 'lurking'!
Very brief background info- I am Lutheran- bet you already figured that out! The church that I am a member of belongs to a very small confessional, conservative Lutheran Synod called the ELS. (Evangelical Lutheran Synod). I am a life-long Lutheran and have been with the same church organization pretty much my whole life.
Maybe I'll run into a few others 'coming over' from the other forum!
I just happened upon your site by searching for Christian forums, as the site I normally frequent is down- who knows for how long. I kind of feel like I just stepped into a new store- nothing in particular I need to "purchase" (or say)- just looking! Or rather- 'lurking'!
Very brief background info- I am Lutheran- bet you already figured that out! The church that I am a member of belongs to a very small confessional, conservative Lutheran Synod called the ELS. (Evangelical Lutheran Synod). I am a life-long Lutheran and have been with the same church organization pretty much my whole life.
Maybe I'll run into a few others 'coming over' from the other forum!