Not really sure what you mean about "doing" the research. We provide the research and info upfront from reliable and reputable sources.
That answered it for me..
Ok, I will examine the look of it.
The colors really fit the content of the page, so good job on that.. Although the beveled edges of the menu might need a make-over..
Besides that, it looks very plain. This could work for the site as the content draws me to read.. But with nothing that sticks out besides the nice little javascript alert popup when you visit, it just looks like a pre-manufactured site.
I would look into something original and something that, while using the color scheme already established, draws people into the site.
And while I did say it was plain I also want to tell you for sites like these, simplicity is the key! And you got this!
Although I'm confused about the order of the links in the navbar..
* main page
* site map
* statements
* cave care
* cave contact
Usually it is something more like this:
* main page
* cave care
* statements
* cave contact
* site map
What a person visiting your site will view as most important to least important. I put the statements page i n the middle because not all those who view your site will be Christian, but you also don't want it so that it won't be noticed. Now, I hope I didn't sound anti-Christian when I said that though..
Because believe me, Faith comes first, but the topic needs to stay on topic and so, If your site is about Salt, keep it salt as much as possible while weaving in Christianity.. Christianity will have to come second in a webpage like that.. That still sounds horrible. ugh.. Well, you get what I mean.. :-?