I don't want to put anyone off the movie, but I thought Father of Lights and Furious Love (both by the same guy) were three times better than this.
I feel about the same. I wasn't terribly impressed with it. The Holy Spirit didn't ping me that this is the truth like He does sometimes, nevertheless, I have watched a lot of Todd White videos, and a few of Brian "Head" Welches testimony in which I have been pinged that they were truth. So...take that for what you will...??
Of course there is no way (short of the HS pinging you) to be able to deduce from the film, if these people were being healed and so forth. Though I can attest to the heat feeling being present while being healed by the HS. I have watched many healing videos where the subject did describe a heat sensation while being healed (I was pinged on many of these), and also, I myself have a personal healing testimony wherein the HS reset my dislocated hip bone. I didn't have the money to go to a doc for the resetting of it, so prayed and asked for healing one night before bed, to be healed as I slept. I was awoken by an
intense heat in my hip, which was so hot that it made me cry out in pain. It subsided in a few moments, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I began thinking about the heat sensation and it occurred to me that others had described a heat sensation while being healed, so I got out of bed real quick and dropped my jammies and inspected my hip to see. No more bulge from the dislocated bone! It was still very sore (which is typical when a bone is re-set), so I figured, well, I'll know for sure in a couple days when the tenderness goes away. Which is exactly what happened, I was normal again in two days.
So I do have some experience in this area, and can attest to the truth of being healed from the Lord. Praise the Lord brothers and sisters!
SO those people in the film could very well have been being healed. Personally, I lean towards a yes they were. But in fairness, I have to admit that I wasn't pinged in my spirit that it was the truth. Who knows why not? Perhaps the Lord wants me to take it in faith on this one.
I was glad to hear that Brian Welch has continued to go out to the audience before and after his shows to pray for people. I used to hate Korn. My BIL's would play them when I was married and I identified them as, not of the Lord. That's changed now. Brian Welch's (and Fieldy's) testimonies are on youtube.