"Okay! I'm back," chirps the sparrow as she removes her wading boots.
Me again - Hmmmm.... Dave? I can't talk about that video much because I wasn't there and have no divine revelation from God about it. What I can speak about is from my personal experiences of which I am happy to share; When I was very young the Lord was calling me out of the catholic church. Not that there aren't many lovely and saved within that church. I consider the main reason that I was sprinkled when I was a baby was because my mom was catholic and that's why but maybe this too was directed by God?
Back then (in the late 60's / early 70's and thereabouts) there was a term commonly used: "holy rollers". One of the assemblies that I was brought to was a very tiny church called "Bethel Chapel". There, I met a woman, who was 30 years my senior and very sweet, and I knew she was filled with the Spirit of God. I could tell by the love I saw in her and in her house and in her relationships. It was kinda all over her. She loved reading from the book of John and especially loved reading from Isaiah. Today, and looking back, it is my thought that this simple loving church didn't have enough biblical teaching.
< which by no coincidence happens to be the same thought I have about that first church I attended as a baby > Back to topic: What I read from the epistle that Paul wrote to the assembly in Corinth still applies today.
< Paul was writing to them and not to a church that was over-zealous for traditions of men - they were ignorant of the Spiritual things and their Apostle was putting them straight as the Holy Spirit directed Him! >
Yes, Paul was speaking to what could be termed over-zealousness in Spiritual things. But I also read this:
"For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it." Paul came pretty close to saying that people who saw the people worshiping in his day could call them crazy.
I wonder what we'd see if there was a YouTube of Corinth from then?
1Co 14:23 If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?
Again, I'm not talking about the YouTube video here or commenting on it. Only talking about what was and is being taught by the Holy Spirit. He spoke of many things in that letter.
Paul had just finished speaking to them about
no longer being children in understanding. The he quoted Isaiah 28:11& 12 when he said, "1Co 14:21 In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord." We can clearly understand that Paul was not commending them but instead asking them to have a proper understanding. He also implied that God was talking to them when he quoted Isaiah. It sounds to me like Paul said in an almost scolding tone,
"The Lord is indeed speaking --- but you are not hearing Him, as was prophesied. We don't want divisions and God is not an author of confusion." -but that's just my ear "talking" here.
Let me stress this again, I am not being sent to the YouTube video in any way, shape or form. It can't speak at all.
thought about Bethel Chapel (where I learned at the feet of a very sweet Christian and I
CAN testify about her faith and love and trust) is that they had not come into the fullness of the glory of Christ. There were somethings they couldn't yet hear when they read from Paul, "1Co 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order."
PS. To nobody in particular: I'm male -- but my persona (the sparrowhawk) is a female bird. "She" defends the nest. I say this because I don't want any PM's from guys (or gals for that matter) hitting on me --- look at the picture, please? I'm old and not young. These things simply ought not to be.