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"Hooked" On Political Hate, Part 1

Hidden In Him

Staff member
"Hooked" On Political Hate, Part 1


Sad to say it, but too many Christians are being lured into resentment and even hatred over political issues these days. It is a strategy the enemy is using to great effect to bring shame upon the name of Christ, especially on Christian forums, where believers are ending up totally at war with one another rather than abiding in a Spirit of Love, Joy and Peace, as the Lord commanded.

That some are being "baited" by demonic spirits into doing the Devil's bidding was the meaning of the following dream, sent by a friend back in February, which suggested this same spirit of political hatred was going to take hold once again when the election cycle came back around in November. James warned about how we can be "drawn away and enticed" into sin, as when a fisherman baits an unsuspecting fish into becoming dinner, and the Spirit of God was saying here that many believers are still not wise enough to know they are being suckered by the enemy into committing sin.

I was in the music store at night. As I unlocked the door three men showed up with a very large speaker cabinet, some type of horn, mid and bass in one cabinet. They are trying to bring it in to the store but I locked the door back to stop them. They wanted a refund on their purchase of the speaker cabinet bought who knows when! They were not happy and kept circling the shop with scowls on their faces, so I called 911...

It was daylight by now and I saw trucks with guitar amplifiers being unloaded and set-up in a backline fashion on the ground, no stage in sight. A few stacks are set-up, but then someone knocked them over in a fit of rage and the workers had to start over with the set-up. On the other side of shop outside, I saw another group setting up guitar amplifiers in the same fashion on the ground,.

I was now outside as people had shown up for the music, not that there was any yet. I saw a man grimacing as if in pain, and then I saw a fishhook that was pulling on top of his shoulder, and there was a fishing line pulling on the hook, and I see a person with a fishing rod pulling to cause him pain. The man with the hook in his shoulder walked over to the rod holder, and the rod holder said to him, "It hurts just the same as when you did this to me!"

I now saw a large group, maybe 30 men, crowded around one man like they served him yet didn't want to. I then saw the man they served, and he had his whole forehead covered with fishing lines sprouting out that lead to hooks in all the men crowded around him. End of dream, thank the Lord!

The "music store" here was another Christian forum I used to attend. I prophesied concerning the 2020 election that Trump was going to lose based on some dreams, despite being a Trump supporter myself. That didn't stop many political conservatives there from confronting me over it, and insisting there was another election coming in four years and that Trump WOULD be elected to a second term whether I liked it or not. This was the meaning of the men being angry, and "wanting a refund." But I was never an opponent of Trump's candidacy. I was simply trying to report to the best of my ability what the Lord had given me.

The other aspects of this dream were easy to see coming. Singers, guitar players, musicians in general all represent those who "have a voice" in something, and amplifiers represent that voice being "amplified" somehow. The man knocking over the amplifiers represented one person trying to silence his political adversaries voices. But the disturbing part and the real message to this dream was the end, where they were depicted as inflicting pain upon one another out of resentment:

I saw a man grimacing as if in pain and then I saw a fishhook that was pulling on top of his shoulder, there was a fishing line pulling on the hook and I saw a person with a fishing rod pulling to cause pain to the other person. The man with the hook in his shoulder walked over to the rod holder, and the rod holder said to him, "It hurts just the same as when you did this to me!"

This paragraph describes the resentments, bitterness and vengefulness that often fill the hearts of human beings when they give themselves over to hatred and strife, and this is a strategy Satan is continuing to use with great success. He wants them so caught up in their hatred for one other that they don't even realize there is no longer any room for Christ, or for loving one another as the scripture commands, because they are too busy getting reeled in by the thoughts and resentments of the enemy. They will be baited into increasing strife because "hooks" will be placed in their mouths, and they will be controlled and jerked around "by the mouth" by evil spirits. Instead of speaking only that which is good unto edifying, they will speak only what their spiritual captors tell them to, causing great pain to others, and making others wish to inflict the same kind of pain upon them.

How have we so lost track of something so simple? We are to manifest the Spirit of Love in obeying the Lord Jesus Christ, not a spirit of hatred generated by the Devil. The symbolism of fish was meant to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, and us as true followers of His in both our actions and our words. As one article even stated, the name Icthys (Greek for fish) was originally transformed into an acronym by the early church to mean "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."


The Ichthys' Symbolic Meaning​

ἸΧΘΥΣ (IKhThUS) is an acronym or acrostic for the Greek phrase "Ἰησοῦς Χρῑστός Θεοῦ Υἱός Σωτήρ", which translates into English as 'Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior'.
  • Iota (i), Iēsoûs (Ἰησοῦς), "Jesus"
  • Chi (ch), Khrīstós (Χρῑστός), "anointed"
  • Theta (th), Theoû (Θεοῦ), "of God"
  • Upsilon (y or u), (h)uiós (Yἱός), "Son"
  • Sigma (s), sōtḗr (Σωτήρ), "Savior"
The statement "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior" affirmed the belief of early Christians in the twofold nature of Jesus Christ being both fully human and fully divine.

Thus, the symbol was written on walls to honor the Lord Jesus Christ as God. How much are we honoring Him today if we give ourselves over to political hatred instead? How are we glorifying Him if we are daily giving ourselves to being used by the enemy to defile the souls of others, and contaminate our own hearts even further in the process?

As I will get to in the next segment, the purpose of prophecy is two-fold in situations like this. One is to encourage others to pray, since the outcomes of dreams can be effected by things if the church is led to pray and turn things in a different direction. Secondly, at the very least it should prepare us emotionally for what might be coming, so that when it does we don't go off in a fit of rage, no matter how distressing it might be. Believers in Christ, to whom prophetic insight is a birthright, should not be caught off guard by anything, but be prepared to still walk in love regardless, without getting caught up in the anger and hysteria others give themselves to when things like elections don't go their way.

Blessing in Christ,
Hidden In Him
The Kingdom of God is inherently political, and if we simply dismiss any "political" concerns in this regard, we are either hiding our light under a bushel, or we are being ashamed of Jesus and loving the praises of the world.

I completely agree that we need to rein in the hostility that accompanies not getting our own way politically. The kind of bickering that goes on between Christians brings disrepute upon Christianity, and the world will lose all interest in a "cure"that doesn't work.

On the other hand, we can promote the Kingdom of God in a way that is not serving our own egos, but rather, simply carrying out the Lord's will as a servant, and not for personal gain. We aren't trying to be the "victor" in these arguments, but simply doing what God called us to do--to testify to the truth that can save people.

I have a friend who claims to pray hours every day. And he is quite angry with Christians in our church who are voting for Kamala Harris. He can't understand why Christians would vote for pro-homosexual planks, for transgender surgery for inmates with tax payer money, for people who are using lawfare against their political opponents, using corrupt media propaganda to attack conservatives, Christians, and Jews?

But he has not left the church, nor has he shown hatred for the individuals in our church who are "anti-Trump." And I see nothing wrong with him being "political," for stating his moral positions in a political setting.

So we can't avoid political entanglements, but we can ensure that what we're doing is not for ourselves, but for the Lord. And if so, we shouldn't be insulting, biting, and overly-hostile. We should just be carrying out the Lord's will peacefully, and let the chips fall where they may. My opinion only...
The Kingdom of God is inherently political, and if we simply dismiss any "political" concerns in this regard, we are either hiding our light under a bushel, or we are being ashamed of Jesus and loving the praises of the world.

I completely agree that we need to rein in the hostility that accompanies not getting our own way politically. The kind of bickering that goes on between Christians brings disrepute upon Christianity, and the world will lose all interest in a "cure"that doesn't work.

On the other hand, we can promote the Kingdom of God in a way that is not serving our own egos, but rather, simply carrying out the Lord's will as a servant, and not for personal gain. We aren't trying to be the "victor" in these arguments, but simply doing what God called us to do--to testify to the truth that can save people.

I have a friend who claims to pray hours every day. And he is quite angry with Christians in our church who are voting for Kamala Harris. He can't understand why Christians would vote for pro-homosexual planks, for transgender surgery for inmates with tax payer money, for people who are using lawfare against their political opponents, using corrupt media propaganda to attack conservatives, Christians, and Jews?

But he has not left the church, nor has he shown hatred for the individuals in our church who are "anti-Trump." And I see nothing wrong with him being "political," for stating his moral positions in a political setting.

So we can't avoid political entanglements, but we can ensure that what we're doing is not for ourselves, but for the Lord. And if so, we shouldn't be insulting, biting, and overly-hostile. We should just be carrying out the Lord's will peacefully, and let the chips fall where they may. My opinion only...

Thanks for sharing, Randy. I have been discussing this at another forum, and the primary defense revolves around "We must still tell the truth." I do believe the issues and the platforms should be discussed respectfully and peaceably together, but the leaders themselves still ought to be held in regard even if we should oppose them. Does that make sense?

I think you and I are closer to agreement on this than I am seeing elsewhere.
- H
Thanks for sharing, Randy. I have been discussing this at another forum, and the primary defense revolves around "We must still tell the truth." I do believe the issues and the platforms should be discussed respectfully and peaceably together, but the leaders themselves still ought to be held in regard even if we should oppose them. Does that make sense?

I think you and I are closer to agreement on this than I am seeing elsewhere.
- H
One of the 1st things God showed me when I got filled with the Spirit is that He is love and leads by love. When I lose my cool, and get overly negative, even insulting, I know that I'm going down the wrong path, and need to back up, and start again.

In fact, in dealing with others, friend or enemy, I find that when I get out of sorts I know that I'm missing God somewhere. Sometimes the problem is simply that I've chosen to be around the wrong people, or have chosen to argue the wrong things. At any rate, love is the measure. We can certainly agree on that.

As far as politicians I'm against, I think it's a little like I do with disagreements on Biblical matters. One may have a very different view from me on, say, prophecy matters. My inclination, from the Lord, is to try to respect the other opinion, knowing that if the person is truly Christian, and is really centered on a particular issue, I look for the reason for it. I often find that in their view, wrong or right, there is a valid concern.

For politicians, they may not be fully Christian, or at all. But they are likely in the race for good reasons, to protect and advance our society. I want to ignore the sinful, evil parts, and center on some of the issues that give them traction with other Christians who may be on their side.

I'm not afraid, however, to oppose a politician who is absolutely insulting Christians and their values. I just have to do so, not as being subversive, but more, as being someone who is convinced they are wrong and are not helping our country.

If we had a true, fully Christian country, we could pass laws that protect Christians from hostile acts of persecution. But we are less than a fully Christian society, and have to deal with things really as a minority, submitting to authorities that God has set up only in the short term. We are going to accomplish nothing in our Christian testimony if we fight the government.

King David had a theocracy he presided over, and he could prevent idolatry and apostasy, along with subversions in society. As for us, we may have a partly-Christian society, but certainly not a theocracy. We cannot act as if we are a Christian bull in a china shop and hope to impose our way in Congress and in the Presidency.