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"Hooked" On Political Hate, Part 2

Hidden In Him

Staff member
"Hooked" On Political Hate, Part 2


About seven years ago I posted an interpretation on my first Christian forum about how Trump might end up being thrown in jail over the whole Stormy Daniels issue. This was based on a dream sent to me by a friend. The actual post, dated to May 30th, 2018, read as follows:

I received a troubling dream yesterday from a friend who has received dreams with warnings that have come to pass.... I will post the dream first with the interpretation to follow:

"I had a dream that I was in an arena. It looked like a really old ball park that only had dirt on the ground or it could also be a spanish matador arena. Some people were gathered there, I don't know how many, I just remember a few; 20-40 people. At that moment someone announced that Donald won the elections. Trump was in the arena very calm and then said, "Ok people, let's start cleaning up." I noticed in the arena there were soda cans all over so the people there started picking them up. I remember seeing my sister and her husband in the back of a car, and a man who placed a white duck behind bars. It didn't look like a cage, it looked like a cell, and there were three cement walls and one with bars."

My interpretation (again quoting verbatim):

The meaning is this: The arena was/ is "the political arena," and the "old ball park" is likely a play on words for how in Washington D.C. they "play hard ball" so to speak. The 20-40 people gathered here are sworn enemies of Trump, and when Trump says "Ok people, let's start cleaned up," this is a reference to his promise to "clean up the swamp" (i.e. in Washington) after he got elected. Not that I am using disparaging terms myself, but the Spirit is actually depicting his enemies here as "soda cans," or in other words the "trash" that society would throw out if they knew the truth.

But the problem is this: The rest of the dream suggests that rather than "clean up" the political arena, Trump is going to get arrested. The sister and husband "in the back[seat] of a car" is suggestive of sexual indiscretion playing a role in his arrest (more on this in a moment)*, and then a man places "a white duck behind bars.. a cell, with three cement walls and one with bars." It means he will be incarcerated. "White duck" here is a play on the Walt Disney character "Donald Duck" (someone not taken seriously) and refers to Donald Trump, with the white referring to the fact that although imprisoned he will actually be innocent of what they sentence him for.

I always have to preface the interpretation to political dreams by saying there is no guarantee they will be fulfilled, at least not to the T. It's because there are a lot of things in play, because when millions of people can potentially pray over a situation, things can turn even in the last hour. But Trump's sentencing is now set for after the election, it certainly appears possible he could do time, something the Left is signaling could indeed happen. From a recent New York Times article published on October 8th:

Donald J. Trump faces sentencing on Nov. 26. The election three weeks earlier may determine not only if he returns to the presidency, but if he ends up behind bars... [The former President] might not catch many special breaks from Justice Juan M. Merchan, the no-nonsense judge who presided over Mr. Trump’s seven-week trial in April and May and vowed to apply “the rules of law evenhandedly.” Ever since Mr. Trump was indicted last year for falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal, he has routinely assailed Justice Merchan and his family. Mr. Trump also repeatedly violated Justice Merchan’s order prohibiting attacks on witnesses and the jury, displaying a brazen disrespect for courtroom decorum and the broader rule of law that led the judge to cite him for contempt. Justice Merchan’s handling of other cases suggests he will not take this behavior lightly. The judge has doled out jail sentences to other white-collar offenders, including Mr. Trump’s former chief financial officer. He also routinely scrutinizes a defendant’s character and conduct when weighing a punishment.

“He is well within his rights to consider Trump’s contemptuous behavior,” said Martin F. Horn, a professor emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice... And although Mr. Trump faces up to four years behind bars — any time over a year he would serve inside a prison — legal experts say the judge is more likely to sentence him to less than a year of incarceration, which he would probably spend at one of the city’s jails... “He’s looking at what his options are under New York law — to impose a sentence that is sufficiently severe, to be commensurate with the conduct that has been proven,” Mr. Horn said, adding that “a short jail stay may be the way.” Over the past decade or so, the most likely punishment for someone in New York State convicted on a top charge of felony falsification of business records was jail or prison time, according to data from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. The data shows that 204 people ended up behind bars for that crime, while 174 received probation and no jail time. (Will Trump Get Jail Time? New York Times, October 8th, 2024)

Former President Donald Trump attends trial.

If it actually happens, it will not be without warnings having gone forth that it might. So what then is the purpose of prophecy? God's purpose is primarily two-fold: To urge His people to pray, and to help them maintain peace should things happen in a way they don't like. Far better to pray for our leaders - a Biblical injunction - and be at peace if necessary even if troubling things occur - also a Biblical injunction - than plummet headlong into strife, outrage and resentment simply because someone we supported as a political candidate is sentenced to jail time by his political opponents. The Spirit we are supposed to walk in is one of Peace, Love and Joy, not of bitterness concerning political matters. Moreover, the Lord is not so small that He can't turn a country's fortunes around no matter who happens to be in office, so the question ultimately becomes what Spirit are we truly serving? Jesus once told His disciples, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19), and it begs the question, how many "fish" do we think we will catch if we are known for giving ourselves to political strife, and no longer walk in peace of God when things don't turn out our way?

Better to be hooked on Jesus, not in name or in bumper sticker only but for real, and draw men to Him by the loving examples we set in any and all circumstances, including when Presidential elections roll around.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him


Note: Thread updated Friday, October 18th 2024, to keep up with the latest regarding Donald J Trump's political situation and potential incarceration.

Original thread:
For some the issue may be bitterness. For me, it is not. It is about prophecy. Kim Clement prophesied that Trump would serve 2 terms. Either he will or he won't. If he fails at his latest bid, Trump will not have served 2 terms, and Clement's prophecy is false.

What makes the issue emotional for me is not whether Trump is an exemplary Christian in his life. I don't think he is. But he is respectable inasmuch as he has taken upon himself Christian interests in the political sphere.

If he fails, we as a country are given over to unbridled New Agism and a "do what you want" philosophy. We have made Govt. our God, and I don't think we can recover from it--not even if we "humble ourselves and pray."

Eze 14.12 The word of the Lord came to me: 13 “Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its people and their animals, 14 even if these three men—Noah, Daniel and Job—were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord."
For some the issue may be bitterness. For me, it is not. It is about prophecy. Kim Clement prophesied that Trump would serve 2 terms. Either he will or he won't. If he fails at his latest bid, Trump will not have served 2 terms, and Clement's prophecy is false.

Here is the thing with prophecy concerning things like Presidential elections, Randy, and this is something people like the Cessationists (i.e. who are usually Fatalists) would never understand. You can have literally millions of people praying to turn a situation in a particular direction, and when that happens virtually everything will be in flux. I personally think he was supposed to serve two successive terms, only the church was warned that they needed to pray and they didn't.
What makes the issue emotional for me is not whether Trump is an exemplary Christian in his life. I don't think he is. But he is respectable inasmuch as he has taken upon himself Christian interests in the political sphere.

Yes, and he was a strong supporter of Israel as well.
If he fails, we as a country are given over to unbridled New Agism and a "do what you want" philosophy. We have made Govt. our God, and I don't think we can recover from it--not even if we "humble ourselves and pray."

Eze 14.12 The word of the Lord came to me: 13 “Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its people and their animals, 14 even if these three men—Noah, Daniel and Job—were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord."

All things are still possible through prayer, even if the "wrong" candidate should get in, which is why I think the church needs to be focused more on the Lord than on the outcome of the election (personally).
I'm a little bummed right now--having a tough day. The county is over-assessing my property, my scanner doesn't work, my church is devoting a lot of time to its "Halloween ministry to kids," and forgetting about our *prayer meeting* tonight.

Old Christian friends just contacted us wanting us to participate in their Halloween market event at the local Sr. Citizen center. I've been reading the news, and its a constant barrage of hate for Trump, Republicans, conservatives, and Christians.

Yuk! And I have to go to church and pray for our country in a couple of hours! ;)

Oh yea, and I can't share anything political on this forum--is that right? I had my interpretation of Dan 7 removed. Prophecy is my thing. Maybe I'm not in the right place?
Oh my! And now we have a war! Pray for Israel!

There is a right and there is a wrong. I told my wife that if we played feeble politics with David and Goliath, we would try to "give peace a chance" by being "fair" to Goliath, taking away David's stones and asking them to both "talk peace." In the end, Goliath would crush David.

We need to pray for blessing for the righteous, and cursing for the wicked. May the righteous prevail!