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Charismatic Bible Studies - 1 Peter 2:11-17

Peter taught that we were to show ourselves as bondservants of Christ, and display His heart towards our politicians, by honoring them for the positions of authority they hold over us, as is fitting of the servants of God.
Jude said that michael didnt make a blasphemous judgement against the devil, but simply said "the Lord rebuke you."

People need to have respect for the Spirit world too as well as politicians.
What came to mind is the story of Jehu, king of Israel. He was called of God to be forceful, even violent, and a weapon of God. He shamelessly put to death ungodly leaders under God's direction, and was rewarded for it.
Jehu asks jehonadab if his heart is true to his own heart. Jehonadab replies yes. And jehu says if it is so, then take my hand. He pulls jehonadab up into his chariot. And i underlined Jehu's reply in my Bible in 2 kings 10:16 "come with me and see my zeal for the Lord."

Jude said that michael didnt make a blasphemous judgement against the devil, but simply said "the Lord rebuke you."

People need to have respect for the Spirit world too as well as politicians.

Wonderful point, and an often overlooked verse of scripture. The Gnostics were notorious for down-mouthing everyone, including God and the angels, believing themselves to be superior. But as Jude also said, they didn't even have the Spirit (Jude 1:19). What they actually had were demonic spirits, which caused them to criticize and look down on everyone else, and that's precisely the point. Demonic spirits incite men to slander and ridicule others, and the Holy Spirit causes men to lift them up and honor them.
I don't personally believe we should fear being outspoken or even negative about sinful political planks that will do serious harm to people. The Democrat Party, in its beliefs, support homosexuality, transgender surgery for minors--even behind their parents' backs, and the promotion of other religions--everything except Conservative Christian beliefs.

Ok, but now keep in mind that the passages I quoted were written after Nero had already initiated severe persecution against the Christians, and the Romans were indeed doing serious harm to people too, in particular to believers. But there doesn't appear to be any command to the church at large about decrying it or exposing it...

There is a passage in scripture that is sometimes used to support the opposite position. I'm planning on teaching on it soon, and presenting it as part of a four part series on how seductive spirits are wanting to play divide and conquer with the body of Christ over politics. Might be a little bit before I can get to it, but it might shed a little more light. But the part I do agree with you on is informing people of the truth, albeit in a Spirit of Love. The Lord does not want us ignorant of the things they do in darkness, He just wants us praying for them regardless. :thumbsup2
What came to mind is the story of Jehu, king of Israel. He was called of God to be forceful, even violent, and a weapon of God. He shamelessly put to death ungodly leaders under God's direction, and was rewarded for it.

There's also Phinehas, who put a sword right through an Israelite leader who was in league with a Midianite woman. and in that sense he was like a type of political leader who was trying to dissuade the Israelites away from following Moses and turn them to the worship of the pagan gods of Midian instead. Killed them both, and God honored him for it.

But in the New Testament era I believe these became types for how we respond to demonic spirits rather than human ones, trying to dissuade believers from worship of the True God into the worship of false ones instead.

Some might balk at me for going that far into almost dismissing them, but that's not it. I just think those examples need to be fully spiritualized in the church age, because our war is no longer against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places.
We can try to focus on the positives among the Democrats, which tend to favor human rights, compassion, and equality. And we can focus on the positives among the Republicans, which favor Conservative moral values in our society, as well as taking a stand against evil both abroad and within.

This is good! :thumbsup2

My answer here would be to have the churches pray for both, as if honoring them, for things just like this; the positives that they could bring to the country. It was also become a type of teaching lesson to younger people in the church that this is what we do as Christians. We don't engage in slander, we pray for the good in all men, especially those who may end up having charge over us, that things might go well and we be blessed to further the gospel as we ought to, and they might receive a blessing as well for giving us the freedom and protection to do so.
I'm quite political, and so I better quit while I'm possibly ahead. ;)

We can never guarantee things will always be peaceful. Sometimes God gives us a period of tranquility. At other times, all Hell seems to break loose.

Quite Biblical. I think that's why we need to stress ministering words of grace about others in times of peace.

What will some do if we truly begin experiencing not just disdain but genuine persecution some day?
Jehu asks jehonadab if his heart is true to his own heart. Jehonadab replies yes. And jehu says if it is so, then take my hand. He pulls jehonadab up into his chariot. And i underlined Jehu's reply in my Bible in 2 kings 10:16 "come with me and see my zeal for the Lord."

Yes, it is a torturous story, when God is so infuriated by the evil, the covetousness, and the violence of Ahab, King of Israel, that He appointed a rough character named Jehu to bring an end to it all. Jehu certainly wasn't perfect, and continued in some elements of idolatry. But it was notable that he followed the word of God to his life, not sparing Ahab's family and fulfilling the word of the Lord in regard to judging Israel and ending their Baal worship. Jehonadab had that spirit, as well, and apparently encouraged the new king.

Some people have a hard time accepting that God has anointed Donald Trump. And yet some have said that God anointed him to "drain the swamp." It does take a rough character to carry out the will of God, at times, because many of God's servants refuse to get their hands dirty. They are too soft towards sin, and tolerate it too much, thinking that is the godly thing to do.

It is *not good* to tolerate sin. The best kings in ancient Israel were those who did not compromise with idolators--Hezekiah and Josiah. Rough characters like Sampson were required to bring judgment against dangerous enemies like the Philistines, or Israel would have remained in slavery to enemy idolators, bringing shame upon the God of Israel. We should take this to heart, as Jehonadab did.

In my country, the U.S., many Christian leaders praise the American philosophy of tolerance towards all religions. This is okay, as long as it represents submission to authorities God has placed over us, as long as it represents submission to the will of God by concession. But it is not okay to certify "freedom of religion" as the rule of God's Kingdom.

God did not say to "have all gods before Me." Rather, He said, "Have no other gods before Me." It is *not* okay to certify freedom for idolatrous religion. It is not okay to protect freedoms for ungodly lifestyles.

Rather, we should remain true to the Kingdom of God, despite the fact we are called "evil theocrats," intolerant, and judgmental. Rather, we should promote one way, one truth, and one God, who sometimes has us live in compromised societies where Christians do not own the reins of power.

In that case, we do have to submit, for the sake of peace, to compromised political authorities. But our religious testimony must be true and uncompromising, that God's ideal political state has one God, and one religion. I'm regularly roasted for saying this, but I would join Jehonadab in taking a seat alongside Jehu, as well as Trump.

Quite Biblical. I think that's why we need to stress ministering words of grace about others in times of peace.

What will some do if we truly begin experiencing not just disdain but genuine persecution some day?
Heb 12.11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
12 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13 “Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
This is good! :thumbsup2

My answer here would be to have the churches pray for both, as if honoring them, for things just like this; the positives that they could bring to the country. It was also become a type of teaching lesson to younger people in the church that this is what we do as Christians. We don't engage in slander, we pray for the good in all men, especially those who may end up having charge over us, that things might go well and we be blessed to further the gospel as we ought to, and they might receive a blessing as well for giving us the freedom and protection to do so.
Yes, I believe you have the right spirit in this. We are here in an imperfect world, in a compromised society, to bring the testimony of Christ to them. But if we are to reach any, we have to do it in the right way.

Among the Democrats there are many pagans, and we will reach them not by expecting them to be Christian, but rather, by showing them the love of Christ.

Among the Republicans there are many Nominal Christians who really don't "know the way to town." If we are to reach any of them, we have to go it slow sometimes, showing them the right way to promote true Christian values.

I love your patience and love even for your political enemies. It's noteworthy, and I'm adopting that attitude myself.
1. If you saw a friend succumbing to political hatred, what would you say or do to dissuade them from giving into it?
I believe when satan took Christ up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and offered them to Him if He only bowed down and worshipped him; that is the exact offer that has been accepted by the royal bloodlines of today. None of them are on the platform by accident. And im speaking in very general terms here. So with that, its difficult to honor them. But i dont believe ive succumbed to hatred myself. I just see where their alliances are, and how they view us; as cattle. If my friend was succumbing to hate i think all i can do at this point is pray. And later down the road the Spirit may equip me properly to step in and be a Godly influence.
There's also Phinehas, who put a sword right through an Israelite leader who was in league with a Midianite woman. and in that sense he was like a type of political leader who was trying to dissuade the Israelites away from following Moses and turn them to the worship of the pagan gods of Midian instead. Killed them both, and God honored him for it.
I also heard that it was implied that they were fornicating in the temple, and thats why they were both impaled on the same spear by phinehas.
I believe when satan took Christ up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and offered them to Him if He only bowed down and worshipped him; that is the exact offer that has been accepted by the royal bloodlines of today. None of them are on the platform by accident. And im speaking in very general terms here. So with that, its difficult to honor them. But i dont believe ive succumbed to hatred myself. I just see where their alliances are, and how they view us; as cattle.

Ah, but now I'm glad you brought this up, because as sad as it is I see them in pretty much the same way. Maybe not Harris but certainly the globalist insiders we've had in the office of Presidency going back for decades now, and from both sides of the political fence.

But you see, Brandon, they are still people, and God would that all men be saved, even those who consciously serve the darkness and have gotten their power and position from the enemy. Have they sought to annihilate us yet? No, and Nero was practically cooking Christians alive for dinner, but what was the Christian response still? "Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." It may be difficult, but the scriptural command remains the same. We are called to overcome evil with good, and hate with love.
I also heard that it was implied that they were fornicating in the temple, and thats why they were both impaled on the same spear by phinehas.

Not sure that's the case here. This was in the wilderness and they were still using the tabernacle, and I think the text says he killed them in a tent. Maybe you heard another story possibly?
Ah, but now I'm glad you brought this up, because as sad as it is I see them in pretty much the same way. Maybe not Harris but certainly the globalist insiders we've had in the office of Presidency going back for decades now, and from both sides of the political fence.

But you see, Brandon, they are still people, and God would that all men be saved, even those who consciously serve the darkness and have gotten their power and position from the enemy. Have they sought to annihilate us yet? No, and Nero was practically cooking Christians alive for dinner, but what was the Christian response still? "Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." It may be difficult, but the scriptural command remains the same. We are called to overcome evil with good, and hate with love.

Not sure that's the case here. This was in the wilderness and they were still using the tabernacle, and I think the text says he killed them in a tent. Maybe you heard another story possibly?
Yes, I thought the same, that this was not a priest, but just a notable leader of some kind. Only priests, like Eli's sons, could go into the house of the Lord, and they fornicated there. But this leader was demonstrating his brazenness, not being fearful of God's judgment for sexually embracing pagan women in a public setting.

I personally don't think we can always witness to evil people or to all the Lost as Christians. There is a time to keep silent.

There is also a time to pass judgment--not on our behalf but on behalf of testifying to righteousness and to justice. It is a shame that the German Christians did not speak up for the Jewish People when they suspected they were being corralled and even put to death.

There is a time for war and a time for peace, a time for anger, but we should not allow it to poison our spirit. "Be angry but don't sin."

What we can do, however, is maintain our godly disposition, being always willing to share God's love if God decides to open that door. Sometimes when evil people offend or hurt us or our loved ones it's hard to suddenly turn around and share God's love with them.

It would be like it was for Corie Ten Boom to share God's love with those who oppressed her sister until she died. It would be like Jesus hanging from the cross and being insulted by the thief beside him, and then witnessing to him when he recognized who Jesus was.

Matt 5.43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

To "be perfect" does not here indicate that we are to be "sinless" in the sense of no longer having a Sin Nature. No, it rather means that we should offer a perfect sacrifice, that is, an unblemished animal.

Under the Law, Israel was not to cheat God by offering animals that they didn't want anyway because they were defective. So, if we're to bring a genuine sacrifice to the Lord, we can't hold resentment. We have to be willing to forgive.

The idea, I think, is to be consistent, and to always have your heart in submission to the Lord. Then we can be like Him, never wavering in our willingness to obey and to maintain the New Nature that He has so graciously given us.

James 1.6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

If we can keep the Lord in our heart at all times we may manage our temperament in season and out of season. This will please the Lord.
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Nero was practically cooking Christians alive for dinner, but what was the Christian response still? "Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." It may be difficult, but the scriptural command remains the same.
Thats the power of Gods love in men, and you are absolutely right.
Not sure that's the case here. This was in the wilderness and they were still using the tabernacle, and I think the text says he killed them in a tent. Maybe you heard another story possibly?
Yes i was off base. And im very sorry for the crude imagery. Im just recollecting from years ago something i heard in passing.

Is the Baal worship at peor, where Balaam incited the stumbling block of the moabite women to drive a wedge between Isreal and the Lord.

It is in 31:13-20&version=ESV
During the veangence on midian, that moses tells them to kill all the women who have layed with a man because they were part of balaams scheme, as well as the moabite women who were implicated in Numbers 25.

This passage in psalms 106:28-31&version=ESV also puts the midianite women in line with the moabites during the baal of peor worship.

And so its thought that zimri and cozbi were copulating in the opening of the tent of meeting (not the tabernacle) and that is how they were impaled at the same time.

Again. My apologies. I have to do my research before throwing out completely absurd statements. (Although i gotta say, phinehas' reaction seemed appropriate to the notion of my misinformed statement.)

I honestly wish i wouldve found more evidence.
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Thats the power of Gods love in men, and you are absolutely right.

Yes i was off base. And im very sorry for the crude imagery. Im just recollecting from years ago something i heard in passing.

Is the Baal worship at peor, where Balaam incited the stumbling block of the moabite women to drive a wedge between Isreal and the Lord.

It is in 31:13-20&version=ESV
During the veangence on midian, that moses tells them to kill all the women who have layed with a man because they were part of balaams scheme, as well as the moabite women who were implicated in Numbers 25.

This passage in psalms 106:28-31&version=ESV also puts the midianite women in line with the moabites during the baal of peor worship.

And so its thought that zimri and cozbi were copulating in the opening of the tent of meeting (not the tabernacle) and that is how they were impaled at the same time.

Again. My apologies. I have to do my research before throwing out completely absurd statements. (Although i gotta say, phinehas' reaction seemed appropriate to the notion of my misinformed statement.)

I honestly wish i wouldve found more evidence.
Please don't be too hard on yourself--this ain't the world--you're among friends! :)
I personally don't think we can always witness to evil people or to all the Lost as Christians. There is a time to keep silent.

I agree. All witnessing in fact should be led of the Spirit, and therefore directed to those who are ready to receive rather than those who are not. Trying to "minister" to those who will simply be playing you out of disdain is not wisdom, and it is not the will of God.
There is a time for war and a time for peace, a time for anger, but we should not allow it to poison our spirit. "Be angry but don't sin."

This would make for an interesting discussion some day. I'm torn, because it says in one place to set aside all anger, wrath and malice. Yet the scriptures also teach what you were saying.
What we can do, however, is maintain our godly disposition, being always willing to share God's love if God decides to open that door. Sometimes when evil people offend or hurt us or our loved ones it's hard to suddenly turn around and share God's love with them.

It would be like it was for Corie Ten Boom to share God's love with those who oppressed her sister until she died. It would be like Jesus hanging from the cross and being insulted by the thief beside him, and then witnessing to him when he recognized who Jesus was.

Matt 5.43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

To "be perfect" does not here indicate that we are to be "sinless" in the sense of no longer having a Sin Nature. No, it rather means that we should offer a perfect sacrifice, that is, an unblemished animal.

Under the Law, Israel was not to cheat God by offering animals that they didn't want anyway because they were defective. So, if we're to bring a genuine sacrifice to the Lord, we can't hold resentment. We have to be willing to forgive.

The idea, I think, is to be consistent, and to always have your heart in submission to the Lord. Then we can be like Him, never wavering in our willingness to obey and to maintain the New Nature that He has so graciously given us.

James 1.6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

If we can keep the Lord in our heart at all times we may manage our temperament in season and out of season. This will please the Lord.

Yes i was off base. And im very sorry for the crude imagery. Im just recollecting from years ago something i heard in passing.

Is the Baal worship at peor, where Balaam incited the stumbling block of the moabite women to drive a wedge between Isreal and the Lord.

It is in 31:13-20&version=ESV
During the veangence on midian, that moses tells them to kill all the women who have layed with a man because they were part of balaams scheme, as well as the moabite women who were implicated in Numbers 25.

This passage in psalms 106:28-31&version=ESV also puts the midianite women in line with the moabites during the baal of peor worship.

And so its thought that zimri and cozbi were copulating in the opening of the tent of meeting (not the tabernacle) and that is how they were impaled at the same time.

Zimri! I kept trying to remember his name, LoL.

Thanks, Brandon. Zimri and Cozbi. That's right! :thumbsup2
You know, I think I'd agree with you. Some churches disobeyed and the whole darn congregation got sick.

That's my fault. I've gotten lazy lately, so I'm actually paraphrasing half the time without even looking it up. I just know it's there, Lol.
It was a sin then pack up California to find a home of worship that didn't close ?

Seriously I have a faithful couple who left that state and are in my church often as it open .

In that state I could buy beer ,smoke a joint inside a tent and eat as well but not worship ?

I have had covid twice ,the nurses at the hospital and doctors said they had it multiple times despite said shot .

One said twice in a year .my elders said no .you may sit isolated in the room we have and can listen or sit in the main area spaced.

I would be hypocritical for me to ignore my current job allowing me to demask in the same room of coworkers and supporting distancing given that city hall has shared ac units that share circulation.