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How About Creating Merchandise for "Christian Forums.Net" ? :)


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Genesis Owl

I clicked the link to "Merchandise" on the homepage here. All that happened was the page refreshed so as to open on the homepage again.
I'm wondering if the owner, or Admin. , ever considered creating merchandise to promote not only Christian, but to spread the good news of Christ in the process? You can create everything from coasters to tee shirts to jewelery. Even watches. The artist/creator gets a percentage. It all starts with setting up your own store front there. It could be named Christian Forums.Net.
There are a lot of Christian themed products already at that website. The proceeds could go to further the ministry of this forum. Just put the store link, that Zazzle provides, on the site here. And members here can even share a link to that store on their social media accounts, etc... All available at Zazzle.

I keep seeing the banner here asking for donations to keep the board and ministry online so that the owner doesn't have to resort to including advertising here. This may be a great way to raise money and awareness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I found the site when I was looking for something for my puppy. Yes, they even have pet items you can create.
Think of the possibilities. There could be a design competition where members here design something to represent CFN. Or we could all contribute our ideas in general and have then translated onto tee shirts, cards, posters, framed canvas, baby clothes, pacifiers, you name it, it looks like Zazzle has it.

I had to stop browsing because there's just too much stuff there.

Zazzle (Link)

Just a thought. The store owner sets the percentage they'll receive from the merchandise they create. And the Zazzle system readjusts the suggested retail price accordingly. It looks very user friendly. You can even upload your own pictures, etc... and keep them in an album to use for the future merchandise creation/designs.

What do you think? :)
I could see this gaining some traction. Redbubble or CafePress are a couple of sites that come to mind that would make this easy. And the proceeds could go toward supporting the site, and eventually for charity organizations the site could be affiliated with.
I've not heard of Redbubble, but CafePress not only takes a percentage of each piece of merchandise sold at retail price, but charges a monthly fee to their store customers as well.
Whereas Zazzle store is free to that customer. Allowing them to obtain a percentage in royalty from the retail sale of each piece of merchandise they create/sell.

In other words, Zazzle lets the customer create their merchandise, post it for sale in their store, and you can design a store front too, and have banner ad's and even flash board slide shows that show off your merchandise, and Zazzle gives you the embedded code so you can add it to a website, like this one, and its all at no monthly fee.

You simply get a royalty back for every retail piece of merchandise you sell. So you get paid without every paying anything to run your store at Zazzle.

CafePress doesn't do that. They bill you monthly and take a huge percentage of your retail sale and give you your royalty. So what are you really making in royalty? When no matter what you net in royalty, if you net anything each month, you're still owing CafePress that month for your store cost.
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Redbubble is free to join. The way it works is there is a base price for any item you post, which is the amount that goes back to redbubble, any amount you set above that base price you keep. For example: t-shirts start at $20, then you add on whatever percentage you want to make above that; however, if someone buys in large amount, they get a discount.

Recently I purchased some stickers of a logo I had made, and because I bought 8 of them I paid the same price as if I had bought 4.
Hey, nothing says CFN has to limit itself to just one outlet. :) The more exposure CFN has, say at Redbubble and Zazzle, since they're both free to join, the more people CFN can reach in ministry. :bible:cross


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