Hi J-M
I've never smoked either, so I didn't take the time to read those links to Carr's methods, & maybe others - did any smoker find them helpful?
Someone may wanna yahoo ASH - I'd be very surprised if they don't offer help
I recall, as an asthmatic in school, some guys laughing at my wheezing after strenuous exercise
I said, "I have no choice @ my chest, but if you guys go on smoking like you do, & we meet up in 10 years time, I guarantee I'll be fitter than you"
Only @ 3 years after leaving school, I was on a bus & saw maybe the fittest of those 4 guys walking on the pavement & up some steps, smoking
He already had a beer gut that made him look @ least 6 months pregnant
It's now 40 years since we left school: I'll be 59 in @ 8 weeks & I still make sure I do over an hour of brisk walking a day & some daily dancing to music stations as I do my chores - an old karaoke pal, 8 years younger than I, can only walk @ halfway across a pub before stopping, stooped over, leaning on 1 knee, panting for ages
Guys, go back & click those links, as I know folk start feeling the benefit of stopping smoking within just a few days, & progressive benefits as time goes on - inc food tasting better & flowers etc smelling sweeter, yes?
I know another dear friend gave up, years ago, using those nicotine-flavoured chewing gums that satisfy the cravings without doing the harm, & she got many of her friends to give up the same way
What help can others offer?
Just time to recommend
The 700 Club regular health features on
http://www.God.TV etc
God bless!