William Putnam
- Thread starter
- #21
PotLuck said:The angels, including Satan, and the rest of the creatures of the heavenly realm cannot inherent God's kingdom. Therefore "born of woman" is needed to make that distinction.
The angels, including Satan, have already been tested! Most have passed the test, but a few did not, especially Satan.

Nicodemus has already been "born of a woman." He wanted to know how to be "born again. The key word is again.
Since Nicodemus cannot reenter his mothers womb for a second birth, another kind of "rebirthing" is to take place. Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan, which Jesus takes as that method of being "BORN AGAIN" in HIs gospel message and new covenant.
I suppose it is so obvious to me, seeing this through my "Catholic glasses," but I saw it the same way in my Protestant days as well. 8-)
God bless,
Christus Vincit! Christus Regnat! Christus Imperat!