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[__ Science __ ] How Could the Ark Have Survived the Stresses of the Flood?

Creationists could settle this quickly by building an Ark, loading up the requisite people and animals, and then setting it adrift in the sea with no aid from the outside, for a year.

I think I know why they'll never do that.
I think I know why they'll never do that.
A lack of pre-flood gopher Wood and piles of 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 .

14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
A replica ark has been on display publicly unless it's gone now.
It was long proven the ark was totally able to fulfill the purpose The Creator Himself determined! Just as written in The Creator's Word , the Bible.
A replica ark has been on display publicly unless it's gone now.
Still there , I would like to see it up close :) . Experience Bible history at the life-size Noah’s Ark!
It was long proven the ark was totally able to fulfill the purpose The Creator Himself determined! Just as written in The Creator's Word , the Bible.
Of course ! You are preaching to the choir ⛪ :lol .

I believe you will like this site follower , Flood Legends From Around the World .
AIG already built an ark, so they had enough money.
They built a replica of the biblical Ark . Sea worthy ? I could build a replica of an F-15 but it would not have to fly .
And there are much better woods available today, than "gopher wood."
How did you determine this ? Do you have some gopher wood to run a test on ?
And better sealants than pitch.
What were the specifications for the pitch used by Noah ? Like I said before there are a lot of variables we don't know about .
How did you determine this ? Do you have some gopher wood to run a test on ?

What were the specifications for the pitch used by Noah ?

Synthetic materials now available are much better.
Man often thinks he can do better than his god. Or even better than One True God.
God didn't give Noah a boat. Noah built it himself. But of course wood like teak and mahogany are better than the woods available to Noah in the Middle East.

And we all know that the problem with trying to recreate the Ark has nothing to do with how long the hull will stand up.

Synthetic materials now available are much better.
Well your gopher wood article kind of left it up to us to decide what "gopher" wood is :lol.
Quote from article .

2. Gopher Wood comes from multiple tree species- You might expect that this type of wood would come from just one single tree species, but the reality is quite different; with thirteen species of timber known collectively as “gopher wood”. This includes Yew, Maple and even Cedar trees!

" Hey Ham ! Go fer some wood , we are out ! " :lol .
Well your gopher wood article kind of left it up to us to decide what "gopher" wood is :lol.
Yes. It's essentially old growth wood, not a particular species. But that's not why creationists will never put their interpretation of the flood story to a test.
They built a replica of the biblical Ark . Sea worthy ? I could build a replica of an F-15 but it would not have to fly .

How did you determine this ? Do you have some gopher wood to run a test on ?

What were the specifications for the pitch used by Noah ? Like I said before there are a lot of variables we don't know about .
In all the infinity of God, not even one time was God wrong, from before Creation, in all Creation, and Forever and Ever and Always without end God is never wrong.