Hmm...alright. If you, Grubal, feel that my questions are forcing you into conclusions, we can simply stop discussing. You are not obligated to continue a discussion at all. I'd rather have you say "you don't know" to something than be forced into concluding erroneously for the sake of responding.
If your answer hinges on the actual timeline of Christ's death on the cross, then Christ must have addressed this to everyone - believer and unbeliever. But in John 8:24, he says only the unbelievers will die in their sins, implying that the believers would not. Your timeline argument fails here.
Also, Jesus should have addressed only those unbelievers who would die before Jesus' death for your interpretation to be valid - but that's not derived from John 8:24.
Have all the OT saints died in their sins? Your timeline argument implies so.
What distinction is there between jew and gentile with respect to Jesus' redemptive work?
you said---Hmm...alright. If you, Grubal, feel that my questions are forcing you into conclusions, we can simply stop discussing. You are not obligated to continue a discussion at all. I'd rather have you say "you don't know" to something than be forced into concluding erroneously for the sake of responding.
Grubal---- My goal here is not to "make things up as I go" but to try and answer the questions as I believe them to be." I'm surely not "privy" to ALL things Spiritual...
you said----If your answer hinges on the actual timeline of Christ's death on the cross, then Christ must have addressed this to everyone - believer and unbeliever. But in John 8:24, he says only the unbelievers will die in their sins, implying that the believers would not. Your timeline argument fails here.
Grubal----Jesus was speaking to the Jews in specific to the Pharisees. There is no"timeline failure" Christ had not gone to the cross when He was speaking to these folks. Therefore, the sin question had not been taken care of by Christ Himself. Also the people He was speaking to were still living under the Law and therefore were accountable to the Law. The reason He said, the unbelievers would die in their sins, is because without the Atonement that was about to take place, there was no "ultimate sacrifice" for their sins. Those, no doubt, who received Christ (with faith) at the time He was talking to them, would not die in their sins, due to the fact they put their trust in Him. But, those who rejected Him as "Messiah" (such as the Pharisees) would, die in their sins, having not a Saviour who would indeed, pay for the sins of the world, in a short while...
you said----Also, Jesus should have addressed only those unbelievers who would die before Jesus' death for your interpretation to be valid - but that's not derived from John 8:24.
Grubal---were not told who would or would not die before Jesus death (that wasn't the issue here) Christ came to the Jews and was truly "their" Messiah, but they rejected Him. And He said to them that rejected Him, they would therefore, die in their sins. that's the context. No timeline failed and Jesus was speaking to all that were around listening at that time (not just unbelievers) He was addressing everyone...
you said----Have all the OT saints died in their sins? Your timeline argument implies so.
Grubal----Take Abraham for instance, the Bible tells us, "(Romans 4:3) "For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness." Those who were obedient to God and served Him did not die in their sins. Previous to the Law men were judged by their works. Salvation has always been by Faith, in the Old Testament and the New...
you said----What distinction is there between jew and gentile with respect to Jesus' redemptive work?
Grubal----there is none. We the Gentiles have been "grafted" in. And now those (Jew or Gentile) who place their faith in Christ are "equal heirs" A child of God, however, you want to put it...The Body of Christ, etc...