I have nothing else, no friends, got kicked out of college, stay in a dinky place, I have nothing this world would seem as valuable...how do I have joy in the Lord?
Especially when my faith and trust in him is marred... What do i do?
Sailing soul, you are going some where, right now.
If you allow yourself, you will sail closer to God.
As you seek him, reach out to help others.
Do you know how many ways a person can help another?
You don't have to know them.
You just need to know Jesus and with every help you give another, you are helping Jesus.
Now here is an important thing to remember.
God will never be in debt to you.
If you do something to serve the living God, he will do more for you in return.
What do you think?
Does he know your needs?
Will he give you a new pail and shovel if what you need is a friend?
He knows your needs better than you do.
And he will give these gifts to you in the time that he sees is right.
He will not overwhelm you with gifts nor will he let you go without.
So joy in the Lord starts with a relationship with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit will give us all the joy we could ever want or need, especially in hard times.
So do not fret.
Rejoice that God loves you and is right now preparing what next good thing is coming your way.