- Mar 29, 2005
- 181
- 33
By His sacrifice on the cross God showed us that His love for us is pure, selfless and sacrificial. When we believe in His love we will find complete peace, because the love He expressed for us makes us confident of His help to us in time of trouble. It also gives us consolation to know that He is with us in our suffering because He too went through our suffering, and a feeling of rejection and loneliness. Even when it appears that we are receiving absolutely no help and are in mortal danger, we will still find peace knowing that He already has a place for us in heaven for all eternity. Furthermore, when our spirit is one with Him we will find rest because He alone is the consolation to our spirit (Matthew 11:29). Furthermore, when we trust Him, we will be free of fear; and freedom from fear will make us selfless; and selflessness will bring us peace by freeing us of fear, jealousy, hate and revenge.