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  • Focus on the Family

    Strengthening families through biblical principles.

    Focus on the Family addresses the use of biblical principles in parenting and marriage to strengthen the family.

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Heard of "The Gospel"? Want to know more?

    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

  • Site Restructuring

    The site is currently undergoing some restructuring, which will take some time. Sorry for the inconvenience if things are a little hard to find right now.

    Please let us know if you find any new problems with the way things work and we will get them fixed. You can always report any problems or difficulty finding something in the Talk With The Staff / Report a site issue forum.

How Long?


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How long is the wait for approval of one to this site????? Just curious and yes, a little impatient!:biggrinunno
Depends on when the mods are online and when they check for new posts. Sometimes it's pretty quick, and sometimes it's several hours later.
The mods are all volunteers... most have jobs etc.... we try.... which reminds me to go check the LLR! Welcome to the forums...
Thanks and my given name is Reba also...the avatar you use could be my first grade pic also. lol Uncanny it is or NOT,,,we live NOT by chance but by purpose. I am probably near a century older than you however. Peace Rec
Thanks and my given name is Reba also...the avatar you use could be my first grade pic also. lol Uncanny it is or NOT,,,we live NOT by chance but by purpose. I am probably near a century older than you however. Peace Rec

Hi Rec/ Reba: There is already a nice person called reba on here, and I'm sure you are a nice person, too... :)
That photo is about 62 years old! Rebecca is my given name.... Welcome to the forums.... i agree we are not here or there by chance..... :thumbsup

Thanks farouk !


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