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How Many Times Have You Read?


Staff member
I would be interesting to know how many times members here have read their bible through from Genesis to Revelations?

I would be interesting to know how many times members here have read their bible through from Genesis to Revelations?

I don't know. Maybe a half-dozen. Well, not necessarily read but listened to. I'm not much of a reader but for the past few years I have made it a point to listen to the Bible beginning on January 1. I find the NIV Dramatized version found at Bible Gateway to be good for me. It adds background noise and mixes different voices to bring the Scriptures to life.

This year I decided to start with Matthew so didn't hear the whole Bible but only the New Testament.

I also attend a weekly prayer breakfast and we are now in Jeremiah on our second time through the Bible. It takes us a few years to go through the whole thing but we are studying just a couple chapters at a time this way. As a member of The Gideons International, our local camp meets once a week and again we will pick a chapter in the Bible to start our meetings plus every evening, well, most evenings when I lay down to sleep I read the daily chapter from our Gideon's Bible in a Year plan.
I don't know. Maybe a half-dozen. Well, not necessarily read but listened to. I'm not much of a reader but for the past few years I have made it a point to listen to the Bible beginning on January 1. I find the NIV Dramatized version found at Bible Gateway to be good for me. It adds background noise and mixes different voices to bring the Scriptures to life.

This year I decided to start with Matthew so didn't hear the whole Bible but only the New Testament.

I also attend a weekly prayer breakfast and we are now in Jeremiah on our second time through the Bible. It takes us a few years to go through the whole thing but we are studying just a couple chapters at a time this way. As a member of The Gideons International, our local camp meets once a week and again we will pick a chapter in the Bible to start our meetings plus every evening, well, most evenings when I lay down to sleep I read the daily chapter from our Gideon's Bible in a Year plan.

WIP I have been doing a similar thing. A strategy from the Lord. This is the third time I have gone through the whole bible within 6 - 8 weeks. I listen to Max Mclean who narrates the kjv, using wireless headphones so I can do chores and things as I go along. The key for me is that it gets transferred into my heart. Sometimes I may not be listening but my spiritman is and it is being transferred. I would not usually choose the kjv when it comes to bible preferences but I like his dramatic expression combined with his soothing yet authoritative voice....
I would be interesting to know how many times members here have read their bible through from Genesis to Revelations?


Once I think as well. I converted over to doing sort of the opposite, and concentrating very heavily on individual gospels (Matthew especially) and then on individual epistles (James, Jude & 2 Peter, then 2 Thessalonians, 1 Thessalonians, 1st Corinthians, Colossians, etc). I also began favoring the NT heavily over the OT, but that's a common scholarship thing; most tend to either gravitate to one or the other.

But what you are talking about here is especially helpful for hearing the voice of God. If you hear the whole thing audibly, the Spirit can then bring it back to your memory, so there is a special value in it.

Not something I have even attempted in a long time, but I might, depending on the context.
WIP I have been doing a similar thing. A strategy from the Lord. This is the third time I have gone through the whole bible within 6 - 8 weeks. I listen to Max Mclean who narrates the kjv, using wireless headphones so I can do chores and things as I go along. The key for me is that it gets transferred into my heart. Sometimes I may not be listening but my spiritman is and it is being transferred. I would not usually choose the kjv when it comes to bible preferences but I like his dramatic expression combined with his soothing yet authoritative voice....
What I find is that very often when I read or listen to the Bible I notice things that seem to jump out at me.
I would be interesting to know how many times members here have read their bible through from Genesis to Revelations?

Too many times to count. But in recent years I have been trying different Bible reading plans that I created so as not to have to need anything that tells you what to read for the day. You simply read so many chapters a day - thus some readings are long, and others are short and one gets a "vacation" of sorts when reading short chapters such as in the Psalms. My latest experiment is a 260-day plan (I wanted something where I actually read the Bible SLOWER) than I have been. There's 1189 chapters in the Bible, and 260 chapters in the NT. For the new Testament, you read one chapter a day from beginning to end no matter what the day is. As for the Old Testament, I read 2 chapters in the morning and one at night - I double up my reading to be 4 in the morning and 3 chapters at night on the Sabbath (or some specifically selected day where a person can double up their reading). This mathematically works out to be complete in 260 days (8.5 months) without feeling one is reading too much. I don't care if one needs to mark the chapters where they have been or are going (e.g. on a disposable bookmark) but the idea is not to need to print out or some list to check off. All one needs is a bookmark (actually two).

On a side note here, it goes very easy if one uses an audio Bible such as the Blue Letter Bible and follows along. I follow along at 1.25x and have them read the NKJV while I compare it to the Old KJV that I read. The two translations are similar with old idioms and archaic words replaced mostly, but in some areas you don't know if you are reading the NKJV or KJV.
This is my third time through the entire bible (Genesis to Revelations) in a matter of two months. I am reading/listening to 1 samuel at the moment. There's a part in 1 Samuel that states that the title of Seer was changed to Prophet. Very interesting stuff and there is always something new to be found if it wasn't picked up the first time. I'm Loving it! 😍
I would be interesting to know how many times members here have read their bible through from Genesis to Revelations?

Once for me . I tend to read a lot of times in Acts and Revelation and then the rest of the NT . But there is so much interconnectedness between the OT and NT and sometimes I find myself back reading in the OT after I see a connection in the NT .
Very interesting stuff and there is always something new to be found if it wasn't picked up the first time.
With me it is like , " What ! ? I did not see that the first few time I read it ? :lol" The more I read and study the more the scripture seems to expand and grow or something like that :) . Hard to describe :chin .