I have a neruomuscular disease, Muscular dystrophy is a Neruomuscular disease, not what I have but closest thing to it that makes it easy to explain. Mine comes with bonuses though, After walking even 2 feet I feel exhausted. I have mitochondrial myopothy. my cells cannot produce the energy they need to function. Because of this being a cellular genetic disesae without treatment or cure there's not much they can do. My cells can't product the energy they need to even walk across the room. Aside from that my muscles are degrading and my nerves in my legs are dieing. so no real herbal remedies that will fix it, the most I can hope for with anything is to stop the progression of the disease as it is a degenerative disease. There's a few supplements that may help things a little but nothing will really fix it all I can hope is it doesn't continue to progress at the rate it has.