2024 Supporter
Let's toss this around some. Scripture says, words have the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21).
Do you believe that? There's no way for us to be able to see that our words are so powerful here on earth. Some I have. I've heard plenty of testimonies where people had raised others from the dead. (It was really Gods power but someone prayed for it to happen and then it did. No way to verify these for truth unless you have actually been present when it happened. But over time I have heard so many testimonies about raising the dead that it stands to reson to me that, they can't all be lying, can they? Besides, I do believe that Jesus rose from the dead, (and scripture says many dead saints also rose from the dead and went all around Jerusalem visiting family and stuff to show themselves, presumably to prove it to people and give witness before they ascended to Heaven with Jesus...I think.) Even Andrew Wommack says his son was raised. He died somehow and Andrew couldn't get to the hospital for four hours, and he said his son was long dead and had turned all sorts of black and purple and stuff, and he just refused to accept that he was dead so prayed and God heard him. So...these things happen.
But, but...if I can tell a mountain to move into the sea, then how come certain dogs I've had were untrainable and sort of just did what they wanted to do? And I've never seen a cat follow orders, lol!
So what do you think? I'd love to hear some comments about this topic.
Do you believe that? There's no way for us to be able to see that our words are so powerful here on earth. Some I have. I've heard plenty of testimonies where people had raised others from the dead. (It was really Gods power but someone prayed for it to happen and then it did. No way to verify these for truth unless you have actually been present when it happened. But over time I have heard so many testimonies about raising the dead that it stands to reson to me that, they can't all be lying, can they? Besides, I do believe that Jesus rose from the dead, (and scripture says many dead saints also rose from the dead and went all around Jerusalem visiting family and stuff to show themselves, presumably to prove it to people and give witness before they ascended to Heaven with Jesus...I think.) Even Andrew Wommack says his son was raised. He died somehow and Andrew couldn't get to the hospital for four hours, and he said his son was long dead and had turned all sorts of black and purple and stuff, and he just refused to accept that he was dead so prayed and God heard him. So...these things happen.
But, but...if I can tell a mountain to move into the sea, then how come certain dogs I've had were untrainable and sort of just did what they wanted to do? And I've never seen a cat follow orders, lol!
So what do you think? I'd love to hear some comments about this topic.
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