Dave Slayer said:
Many who claim to have the gift of healing will often say that you aren't guranteed to be healed, or it depends on how much faith you have in getting healed.
I think that is what is referred to as "CYB". It provides for a convenient "out" for when the healing doesn't work. "I'll take your money to heal you, but if it doesn't work, it's your fault."
Dave Slayer said:
It seems to me that most of the healings done today are quite small compared to the healings in the Bible. I know people who say they know people who have been healed but won't take their own sick family members to be healed. Why is that? It's always hearsay it seems like. How come we never see someone who was born blind given site? Has God limited His healing power to headaches and bad knees?
I know that some will go ballistic here for me to say this, but I really think that are two reasons for this:
One, because we have alternatives. The blind do have sight restored. The lame can walk again. It's called modern medicine. I was going blind. My eyesight had always been bad and there came a time when it got to the point that it was so bad, corrective lenses could no longer correct my vision. I prayed that the Lord would restore my sight. Then, there is a really long story of an amazing way that, in spite of that the FDA banned the need surgery in the States, in spite of the fact that I was spit poor, and in spite of the fact that I no insurance, I was able to recieve a sight restoring surgery in Canada. I still wear glasses for walking around and driving and such, but I'm sitting right now with no glasses or anything and can see perfectly well to write this. It's an amazing story of God's provision.
Could He had restored my vision via miracle? Yes. Without a doubt He could have. Was it because of my "lack of faith" in Him that He didn't. No, not at all, because I don't for a moment lack in faith that He could have.
So, why no miracle? This gets into my second reason as to why we don't see the healings that are described in the Bible all that often anymore. Let me ask this? Why should He have worked a miracle regarding my sight? I didn't need one. God doesn't need to prove Himself to me by performing miracles. He does promise to provide for my every need, and He did so and I praise Him for it.
Perhaps He should have provided the miracle so that others would be wowed by my testimony. Hey, I tell others all the time of God's love, of His care, of His provision, of His promise of eternal life. If they are going to reject all the truths about God that I have shared, they'll reject the truth of a miracle as well.
Most people are always whining "I would believe if I had a sign or a miracle" but the truth of the matter is, if they aren't going to believe in the gospel, then they aren't going to believe in a miracle.
Read John 6:1-31.
Here is a summary of what happened:
Jesus was preaching to a crowd of over 5000.
The crowd was hungry.
Jesus performed a miracle and the crowd of 5000 was fed with 5 loaves of bread and two fish.
The crowd was so awed by the miracle they were going to take Jesus by force and make Him king.
Jesus left the area and went to the other side of the sea.
The crowds followed and caught up with Him the very next day.
After a discussion about signs and food this is what the crowd, the very same people who had been miraculously fed just within 24 hours said:
"What then do You do for a sign that we may see and believe You? What work do You perform?"
See what I mean?