- Jul 8, 2011
- 34
- 0
Such a controversial title above could be subject enough, but allow me to explain myself.
As a semi-young Christian, the theology I adopted from my Christian upbringing is still undergoing testing; whether it be from my own queries into it, from others' queries, and simply just from the challenges and tests God sends my way day by day.
For a good while, with the Lord's guidance and not my own (I pray and seek), I have prayed, hoped and sought for a female partner on my path who might eventually come to be my wife and so companion on my journey. At the same time, I've struggled with the thought that God may not intend for me to have a wife.
Along this pattern of thought, I've sought too for any possible answers to the question of if I should seek or not within books and on the net.
Some of these responses have led me to be drawn back to Genesis 2, where occurs the initialisation of marriage as a part of human life. Yet as I read over again and again, the question has occurred to me of why humans should need other humans (I again think particularly of a single human of the opposite gender as opposed to multiple humans) as companions and helpers.
The question is particularly poignant as I think back on God's will for whether I should seek or not; if not, then my life is all the more focused on him, and he is all the more my companion and helper. If I should seek, then my eyes are divided. It seems to me like it should be a bad thing, but I know marriage can be very good; not only from the Bible, but from observation.
Why is it good that our attention should be divided between God and another? Surely the Lord is the best companion and helper in all the heavens and on earth?
As a semi-young Christian, the theology I adopted from my Christian upbringing is still undergoing testing; whether it be from my own queries into it, from others' queries, and simply just from the challenges and tests God sends my way day by day.
For a good while, with the Lord's guidance and not my own (I pray and seek), I have prayed, hoped and sought for a female partner on my path who might eventually come to be my wife and so companion on my journey. At the same time, I've struggled with the thought that God may not intend for me to have a wife.
Along this pattern of thought, I've sought too for any possible answers to the question of if I should seek or not within books and on the net.
Some of these responses have led me to be drawn back to Genesis 2, where occurs the initialisation of marriage as a part of human life. Yet as I read over again and again, the question has occurred to me of why humans should need other humans (I again think particularly of a single human of the opposite gender as opposed to multiple humans) as companions and helpers.
The question is particularly poignant as I think back on God's will for whether I should seek or not; if not, then my life is all the more focused on him, and he is all the more my companion and helper. If I should seek, then my eyes are divided. It seems to me like it should be a bad thing, but I know marriage can be very good; not only from the Bible, but from observation.
Why is it good that our attention should be divided between God and another? Surely the Lord is the best companion and helper in all the heavens and on earth?