Thank you Mike. I`ve been calling all over this "morning" American time, and still I have no answer. But I am starting to see videos and pictures and the latest report I read on my hometown was "it was leveled" and even gory stuff like a "a horse head was decapitated" so it is tough seeing and hearing this stuff. It is one thing to go through a disaster yourself, but I think it is much harder to have your aged parents go through one and you can`t get in touch with them to know they are okay. It is MUCH more difficult. I can`t imagine going to bed tonight not knowing they are okay, yet something tells me I am not going to find out so quickly.
To top this off, I got a call from the school tonight that said there was some radiation in the dust. We had a very big sand storm yesterday that the children had to walk home in (I was on "patrol" duty meaning I have been escorting the first graders in my neighborhood home every day for the month so I was in it too). We came home with dust in our ears, eyes and throats. Anyway, the school told us if our child get sick don`t waste one second, get them to the emergency room right away because it is serious and children are already falling ill. So I hope my neighborhood group of children are okay. Before I took them home, those who had masks I put on them and others I told to cover their faces with hankerchiefs and I tried to shield the ones close to me from the sand. I hope it will be enough, and I hope my children don`t fall ill while I`m trying to locate my parents.
Anyway, I hope to have good news to share soon, and I know I should not worry. Maybe the best thing for me to do is just take a break and pray too which I will do now.